Gamers Eight Epilogue part 1

Bloodstone awoke, hanging upside down from a tree. There were three goblins arguing over a leather backpack. His arms had been bound behind him and his feet were tied. The rope went up over a heavy branch and was tied to another tree.  He swung slightly in the breeze about a foot off the ground. A small pile of wet mud was below him, and pieces fell off as he swung in the slight breeze.

His two bags of holding and the case for his book were off to one side in a pile. Along with his sword one of the goblins had it in his left hand.

Well at least I’m out of the mud” he mumbled.

The goblin became more animated pushing one another and one gesturing to the muddy thing they had hanging.

Bloodstone untied the knot using


and dropped to the ground. “OOF”

The goblins looked startled, and the one tried to draw the sword, and it wouldn’t come out of the sheath. He threw it down and grabbed a crude club, more of a twisted branch.

The goblin swung and Bloodstone backed up. The other goblins threw stones. “Look stop before someone gets hurt.”

The goblin kept swinging, Bloodstone glanced at his sword and used the skill [telekenisis] again and pulled the blade to his left hand. Turning the blade slightly he pulled it free of the scabbard.

The goblin went wide eyed and ran.

Bloodstone put the blade back, and began gathering his things. He touched behind his ear and didn’t find the communication device. There was some crusted blood and mud. “Well shit” he mumbled to himself. And another shock is that his ear was pointed, “Oh yeah the curse, where the heck am I?”

He checked the backpack and saw they eggs were still intact. Opening his main bag of holding there he found a hardboiled egg that tasted like leather, and some stale bread, that he washed down with the last of his water.

He checked the food and realized that Violet still had all the food supplies. “I’m going to starve, half a loaf of bread.” He saw the goblin peeking at him as he ate the bread. “Here you can have the rest” he said setting the bread down on a larger log.

He left them and picked a direction and started walking. After about an hour of walking he came out of the wooded area to a clearing with a road running across it.

“First thing where is that bugged ring” he started digging in the second bag of holding and pulled out a gold ring with a single diamond set into the gold. He looked at the ring, it was noisy, the ring was not balanced properly and looking at it in the light he could see it was junk unless he could fix it properly. He sat down by a tree and set to work fixing it. The sun was beginning to set when he finished the ring and put it on. He then got up and started walking along the road picking the direction of the setting sun. As the sun began to set he realized that he hadn’t had anything to eat, since early morning.

The road wound through woods, and onto what looked like fields, with stone walls about chest high. “None of this looks familiar” He saw a farm house off in the distance and walked along the road, he did find a path that lead up to the farm house. He walked up the path, and got to the front door. The farm house had been abandoned for a while. The door was broken open. He listened and all he heard was the wind blowing the distant trees.

There was a large barn, and he looked at it and turned back to the road, the barn was partially burned out. “Where am I?”

He walked until he was out of site of the farmhouse and there were no more fields’ just wooded areas that had the dirt road through them. He stopped and unpacked the sleeping roll from his primary bag, just off the path, he went to sleep.

The sun woke him very early and his stomach grumbled. He heard a wagon coming from the direction he was traveling and packed up the roll and walked to the side of the road.

It was an ox drawn wagon, pulling a wagon filled with what looked like beets. The man driving looked older and was dressed plainly, with a hat on his head. He smiled a partially toothless smiled. The wagon driver slowed down and stopped, “Morning to you” He said.

“Morning, could you tell me where the nearest town is” He asked

“Bout an hour or so in the direction I am going.”

“Would you mind if I caught a ride with you?”

“What’s a young feller doing out in these parts,” The older man asked.

“Getting lost, I am totally turned around; could you tell me the name of the nearest town?”

“Well they call it Telizmet, I think it’s just a rather sorry excuse for a mud hole, nothing there to see or worth stopping for, me I’m on my way to the city.”

“I see, what city?”

“Why Invrisil,, I take my beets in every first harvest. I don’t mind you keeping me company; maybe keep them bandits from giving me any hassle.”

Bloodstone smacked his forehead, “I was going the wrong way!”

The old man chuckled as he climbed up to the seat next to him. “You been wrastling pigs kid? You stink, like one my hogs”

“Sorry haven’t found a place to wash the mud off this armor. I don’t even have clothes that fit anymore.”

“You like beets kid?” he asked.

“Can’t say that I know what they are like.”

“You some noble kid run away from home, with that fancy sword?”

“No nothing like that, just lost is all.”

The old man eyed him and snorted, “Well whats yur story.”

“You wouldn’t believe me.”

“Try me, I have been around a long time in these parts.”

Bloodstone told him how he had woken up chest deep in the mud, being attacked by goblins and being lost in the woods.

The old man laughed, “them goblins, are right ornery critters, your lucky they didn’t eat you for breakfast.”

The old man who Bloodstone had learned was named Everad, and was a beet [farmer]. They passed the time talking about the locals and the weather and storms that had passed recently.

They rounded a bend in the road and into the town, the roads were still muddy, and created deep ruts where the wheels pushed the squishy mud out of the way. The ox was having a difficult time, as it approached the center of town. There was a brand new building off to one side of the road, “That’s new“ Everad said noting the inn, he didn’t even slow down just kept the ox moving through the slick mud.

“Hey Everad,” A man called.

“What do you want Boultend”, Everad asked.

“I thought you might want to stop at the inn.”

“Why, I have a deadline to keep and these roads plain suck, I thought you were going to get them fixed.”

“We built the inn, to get more people to stop.”

“Bah, idiot!” Everad said loudly.

“Inn?” Bloodstone asked Everad.

“Don’t bother, we will stop at a good place this evening, if your hungry eat one of my beets”

 Bloodstone took one of the beets and bit into it. It was delicious.  “Mmmm mm mmmm mmmm mmm” He said chewing.

“They all say that” Everad laughed.

They drove out of the muddy area and back onto the road, Everad complaining about the [Headman] and his lack of common sense.

They stopped two towns over at an inn, it was a descent sized inn but there seemed to be an empty. The innkeeper looked frazzled.  Everad, and Bloodstone were talking to the [innkeeper].

“What do you mean he moved?” Everad asked for the third time.

“He got a better offer and sold this inn, I figured how hard can it be?” The innkeeper said.

“So where did he move to?” Everad asked.

“Some new inn a couple of towns west of here by the river,” The innkeeper said, “Do you want a room or not?”

“At them prices that’s highway robbery. Eight silvers for a night, to stay in the stables. C’mon kid we can do better.” Everad turned to leave.

“I can pay if,“ Bloodstone offered.

“Kid, don’t waste your money.” Everad said leaving in disgust

Bloodstone followed him, “What now?”

“We camp outside kid, your not afraid of the outdoors?” Everad asked him and the both climbed back onto the wagon.

“No, I think twelve silvers are a bit high for one night when the inn is that empty.” Bloodstone replied.

“Highway robbery is what it is, It’s been two silvers, ever since that inn was built. Now if there’s a festival or something, I could see a rate increase.” They rode out of town.

A little way out of town they pulled over into a grassy wooded area, and watched the sun set.

Bloodstone used his sleeping gear and setup the tent.

“You must be someone important to have a magic bag like that, I never did ask your name kid.” Everad said helping with the tent.

“Oh sorry, I didn’t realizes I hadn’t introduced myself.”

“It’s ok kid, I figured you didn’t want people to know who you were, in case someone wanted to try and kidnap you for a ransom. Your folks know your running around the countryside?”

“Uhhh, hu hu hu, I’m older than I look. Only ones that are most likely worried about me are my wives.”

“Now there’s no need to make up stories. This side is all set.”

“Well if that’s true are you running from your obligations?” He teased.

“Nope I am just lost. Though how I got here most likely could be duplicated, I like breathing.”

“You’re a little strange kid.”

Bloodstone shrugged, “You asked.”

“So where are you from?”

“Originally another world, called Earth, or Terra. I was summoned to Rhir a few months back.”

“Now I know your trying to pull the wool over my eyes. You get here by ship then?”

“No I…I fell from throwing a dangerous monster, I tried going home but something is preventing me.”

“Well if you are really telling me the truth, then you best keep that to yourself. Some of the nobles around these parts, are always looking for the angle.”

“Thanks, I haven’t given it much thought.”

“I know a noble kid, when I see them. Your a lot nicer than most of them I have had the misfortune of dealing with.”

“Who’s the local noble here in this area?”

“That would be Lady Reinhart, strict but fair, only ever met her once when she was checking all the farms, asked me some pointed questions, asked if planned on growing anything other than beets. Never saw her again after I politely told her that I liked growing beets.”

Bloodstone finished, and sat down on one of the folding wooden chairs from the bag of holding. “That’s pretty handy, kid,”

“Oh? I have two more I think my wife walked off with the last one in the set.”

They talked for about an hour, about various subjects, and Invrisil the city of adventures. Everad was soon asleep, Bloodstone sat in the wooden chair starring at the night sky. Nothing had gone as he planned, he had at least two objectives, once contact Coreen and let her know he was in Izril, and unable to teleport back home, due to some curse or error conditions he was under. The second was he needed to deliver the two new antinium to the antinium on Izril. A third objective was to find his ear piece; it needed to be found as it had full access to the network. He wasn’t tired, and for some reason this bothered him more so that he though.

I didn’t take them long to make the trip to the gates of Invrisil. The guards were checking wagons and there was another line for foot traffic.

Everard got into the line of wagon taking goods to the market. Bloodstone had given him one of the three folding chairs, for when he decided to sell his goods. “I’ll see you at the inn tonight?”

“Sure, I will try and stop over in the market, if I have time.”

“Sure kid.”

Bloodstone decide that his first order of business was to send a message to Coreen and try and get the encryption key to the communication hub. With it he could try and locate his missing comm device.  The difficulty was that there were only a couple of people who even had any idea what the key was and where to find it. Those included Newton, Lady Amethyst and Kuya, possibly Xrye would know but she had issues with the computer and didn’t have a mindset to use it. Brigitte would know what it was but would not have any idea how to find it. He couldn’t include instructions, and the key itself would have to be disguised. Newton would know how to do that, since it was his idea initially to use them.  His second order of business would to be to get changed, and to do that he needed to get some clothes, and out of the leather armor he had been wearing for about two weeks now.

The guard didn’t even say anything as he walked into the city. It was busy at the gate, and he moved along with traffic until he got to a less congested area and asked a guardsman where he could find a place to send a message.

“Well if you need a runner, there’s the runner’s guild, and just next door is the mages messaging. You new to the city?” the young man said eyeing him.

“Yes, it’s a pretty big place any advice?”

“Yeah, stay out of trouble.”

“Good to know, could you give me directions to the runners guild?”

“Yeah the adventurers guild is on the same block.” The guard then called over one of the kids in the street, “Hey show this guy where the runners guild is.”

The kid held out his hand, the guard looked at Bloodstone.

Bloodstone dropped a silver coin into the kid’s palm, “This way mister.”

He followed the kid through the streets, noting landmarks and places of interest. When they arrived the kid asked him, “You need anything else mister?”

“Yes, now that you mention it, would you be willing to wait for me, ill make sure you get lunch and you can show me where a few things are? Up to you if you’re here when I get out.”

“Sure mister.”

He nodded and entered the mage’s guild. There were two [receptionists], and he walked up to one of them. “I need to send a message to someone in Rhir.”

The woman looked at him, “Well if you want it sent we can do that, its twenty gold per message, more if its longer, and if we have to make sure your message is delivered.”

“Can you take it down or do you need me to write it out?” he asked her.

“Up to you, I can let you rent a quill and buy sheets or parchment.”

“I’m good with the quill and parchment. Ill get it written up and you can tell me how much it will cost to send.”

“Sure, you can use one of the desks.“ She pointed out six desks off to one side in a row.

He sat down pulled out parchment and a pen, not a quill.  He proceeded to write a short letter to Coreen and his other wives.

To Coreen Stone,

               Third wall fortress, Rhir

I wanted to let you and the others know, I am in the city of adventure Invrisil, on Izril. Slight miscalculation, lost comm device, will attempt to recover. Will need some assistance returning, unable to TP, do to error conditions. Will also need a hub unlocked to key new device, Newton can unlock. Will wait for instructions, warmest regards.


He took the message up to the receptionist. She looked it over, “To send this, twenty five gold for the initial message and an additional ten to make sure we have the correct contact. Now who should we hold any replies for.”

Bloodstone handed over fifty gold coins. “In case there is any additional cost.”



, smiled and took the coins, and gave him a receipt for the initial message. “How long before I have confirmation it was received?”

“Twenty-four hours, at the minimum. You can check back tomorrow. I still need a name.”

“ElBee.” He replied.

“Ok Mr Elbee here is your receipt, thank you for doing business with us.”

Bloodstone left the building, the kid came over, and asked him, “What do you want to go now mister?”

“Something to eat, then back to the adventurer’s guild and then to a clothes shop, after that lunch.”

The kid nodded, “Follow me” and took off down the street.

He followed the kid to an open market, where there were races of every kind selling wares, from food to trinkets. There was half a dozen [merchants] selling more expensive goods on the fringes of the open market. The kid brought him to one section where they were selling meat, vegetables, fruits, spices, and anything else you could use for cooking.

Bloodstone stopped at one vendor and asked how much the cubed chicken on a stick was, he was given the price, and without haggling he bought six, handed two to the kid and ate one. “Thanks mister”

“You’re a growing boy, no sense in wasting your coin when I have you running all over for me.”

Two other kids one a boy the other a girl who obviously knew the first kid, found him and asked him a bunch of questions. The approached Bloodstone who was finishing the third skewer off to one side of the vendors stall.

“Hey mister, who are you?” the first kid asked, his friend behind him. He had given them each one of the skewers.

“Here, since your intent on sharing, call me Elbee.” He handed him the last skewer. He turned and walked over to another vendor and purchased two small towels. And washed his hands and offered the other one to the kid. “If you have to go, I think I can figure my way around the city, I did promise lunch though, so here take your friends and have a good lunch.” He handed the kid a single gold coin.

“Thanks mister Elbee”

“Just stay out of trouble.” They three of them ran off into the market.

He wandered through the market, just looking, he hadn’t seen such a display of different foods, half he wasn’t even sure what they were. He also some there were other people making sales, knives, pots and pans, jewelry, not that he needed any of it, he left the market and started heading back to the guild areas, when he spotted what he was looking for a [tailor] shop. He stepped into the shop and an older woman was behind a counter, most of what was in the shop were female dresses and more feminine accessories.

“Are you looking for something for a lady friend” The woman asked looking him over.

“I saw the [tailor] sign and figured you would know a good [tailor], I need some clothes, most of what I have doesn’t fit.”

The woman smiled, “I know someone who can help, you go down two doors and Mr, Seams can help you.”

“Thank you,” He said.

She laughed, “I’m sending you to the best tailor in the city.”

He left and went do the shop two doors down. He entered a well-kept shop, there were no windows shat showed onto the street. It was  clean, with a rug and a couple of chairs near the door.  An older man looked up from behind a desk.  He was going bald and his hair was a black and gray.  He was a tall thin man. His steel gray eyes met his “Can I help you” He asked.

“The woman on the corner said to come here.” He replied.

“I see, what can I help you with?”

“I need to get some new clothes, I just have armor on, and I know my other clothes won’t fit.”

“I see, let me take some measurements, and see what we can do. Would you be able to take that armor off?”

“I can.” Bloodstone began unbuckling the leather armor and looked for somewhere to put it that wouldn’t cause a mess.

“One moment,” he stepped into a back room and pulled four burlap bags and set them on the floor.

“Thanks, I really don’t like making a mess.”

After he was out of the armor, the [tailor] looked him over making notes on a small sheet at the desk. “Do you know what you want to have done?”

“four shirts, four pants, a new set of boots, actually make it five. I prefer something that breaths, either cotton or silk.”

The man wrote some notes on the paper, “The shirt and pants, I can do, I know a good [Cordwainer] and a good [thonger] I would recommend the [cobbler] two streets over if you looking for something more exotic, he would be able to point you in the right direction. As for the cost, I will charge forty gold per pair of pants and thirty-eight per shirt. If you want it as a rush order, I charge an additional twenty gold.”

“Whats a rush order?”

“Normally it would take about a week to do, however as we are having something of a market upset, I will charge twenty gold per for a rush order.”

“Market upset?” Bloodstone asked.

“We are currently in a [trade war] with anyone outside the Lady’s Domain. It happens occasionally. We just have to make due”

“I see, how much would you charge normally?”

“I assure you sir, this is a fair price.”

Bloodstone pulled out a large leather sack from one of his bags of holding and counted out eight hundred gold onto the desk.

“I realize I am putting you out to have this done, I want to make sure I at least have something nice to wear.”



smiled for the first time, it was a short smile than back to his stoic expression. “Thank you sir, I will get working on it immediately.”

The tailor gave him a written note and noted the sum and both initialized the document.

“I will have them done day after tomorrow.”

“Thanks, I will take the sacks out, so you don’t have to clean to much of my mess.”

“Very well sir.  Let me give you directions to the [cobbler]”

Bloodstone put the armor back on picked up the burlap sacks with the dirt and grime and walked out. Stuffing the burlap sacks into one of his bags of holding. He took the note and walked down two blocks and turned left, he found the cobblers shop, and entered.

The shop smelled of leather, and there were some boots already made, sitting in the window.

A brown bearded man and on a stool working a piece of leather on a short bench. The man was muscular and looked up when Bloodstone entered. His head was covered, in a red wool cap.  He stood up his leather overalls covering his clothes. “Morning.”

“I hear you are the best cobbler in the city.”

“Depends on how much coin you have, and what kind of foot wear your looking for”

“I have been walking around it boots that are a little too big for me. A new pair or two would help immensely.”

“I could tell the moment you walked in that you needed better boots. Do you have any preference?”

“I had these made on Rhir, they are functional, but not made specifically for me.”

“Well I usually have people trade in their foot ware, so that I can display my craft.” He gestured to the window. 

“Sure, how much for two new pairs of boots.”

The man looked at the scuffed and well-worn boots he wore, “depends you want any special kind of leather?”

“What kinds do you have.”

“I have a number of rare and unusual leather to make boots, I have griffon hide, lion, Corusdeer, and some wyvern hide. If there is something specific Like unicorn hide, well you would have to make the request to the adventures guild.”

“Seriously someone wanted unicorn hide boots.”

The man nodded, “I can make shoes or boots from just about anything that walks, swims, or flies. If you can make leather from it I can work it.“

“I see, as interesting as it might be to have unicorn boots, I think I might get some ladies really pissed if I did that.”

The man laughed, “That’s what happened.”

“The griffon hide sounds interesting, how hard is it to clean?”

“Well we don’t use the wings, most of the fletchers get the feathers, usually the rest of the hide, makes good footwear. You interested in a pair?”

“Yeah, that actually sounds interesting, what else would you recommend for the second pair?”

The man looked him over, “You ever thought of soft Curusdeer boots, good in the wintertime, and breaths in the summer. “

“You’re a good salesman, That’s a good second pair. What about something that’s fashionable?”

“Well I could make you a pair of Alligator boots, the few times I have made them they have turned out very well.”

“Ok, now the big question.”

The man laughed,” I have everything but the alligator, you could put in a request at the adventurer’s guild, and have it delivered here. As far as price, I usually take a down payment and the rest on delivery.”

“Ok how much of a down payment do you need?”

“A hundred fifty gold should take care of all three.” He replied.

Bloodstone shelled out the three hundred gold coins, “I trust you, I have it on a good recommendation that you’re the best in the city.”

“Ok let see them feet.”

He measured his feet, using an outline, on paper for each foot, he made three copies and set them aside. “I can give you a request for the adventurers guild.”

“Sure, ill head over there, any suggestions on a place to get cleaned up?”

“You want your armor cleaned as well?”

“Is there a place that does that?”

“Yeah there’s a bath house out by the south side of the city, they clean adventurers gear. I hear it’s a good place if you’re an adventurer. Not that I have ever been.”

“What about magic items, I need something specific, who would be the best to talk to?” Bloodstone asked.

“That would be Hedault that is if he’s available, you can always leave a word with his [secretary] she handles things when he is not in. I can give you a letter of introduction, I am usually the one making foot-ware for him to enchant for clients.”

“That would be awesome.” Bloodstone said enthusiastically.

The man chatted with him about other sites in the town and asked him. “In town long?”

“I’m not really sure now, maybe a week or less. I do have to figure out where Liscor, is and head down that way. How long will the boots take?”

“Three days, longer if the alligator hide is hard to acquire. The first two pairs should be done by then”

Bloodstone left his shop with several parchments, folded up and sealed in wax.

His first stop was the adventurer’s guild. There were some adventurers presumably training in the small training yard off to one side of the building. He walked into the guild hall and stood behind two dwarves. They walked to the next window while he waited.

“Next” the [receptionist] called.

Bloodstone walked up to the receptionist, and noticed that she was a sephalid, right off the bat. “Morning, I have a couple of things. I have a request from my


for alligator,” He handed her the letter. She took the letter opened it and read the contents, she put a few notes on it and filed it in a cubby hole behind her. “What else?”

“I would like to register as an adventurer”

The woman looked at him, “Your joking?”

“Nope, not sure what I need to do.”

“First fill out this form” She said handing him a form.

“If you need some help, please let me or the other receptionist know.”

Bloodstone took the form and looked at the questions. He took the time to fill it out, signed it and went back to the [receptionist]

“There is a five-gold fee,” He placed the coins on the counter, before she could finish. “Your by yourself, you may want to train before you take any work, currently you will only be able to take copper rank work”

“No problem, what if I work in a group?” He asked.

“You will need to submit the form and change it to that group you decide to join, any other questions.”

“Nope, I will take a look at the boards and get back to you.” He said stepping over to the board as she started reading through his form.

“Excuse me is this some kind of joke?” She asked.

He turned back, “Is there a problem”

“I don’t think you filled this out right, how many classes do you have?”

“Technically six, unless Hero or Lord levels count.”

She stared at him, “Of course they count.”

“Ok then eight.”

The woman stared at him, and then started laughing, “Oh that’s a good one who put you up to it, was it Alania,”

“Uh , I’m serious,” he said.

“Do you want to tell me the levels you have?’ She asked a little concerned.

“Not really.”

The other [receptionist], looked over and asked ,”you want me to get the assistant guild master?”

She nodded, “Mr, Elbee, im going to get the guild master if this is a joke, you will have to deal with him.  I don’t know what some of these classes your claiming you have are.”

“What classes?” He asked.

“I will have to have you talk to the assistant guild master.” The other receptionist took the form from her at came out from behind the counter and went up a flight of stairs that he hadn’t noticed before. She came back down the stiars, “Mr Elbee can you please follow me.” Bloodstone followed he up the stairs there was a hall, and off to one side was an office. We followed her into the office, there was an older woman behind the desk, the receptionist handed her the form and promptly left. The woman was older, and there was gray in her hair, she wore a simple, blue blouse. She stood up, “Mr Elbee, I see you have classes that we are not familiar with. Please take a seat.” She had a long blue skirt that matched the blouse. That she smoothed out when she took a seat. She set two small amulets on the table, both glowed in a soft blue. “Our guild master is meeting with Lady Reinheart. I am Margaret an I am in charge until he returns. You have classes here listed that I don’t recognize. Would you care to explain and perhaps tell me what levels or skills you have from these classes?”

“I suppose, I just wanted to register with the adventurer’s guild. You know do some good while I wait for messages from home.”

“I see you listed Rhir as your home, how long have you been wandering around Izril?”

“About three or four days, I spent two days stuck in the mud prior to that.”

“Ahh traveling the roads in some areas are like that. Now about these classes, You have listed here, [Visionary] while that’s not really and adventuring class, just having it speaks volumes about the person. What kind of [visionary] are you?”

“I just see the potential of magic and technology, how they can be integrated.”

“Technology, I am not very familiar with that word, some of the new recruits have used it, not sure what your referring to.”

Bloodstone stared at her, “I apologize, technology can be interpreted a number of ways. One example is communications, using devices that allow rapid communication.”

“Ahhh, ok, so is that something you specialize in?”, She asked.

“It is one of my hobbies.” He said taking a seat.

“The next class you have listed, is


, that’s pretty self-explanatory. The next one on the list is


, I do not know what this class is. After that you have


, and [empty], and this last one I can’t even read what it is. And I have noted that you claim to have [Hero] and [Lord] classes as well. I find it hard to believe you have several classes I personal have never heard of. ”

“Well those are the classes I have, only two of them are above thirty.” He said.

“Ridiculous, that would put you above a gold rank adventurer,” She looked at the paper, “I am afraid this is unacceptable, unless you are able to prove the classes.”

“Sure, I understand, I can show you a couple of the skills, if that helps.”

“I quite frankly think your trying to pull something, it’s not the first time somewhat has tried. My truth stone says you are telling the truth, but they can be tricked. Or you believe you have these classes.” She said leaning back in her chair and put her hands together. “I can give you a copper plate, and we will start off with a blank form, and fill it out with just the classes I am aware of. Unless you are able to show me some reason that you deserve a higher evaluation.”

“You want me to show off my skills, how about [summon stone]” A single warped piece of stone appeared in his hand. “[Shape stone]” The stone shifted to resemble a unicorn charging. It was so detailed you could see single hairs on its mane and tail.” [Matter transmutation] “The stone shifted to white, and the unicorn became white, and the mane flowed like real hair, the horn became a sharp gold looking horn. It looked so real it looked like a miniature unicorn. 

“Dead gods!” she reached out and touched the figure, it was solid and soft. She turned at stared at Him, “Who are you?”

“Call me L B. You can keep that, will make a nice conversation piece “he replied.

She stared at him, and then the small life like statue. “Why do you want to be an adventurer, if you can do things like that!?”

“Because that doesn’t really help anyone, someone really famous from where I am from said, “With great power comes great responsibility. I could sit on my hands and tool around town, but if I can help someone, maybe save someone, and didn’t what kind of person does that make me?”

“Have you ever worked with adventurers?”

“A couple of teams, in Rhir, the Golden swords, the Blight wolves, and the Red blight.” He replied.

She leaned forward and wrote down the information, then sat back in the chair. “My gut feeling says to just make you gold rank and be done with it. As for this form,” She looked over at the unicorn on the desk, then at the form on her desk. “I think I will just file it if someone has an issue they can take it up with you.”

“Sounds fair, anything else you want to know.” He asked.

“How many levels of hero do you have just out of curiosity.”

He held his hand out with all his fingers and thumb displayed. “Dead gods, don’t say anything about this to anyone else.” She scratched out several lines on the form signed it and held it out to him. “Tell them downstairs that if they have a problem to come see me.”

“Thanks,” He took the form and wend back down the stairs to the [receptionist] he handed it to the same one who had filled out the form.

She looked at it and looked up at him. “Seriously!?”

He shrugged, “She said to go see her if you had an issue.”

She slumped a little, and said, “It will take a couple of days to get your plate, we still charge for each upgrade, that will cost you, five hundred gold.”

He shrugged and counted out the coins, he took the small receipt she handed him shakily. As he left she bolted up the stairs.

Outside he took a deep breath and started walking. He ended up sitting on a bench in one of the small parks to pull a small rock out of his boot. He was sure that the guild was only two more streets away and that the open market wasn’t far beyond that. There were still people on the streets, and he entered the open market, it took him a while and he eventually found Everad, with his wagon selling his beets. “Hey kid!”

 “Afternoon how goes your selling?” He asked him.

“Almost done here,” he pointed to the wagon it was noticeably emptier.

“Hey, I have these, how much would it cost to fill them up” He pulled out the burlap sacks from tailor shop.

Everard looked them over and began filling them,” On gold per bag.” He said smiling.

He handed him eight coins. “Kid that’s way too much.”

“Its fine, you were nice enough to give me a ride. I will wait with you while you get sorted.”

Everad showed him where the inn was that he was going to stay.

There is a shady underbelly to the city of adventure, where money and goods come together, you do get [thieves] and [rouges] and other [con artists]. Some go legit and become adventurers, others like the thrill of stealing. The local guards knew some of the local criminals and  kept them under control to a certain extent, as long as the crimes were not to egre​gious.

Bloodstone took a room at the inn, Everad took his own room at the inn, they then parted ways. Bloodstone had rented a larger room, as he needed to sort through the two bags of holding. He set down the four sacks of beets, just inside the room. He still had no clothes that fit his new body. Just the leather armor he had on, since it was magical and would adjust. He took it off and set over the back of one of two chairs in the room. He then began sorting through the gear he had. Setting it out on his bed roll as well as a cloak. His two bags of holding contained a share each of the extra magic items, that the other teams had either not wanted or insisted he take. Each item had been inventoried, with a tag, that was referenced to a notebook. There were items that had red dots on the tags that were either, considered bad, or suggested not to equip, or handle without precautions. The bulk of the items were obvious as to how they work or were sufficiently made that they posed no danger.  The red tagged objects he put on one side of the bed, these he would sell off or attempt to repair. In all there were twenty-six red tagged items. Of all the items he had none of them were a scrying device. There were magic weapons, three sets of armor, and he found a blue robe that would fit him, at the bottom of the first bag. The robe and some of the other gear, were not from the dragon hoard, but extra that they had brought with them just in case. It took him three hours to sort the two bags of holding, he still had tens of thousands of gold coins and didn’t even need to touch what was in the book. The book could only hold mundane items, tapestries, silks, gems, and coin. Any of them that even had a preservation enchantment could not be put into the book. Most of those had been packed into crates and stored in the key that Lady Amethyst still had. Having changed into the robe and put on a belt with his primary bag of holding and both of his swords. He then went downstairs to get a meal. The backpack he left leaning against the desk, and along with the book he placed the bag of holding with most of the gear he didn’t need on top of it. He headed down to the first floor of the inn, locking the door behind him. He took several steps paused and went back inside.”[Quantum distortion]” and the bags and gear vanished from sight. He turned and closed and locked the door.

The food that was served was cooked chicken, with mashed potatoes and gravy, lots of gravy. He finished the meal and decide that since the dining area of the inn was quiet he would take a walk and see what the night offered.

Some of the streets seemed to be lit with magic lights, other streets were dark. He wandered around and found a tavern near the adventurer’s guild hall and went inside. It was noisy, and there were groups at tables talking, he looked for an open seat, and took one of them at the bar.

The [bartender] came over and asked, “What can I getcha?” He was human and seems to be watching the [barmaids] as they made their way around the tables.

“You have any dark ale?”

He nodded and pointed above the bar where the prices were listed. Bloodstone fished out a single gold coin and put it on the counter, “Sounds good“

The [bartender] set a mug of dark ale in front of him and scooped up the coin.

He picked it up and drank from it. The ale was bitter, but not in a bad way. He finished the drink and set the mug back on the bar.

There were four young adventurers arguing near the bar. The brunette caught his eye as she was pretty and seemed to be petite. He really wasn’t listening to the conversation, but she had a nice voice so he listened.

“It’s not like she can’t afford them you saw her mansion.”, the cute brunette said across the table to a young man with dark hair.

“I was told specifically, that we needed to earn our own way, she got us started what more do you want?” He said trying to be a voice of reason.

“She didn’t have to have us thrown out, we didn’t break anything. That was all Macantir and his two flunkies.” The other dark haired man sitting to her right said.

The blond woman with her back to him slammed her hand onto the table, “Well we did, get over it. I want to make gold rank as fast as we can. You in Sam?” The blond woman pulled out a cell phone and started looking at pictures, “I have the board here somewhere, we need to be able to get your phones charged as well. The spell isn’t cheap, and you’re the only one who has any magic aptitude. Here it is.” She set it on the table. It was a picture of one of the requests.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea, to try something that says silver rank or better.” The brunette said looking at the picture.

“I think she’s right, you only what a level six [fighter]?” The dark-haired man next to her said.

“Yeah so, she’s only a level three


, and you have two classes, Richard, and you won’t even tell us what they are.” The blond grumbled.

Richard looked up and caught Bloodstone looking at her phone. “It’s not for sale!” he said to Bloodstone, who looked over at him and smiled.

“Is it an android or Iphone, hard to tell.” He asked.

All four heads turned and looked at him.

“It’s an android,” The blond said and then caught herself. She was very pretty, looked like a model and hand an ample figure.

“To bad, I wanted to talk to someone with an Iphone, there was some interesting conversation on them about four or five months back.

Maybe you know about it, how long have you been in this world? It sucks that there’s no internet or way to call each other.”

They looked him over trying to figure out if he was a local or from Earth. Seeing that he had what looked like magic gear they asked the blond asked the question, “Where are you from?”

Bloodstone looked at her, “The States, east coast not that it matters very much, did you all come here together?”

“No, I.. I came here about six months back and was in a field. I eventually found my way to the city. I met them at the mansion.”


“Magnolia Reinhart’s mansion. North side of town, rich district area.” The other man said.

“Oh, never met her. I have been on Rhir for the past couple of months.”

“How did you get here”, the brunette asked.

“Long story and I don’t want to interrupt your conversation, you phone is still on.” He said.

The blond turned it off and put it away. “You a mage?” she asked.

“Nope, to limited in scope, I know a bit about classes and gaming, so I picked a few hybrid classes.”

“Hybrid, what heck does that mean?”

He shrugged, “I’m not going to talk about my classes it seems to upset people. I’m L.B. Its short for something else, I’m not using my real name either.”

“See I told you some people will make up names.” The brunette said smugly.

“How long have you been here?” Richard asked.

“On Izril, about four or five days, in this world about two and a half months. “

“Would you four mind if I took your pictures?”

“Why?” the blond asked.

“Truthfully, In case I get home, I can have a record of the people from our world I encountered, a lot of them died on Rhir. Seeing others here, makes my theory plausible.”

“Theory?” the brunette asked.

“How we got here. Fact, the king of Rhir is using some artifact to summon people. Fact others are being summoned on other continents. I know there is at least one person from our world on the Isle they call Whistram, and no I haven’t researched where it is. The question is how far away you were summoned from this city.”

The four of them looked at each other. “I was summoned into the city.” The brunette said.

“Couple of miles south!” Richard said.

“You think there might be a way home?” The other guy asked.

“Maybe, if it’s a broken artifact, then that would explain the strange ritual requirements, and the dispersion of the people.”

“Meaning what?” The blond asked.

“Meaning if there was a piece of that artifact it’s possible the king of Rhir is charging it and its activating across the world, were each piece is. Figuring out where each piece is and what it is still a work in progress. Knowing numbers and where they show up might shed some light on the artifact. It could be a broken well of worlds.”

They all stared at him like he was babbling.

“It’s just a theory,” Bloodstone took out his phone, and set the flash. He took four pictures, and several other patrons of the establishment took note of him. He then turned to leave.

“Wait! I have tons of questions” the blond said.

“Me to, “Richard said.

“I will be at the guild hall tomorrow morning, I had a long day and a long walk to my inn.”

“You have enough for an inn” The brunette asked.

“What rank are you?” The other man asked.

“Rank?” Bloodstone asked.

“Copper, or silver?” The brunette asked.

“I never did ask, I signed up earlier today and the assistant guild master was very nice.”

“You are not with another group, are you?” The blond asked.

“Nope, just here till I get a message from Rhir. I do have to go look for something I lost when I got here.”

“Would you group with us then?” The brunette asked.

“We can discuss it if you want, maybe I could help you get some levels.” He said standing behind the blond’s chair. He put the phone back into the bag of holding.

“Is that a bag of holding?” The brunette asked.

“Yeah,” he replied.

“How much did that cost,” The blond asked.

“This one, I think the bag itself was five gold.”

“A few good jobs, Aleshia and we could get a bag of holding.” The brunette said enthusiastically

“You didn’t let me finish, “Bloodstone said, “It took about four hours to enchant it.”

There were other people in the room that looked over at the conversation.

“Oh..” She said crestfallen.

“Well I will catch up with you tomorrow.” Bloodstone said and headed for the door.

He walked out, the brunette chased him down, as he got to the corner of the block.

“Hey Elbee”, she ran up next to him breathing a little heavy.

Bloodstone looked her over, “Never caught your name.”

“Samantha Hail, from Portland.” She said

“Evening Samantha, you’re a little out of breath.”

“What did you mean you enchanted that bag.”

“Just that, I have a hybrid class, that allows enchantment of magic items and uses magic differently. “

“Would you be willing to teach me.” She said looking back towards the inn.

“It’s not something that can really be taught. Won’t your friend miss you?”

She shook her head, “We can’t even agree on a team name. They are better than Mactire.”

“I can walk you to where your staying.” He suggested.

She hooked one arm under his, “Follow me.”

He walked with her under the lightened streets, and she led him off to one of the darker areas, they were dark, but not pitch black at least to him. “It’s down this way”. A shadow moved away from the building and stood in the way.

A heavy-set man with dark hair and a crossbow pointed at him, “Hand over your valuables and no one gets hurt.”

Bloodstone gently stepped in front of Samantha, “I suggest you put the crossbow down before you get hurt.”

“Are you daft man, that robe you have on isn’t going to help you. Your just a copper rank newbie.”

“No, I’m just not in the mood to deal with an idiot like you tonight.” The man pulled the trigger there was a twang and the bolt shot from the crossbow hit the robe and bounced into the darkness. “Is that all you got?” he asked as he physically grabbed the man and lifted him off the ground, he took the crossbow from him and threw him and it to the ground.

Two more men stepped out of the shadows, both holding short bladed weapons. “Your valuables.”

Bloodstone drew the purple blade, in an instant and held Samantha behind him. “Walk away, before one of you dies.”

“Look the copper wanna be wants to dance. We know you’re with that bitch Reinheart.” The other man said menacingly

The man who had be using the crossbow stood up and pulled a blade as well.

Samantha said, “We don’t work for her she helped us.”

“Samantha don’t talk to the dead men. Back away slowly,” He said.

The three of them began to spread out to in an attempt flank him.

“How well do the guards take to assaults on the street.” Bloodstone asked Samantha

“Not kindly, “ she said softly backing up slowly.

“You know the term piggy back right?” He asked.

“I guess, why?”

“It just occurred to me that these idiots have no way to keep up if I am carrying you.”

“Oh, “ she said and attempted to climb onto his back.

“Ready?” he asked her.


“Hold on!,” and he jumped several hundred feet in the air. She would have fallen had he not grabber her left hand with his and held her in place.

He landed kicking up a dusty cloud and took off in the direction of the inn.

There was confusion as it had appeared that he disappeared into the darkness.

They arrived outside the inn and he went inside, it was dark but not late. The innkeeper was still serving dinner, bloodstone and Samantha had dinner towards the back of the inn. They sat across from each other. After the meal of steaks and vegetables and ale were brought by a barmaid. There was no conversation until they had each taken a few bites.

“That was a setup.”he said accusingly

“what?” she said between bites.

“You set me up, denigh it and this meal is all you’ll get from me.”

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“They assumed I was copper rank, you were supposed to bring copper ranks to them, they assumed I was copper as well.”

“I had no choice”, she said softly.

“There is always a choice, the easy way or the right way. Sometimes the right way is not easy.” He got up from the table, “Enjoy your meal, I think we are done here.”

“Wait. Please wait. I can explain” she said taking a large gulp of ale.

“You seem to have had it easy, you have gold, skills, and a bag of holding. I haven’t been able to make much money here, If Lady Rienhart hadn’t taken me in, I most likely would either be dead, or worse. I was figuring things out with Lady Reinharts help, until we all got thrown out. Someone was stealing stuff from the mansion and selling it. They knew who did it and punished them, we were all asked to politely leave.

“You know who it was, I take it?” He asked

“I did and I was threatened, if I said anything. When were kicked out I had nothing, barely the clothes on my back and some gear and some simple spells in a spellbook. I had to sell it to stay alive, I don’t want to sell myself, I refuse to do that. I borrowed money and they decided that I would help them find marks to steal from and that’s how I would pay them back.” , She looked up at him across the table. “I can’t go back now.”

“What will you do if I leave you here?”

She stared at him, “I don’t know”

“I have a proposal for you. You tell me where the people you owe money to are and tell how many of them there are.  After that if you still want me to help you further, you will do what I tell you to do, no questions asked.”

“There are a lot of them, I don’t know how many.”

“Would [guardsmen] help?”

She shook her head no, “There are some [guardsmen] who turn a blind eye, to certain things going on.”

“Do you agree?’

“Do I really have a choice?”

He pushed the chair across from her in, “Yes, this is the hard choice”

“Can I finish eating?” she asked.

“Yes, if you decide, ill be up in my room, 224.” He turned and went upstairs and unlocked his room. He had a mild panic attack when he entered and everything was missing before he remembered he had hidden it.

He pulled the robe off and set it on the bed, after than he set out his leather armor and began to put it on. He put two blades on his belt.  He put a wand on the bed that was made of black oak. He added one of the original spell books to the bed, one he purchased from Rhir. He dug around in the bag of holding until he found one the daggers that was enchanted he set this on the bed. There were two other robes in the bag of holding he took one out and set them on the bed next to the first one.

He had pulled out one of the bags with rings in it when there was a knock at the door. Before opening it everything on the bed faded from sight.

Opening the door Samantha stood there looking lost.

 “Come in and start talking” he said moving the door to let her in.

“I borrowed eighty gold and that’s how I stayed off the streets, and not having to sell myself. I didn’t know they just wanted to use me to find out about Lady Reinhard. I didn’t know much, and they wanted more information. After we got kicked out they wouldn’t leave me alone.”

“I will be up front with you, I am married. I will help you, under three conditions.”

“Married?” She said somewhat surprised.

“Not important for this conversation.”

“what conditions?”

“First you will agree to be placed under a geas, that will prevent you from revealing secrets, the second condition is that you will assist me to the best of your ability, no matter what class you have. The last condition is that you give me your full name, and you will not use it anymore, We will give you a name you will use.”

“A geas, whats that?” she asked.

“It’s a mental compulsion to prevent you from revealing certain information that’s not negotiable.”

“Why would you want me to stop using my name?”

“Your full name, trust me you will want me to know it.”

“Its not like I have a lot of options, at least your being nice about things.”

“Do you agree to the geas?”

She shrugged, “Like I said not many options.”

After a spell was cast on her some discussion went on about her name, it was decided that Sam, or Samantha would be the best options, just her middle and last names would be considered a secret. He then revealed the equipment on the bed for her to change into. He then began revealing other secrets. He used some of the monster levels, eight to be precise and ended up giving her twenty [mage] levels on top of the two she had already. There did not seem to be a one to one ratio of the monster levels.

It was late, there was only one bed in then room, they both decide to share, and deal with everything else in the morning.

Sam stared at El Bee, or Lord Bloodstone, as he was known, he had told her some of his story. She felt like she had been cheated, until he came along. Something about him was wrong, she couldn’t place what it was. She knew he had more secrets.

The next morning they ate at the inn a simple breakfast of eggs and toast. Sam was nervous, as they left the inn to go to the apartment complex that she had been staying to pick up the rest of her meager possessions and to deal with her debt.

“I don’t understand you, why are you being nice to me?” she asked as they walked side by side down the street.

“A guy needs a reason to help a pretty girl out?”

“Are you trying to change the subject?”

“Yup, is it working?”

“Just answer the question, you already didn’t try anything last night what is your deal.”

He shrugged, “I just thought you were cute, still do. I want to get to know you and help you out if you need it. I have no idea about this city; you have been here for a while and know the locals.”

“That’s it right there at the end of the block.”

“Ok, let’s get your possessions and then we can meet your friends at the guild hall.”

“They are not really my friends we just know each other from the mansion”

The two of them entered the building, from the outside it looked to be made of stone and was four stories high. The arcitecher was mostly wood with stone or brick on key points. Inside the entrance there was a hallway and stairs that lead up. Sitting on the steps were two tough looking men. They appeared to be brown haired and wearing simple tunics and breeches and worn leather boots. Each of them had a small dagger on their belts. One of them stood up, and eyed Samantha, “You I know, who’s your friend.”

“He’s my bodyguard.”

“Yeah right, the boss wants to see you.” The second thug said as he got up of the stairs.

“Oh good, cause I want to tell him where to shove it. Now move so I can get to my room.”

As she tried to move past them and up the stairs one of them grabbed her upper right arm. “I don’t think so” He said. Sam attempted to shake his grip.

“Let the lady go, before someone gets seriously hurt”

“Sod off,” the other man said and reached for her left arm. He never got farther as a fist slammed his stomach. He was hit so hard he was thrown into the wall where he bounced off the wall with a loud crack as his head hit the wall. He tried to breathe as the wind had been knocked from his lungs. The man staggered on the stairs and then fell forward unconscious and was caught by Elbee. “I said let the lady go.”

The man removed his hand from her arm and backed up the steps slowly. His hand went to the dagger at his belt.

“Draw that blade and I will paint the walls in your blood.” The man turned and ran up the stairs.

They ascended to the second floor Elbee lowered then unconscious man to the landing and followed Samantha. There in the hallway was another flight of steps to the third floor. There were closed doors along the length of the hallway, Samantha went to the third one on the left and took out a key and opened the door.  She went inside and came back out a minute later a little upset, “All my stuff is gone”

“Who do you think might have it?”

“My roommate maybe, she’s a local, in kind of the same situation I am in. we need to talk with Durkin”

“Durkin?” Elbee asked.

“The drake who runs this place and lends out money. He should be on the fourth floor.”

They went up the steps and bypassed the third floor hallway and went to the fourth floor. Two more thugs were standing in front of the only door.

“I’m here to see Durkin,” Samantha said.

“You can go in. we don’t know him, he can wait out here.” The thug on the left said eyeing Elbee.

“Where is Kaylee,” She asked.

“Who knows, maybe she got into some trouble” the other thug said grinning.

“Cmon Elbee we need to talk to the Drake.”

“Your friend isn’t welcome,” the thug on the left said again.

Samantha walked up to the door and opened it, as Elbee moved to follow her, the thug on the left put his hand on Elbee’s chest. “Not so fast”

Elbee looked at the hand on his chest, “Remove your hand before I remove it.”

The thug on the right took a swing and connected with the right side of Elbees head. He took the blow and turned at looked at him, “Goblins hit harder than that.”

This seemed to enrage the fellow who pulled back for another swing. Elbee gave them a look and both thugs collapsed and Elbee caught them as they fell and lowered them gently to the floor.

The two of them entered the next room, it was warm, as there was a fire going in a large fireplace on the left side. A drake sat in a cushioned chair, a stein in one hand. The drake looked old as there were scales missing across his body with a patchwork of scars visible. There were four other human thugs two sitting at a table counting gold coins. The two at the table were brown haired and looked like they knew how to use the weapons on their belts, they both wore a leather tunics as worn breaches. The other two men were blond and dark haired and were standing next to another door.  The dark haired man from the stairs was talking to the drake. 

The drake spoke first, “I see a filthy human who owes me gold. Are you here to pay up?”

“Durkin where is Kaylee and my stuff?” Sam snapped.

“I have no idea who you’re talking about. As for your stuff, I am holding it as collateral.”

She threw a small pouch at his feet it clinked when it hit the floor. The blond haired man picked it up and looked inside, and then duped it on a small counting table.

The drake looked over the coins all gold, nodded and then looked at Samantha. “Well now, that’s very interesting. It seems I underestimated you. This is the amount you owe today, let us see how much you can bring me tomorrow”

“That’s not what was agreed on!” Samantha said angrily

“No, what are you going to do about it?” The drake sneered, “You humans are all so easy to manipulate.”

“Where’s Kaylee!”

The drake laughed then spoke slowly, “What is she to you Samantha?”

Sam took a single step back, “She’s my friend”

The drake said loudly to the two men counting coins,” Go bring that trash in here.”

The two men nodded and go up and went through a door at the back of the room. The brought her out, her face was purple and blue, her clothes had been ripped and bruises could be seen on her exposed skin. They dropped her in front of the drake, between him and Samantha. They then went back to counting coins.

Samantha turned to Elbee, ”can you give her a healing potion?”

The drake looked at Elbee, “Who are you?”

“Your worst nightmare,” He said tossing a potion to Samantha.

“What do you want?”

“You are going to leave these girls alone and return her stuff.”

The drake laughed, “You don’t seem to know who I am. I fought in the wars human, I don’t recognize you. Take your little plaything and leave and bring me more gold.”

Elbe said a little louder, “I don’t care who you are, I wasn’t asking.”

“Kill him” The drake said.

The five men drew blades and took two steps towards Elbee.

The drake smiled a toothy grin as they advanced “Bad move lizard, call your goon off before someone dies.”

“You are in my house human, you don’t dictate the terms”

“Last warning Durkin.”he said placing a hand on each blades hilt. The five men closed, the blond attempted to stab at Samantha, and the blade failed to penetrate the robes she was wearing.

“What the?” The blond man said.

“[Line of death]” Elbee said. For a split second it was as if everything froze, and the five goons dropped to the ground in pieces, and arms and heads fell to the floor in a spray of blood.

Samantha screamed, seeing the bodies appear to explode in gore. Durkin stared at Elbee, “Who are you!?”

“The last thing you will see, I did warn you, now you will have to pay the piper.”

“Wait we can come to some sort of agreement, humans are always willing to negotiate.”

Elbee laughed, and removed the ring, “If I were human”

Durkin stared, and a cold shiver went down his back, he got up and turned to run.

“Are you a coward,” Elbee said replacing the ring.

“That’s not possible!” The drakes said shuffling to a door at the back of the room.

Elbee ran after the drake and passed him using the purple blade the drake was dead before his head hit the floor.

Samantha stared at Elbee, a shudder of fear, washed over her. “I thought you were from Earth!”

“I am, that’s another secret you are going to have to keep.”

The searched the rooms on the fourth floor and found her and Kaylee’s belongings. They found a plethora of equipment, food stocks and other items of value. There were hundreds of gold coins on the table, Samantha started to scoop them into a bag.

“Don’t bother, Sam. leave it.”

“But!?” She started to say.

“Take the three bags of holding we found, I’ll take care of the loose change.” He opened the leather container and opened the book inside to a blank page. “{Invoke collection} every coin on this floor. {Invoke collection} Every jewel on this floor. {invoke collection} Every container and its contents on this floor. {Begin collection} there was a slight burst of light as all the coins on the table disappeared. {invoke collection next page} all the furniture on this floor {begin collection}” The table and chairs in the room vanished in a flash of light ,”{invoke collection clear page} all food that is not rotten {begin collection}

“What kind of magic is that,” Samantha asked.

“It’s a book of storage, with some range modifiers. It can only hold mundane items, anything not magical” He replied to her.

He looked at the blood pooling, and sighed, “I guess we should clean up this mess as well{invoke collection}, corpses and blood {invoke collection blank page from back of the book}”

Using the book on another blank page he collected the bodies, and blood, leaving the room spotless.

Elbee carried Kaylee down the stairs and they left the building. They returned to the inn and left Kaylee in the room.

 The two of them headed off to the mage guild to check for messages. There were none and he then headed over to the Adventurers guild. There were adventurers in the guild hall talking off to one side. They noted his entrance and the noise became subdued.

The [receptionist] recognized him, and just asked, “Something I can help you with?”

“I was going to meet some people here, I see them.” He walked over to the blond and the two dark haired men who were at one of the tables in the back.

“Oh there you are Sam, everything ok?”

Sam just nodded.

“Dam, do you still want to join our team?” she asked Elbee, and Sam?

“Not really, I have my own list of things I need to do. I don’t think I have the time to really help you.”

They were interrupted by the


. “Mr, LB sir, would you have a moment?”

“Sure, what can I help with?”

She handed him a sheet of parchment, it was for a silver job request.”There had been a sighting of Ogres, several days ago to the west, and two silver teams had gone out to take care of them, no one has heard from them since. Would it be too much trouble to look into it”

“I don’t see that as a problem, I can head out there today, since I need to head back that way for some personal business”

The blond asked the receptionist, “Why would the guild ask him to do anything, isn’t he copper like us?”

The receptionist looked at LB and back to the blond, “No, we got word from Rhir, he has worked with Gold rank groups and they say said he’s at least gold rank. The Blighted king has given him a title of The Paragon Host. We had to go look it up as there were others people given titles at the same time, not many people pay attention to such messages. We had it confirmed from two sources he is equal to a whole gold rank team. Also he is technically not supposed to be here. There are some guild masters trying to decide what to do with him. I am sure the Lords and Ladies are aware of his presence here in the city or soon will be.”

Elbee turned bright red,” Uh, never heard about the title. I hope those guys didn’t up play my skills to much. I am just here to help as long as I am here on Izril, and I will be leaving as soon as I am able to do so.”

The receptionist said “Well if we get you out of the city they can decide what to do with you later.”

The blond woman stared at him, “Seriously, you are from our world right?”

“Yeah, but it’s complicated. I have a bunch of free time, so I am going to recover some personal gear, then figure out what’s next. Speaking of gear, I need to buy and sell some magic items. Where is a good place to do that” He asked the receptionist.

“Oh that would be on two streets down your best bet is to start with Hedault’s shop.”

“What about horses?” Elbee asked.

The receptionist thought about it, “ I can get you a couple of names.” She said returning to the receptionist window.She returned and handed him several sheets, of folded parchment. “Those are letters of introduction, should help smooth things over.”

“You all right Samantha” The blond asked seeing that she looked pale and was shaking a little.

“I’m fine,” Samantha squeaked.

“Wait, what about if you let us join you?” The blond asked Elbee.

“I don’t mind as long as you don’t slow me down, I am going out to recover some personal equipment that got lost when I arrived. Then we can investigate the ogres the guild asked about. You have horses?”

“No, we don’t. This seems so unfair, you are so far ahead of us that we would most likely just slow you down.”

“Possibly, and I really don’t want to put you all in danger, I can look after Samantha, but four of you might be too much. However I do have an idea.”

“I’m listening.”

“A friend of Samantha’s was beaten up and is staying at the broken arrow. My proposal is you look after Kaylee while we are out, and I front you some gold to watch after he, and to pick up some items from town.”

“Seriously!?” Richard asked.

“Yeah but if you waste the gold you won’t get more. You three seem to be at least willing to work, if it’s not adventuring then it will be working for me. For now, look after Kaylee, run my errands. When I get back, we can discuss, a bigger job” He put one of the smaller bags of holding on the table. The bag itself was one they had found earlier, in Durkins back room. “Don’t make me regret helping you three.”

“Elbee, there is more than gold in there.” Samantha said

“I know what’s in there, I expect you three to be low key and not waste my time. Now I need these things picked up.” He put the receipts down on the table from the previous day’s purchases. ”Let’s go Sam, we have errands to run before we head out.” He stopped and turned, as the blond picked up the bag.”Richard, Gregory and Becky, here is my room key don’t touch my backpack. There is no gold or treasure in it.” He set the key down on the table. “room two twenty four”

They left the guild

“How can you trust them?” Samantha asked.

Elbee smiled, “I think they just realized that I wasn’t kidding.”

The three of them caught up to him, Becky the blond woman, had the bag of holding,”Why?” she asked.

“The three of you look so lost, so used to people telling you what to do. I figured either you would do what I asked, or come and refuse.”

“If we do this can you take us with you?” Becky asked.

“I think we can arrange something, I am going back to Rhir at least for a while. If you really want to help, get me some maps of the continents, and we need to track down where everyone appeared, and when as close as we can get. For now take care of Kaylee.”

“Ok,” Richard said, grasping the key. Gregory had the receipts, “The broken arrow inn room two twenty four?”

“Correct, use some of the gold if you need to. Get yourselves a room, as well. We should be back in a few days. If I can get what I need from Hedault’s shop.”

They parted as the three of them headed to the inn. Elbee and Sam headed to the shop.

It was a fairly large building, with a small almost tiny sign. He opened the door, and held it open for Sam and walked in behind her.

There was a younger woman a behind a counter. She was writing, when he they came in. Without looking up she said, “Master Hedault is out, he should be back later this afternoon, I can assist you.”

 “Sure, I wanted to know if you have any scrying objects for sale, I also have some letter of introduction” Elbee said placing the two letters on the counter. One was from the cobbler and the other was from the adventurer’s guild.

“I believe we do have a few available, unfortunately I am not authorized to sell them, but I can take your request.” She said looking up from the book she was writing in.

“I also have some items I would like to have appraised. You said he would be back later this afternoon?”

“That’s what I was told. I can accept items to be appraised.”

Elbee pulled out of a bag of holding, a dagger, a red wooden wand, a small gemstone, a heavy book, with a lock on it. The woman put a marker in her book and closed it and got up and came over to the counter.

“Oh yeah I want to purchase a backpack of holding or two bags of holding as well.”

“You would have to speak with  Master Hedault, about them. Is this all of the items?”

“No there are more,” He pulled out six rings, a plain looking leather belt, a hand axe, two maces, a beautifully winged shield of white metal, a black shimmery cloak, a broom, and black rod that looked charred. The last item he pulled out was a breastplate that was for a smaller person, it looked more feminine the material it was made from looked like gold, with intricate inlay.

The woman and Samantha both stared at the items. Finally the woman behind the counter began making detailed notes, on each item and put a small tag on each one. “I will need you to initial these.” She said handing him a sheet of parchment for each item she noted. Elbee noted them and after about twenty minutes the paper work was completed. The woman wrote out a receipt for the items and noted the tag numbers on each one. She then took the letters glanced over them and put them with the item’s documentation. “Master Hedauld should have an estimate for you in a few days. I will inform him when he returns that you are inquiring about two bags of holding and scrying items.”

“Thank you we will return after we finish purchasing horses. Also a backpack of holding if you have one”

Sam who had been silent for the entire exchange waited until they were outside. “Where did you get so many magic items?”

“Dragon horde” he said simply.

“Dragon horde, your serious?”

“Yeah you want to talk to him?”

“Him? The dragon!?”

“Yeah my daughter and I ripped him into different pieces. My daughter got the soul, I took his mind and my son got its bones.”

“I can’t tell if your joking or serious. A dragon, you killed a dragon?”

“Well technically we just, we rendered him harmless, but I guess when you put it in that context I suppose we did.”

“Am I just some plaything to you?” She asked softly.

“Hardly, you’re my companion on this trip in Izril, at least until you decide you want to do something else.” He said patting her on the back as they walked.

They walked silently out through the gates to where the houses were sold, they had the pens outside the western gates, so that the horses have plenty of room to run. There were other horse traders, and when they arrived it appeared there were few animals in the pens.

They looked around and found one of the [horse traders] that had been recommended talking with a farmer about buying a horse. The two of them waited until he was done talking.

“What were you before you came here to this world?” She asked.

He looked over at her, half listening to the sales pitch the horse trader was making to the farmer, “Nothing special, I just played a lot of MMO games, and ran a campaign with friends. Tried my had at writing, even collaborated with some very interesting people at one point. I am also a tech guy.”

“Tech guy, like IT?” she asked.

“Yea I did some information tech work, consulting as well. Worked for a fortune five hundred company then went into the services industry when I go laid off.”

“Like food service?” she asked.

“Oh, no still support, but mostly over the phone kept gaming and writing, and what’s known as world building. Made two solid worlds, nothing published as I didn’t like the way the industry was going. I put out my own spin on things, or at least that was the plan. What about you?”

“I was a yoga instructor, never got into computers much, more into the fitness scene. This” she gestured,” has me so messed me up I don’t even know what I want to do. I used to like films like horror flicks. Now, I am just terrified all the time, until I met you. Now I am just terrified most of the time. ”


“What can I help you two with?” The horse salesman said walking over to them.

“We want to purchase some horses, something that will get us from point A to point B and refresher on care of the animal.” Elbee said.

“What are you looking to spend?”

Elbee looked at Samantha, “I need six good horses, before the sun sets, and if you don’t want our business, I will take this letter I got and let the adventurers guild know that they got it wrong. Luckly I have two more names.”

“I see,” he said realizing that there was money to be had.

“I have some good animals in stock still considering the war and the trade war going on.  Come take a look.”

“Look, I have ridden a little but I had professionals take care of the horses, I know a little on the care of them, but picking one out. I need tack and saddles, I have a letter here.” He handed the man one of the letters.

The man read the short note, “Let us see, if I have enough horses to fill your request.”

The two of them were shown horses, there were various patterns on the horses, mostly browns and grays, spotted patterns. After looking at horses, for over two hours, they had six of them picked out. Saddles and bridles and bits, and saddle bags were added to the horses, a large amount of gold was exchanged for the horses four would be delivered to the broken arrow inn two of them would be fed and ready for them near sunset. Samantha headed to the inn to check on Kaylee and the others and informed them that he had purchased horses for them.

As the sun got lower in the sky, Elbee returned to Hedauld’s shop. A pink carriage pulled away as he turned the corner. There was a loud voice, as he prepared to enter, “I can’t fix it, this is the third time, I can go back three more times, it just broken. I sent the message to Whistram, and was told they really have no one interested in helping her. You don’t say no to that woman.”

Bloodstone opened the door and there was an older man talking to the woman from earlier.

The older man took a deep breath, “Is there something I can help you with.”

“Yes, I am here to inquire about bags of holding as well as a backpack if you have one in stock. In addition, I would like to purchase a scrying device.” Elbee replied.

“We don’t have a backpack of holding in stock, as for bags we have different grades here, is there something specific your looking for. On the matter of scrying devices, I do have a few they are expensive, and some are delicate.”

“If there is a matter of cost, how much are you three most expensive, scrying devices?” He asked.

“I think the most expensive I have available is forty-three thousand gold coins.” He said watching Elbee.

“That’s it, is it an orb or something else?” He asked.

“I have two orbs, one is much smaller and the visual on it is very difficult to see, the larger is the one I quoted the price. I do have two scrying mirrors and a scrying bowl.” He paused for a moment, “I believe I have a scrying spoon that can be used to scry.”

“The bowl is out, I’m not stopping for water every time, I also have some issue working with spells that are water based. So perhaps the big orb and a mirror, and that spoon sounds interesting.”

“And the grades of the bags?” He asked.

“Well, the bigger the better, I don’t even care if they are noisy, I know enough to fix noisy items.”

The Enchanter looked at him again, and said, “Remarkable, I just realized you are wearing a number of magic items, and I detect no resonance from them.”

“I hope not, that’s just shoddy workmanship if the spells start to unravel or the enchanter doesn’t use buffering to dampen the noise.”

“I will be back shortly.” He said and left the room through a back doorway.

The woman stared at him, then at Elbee.

He returned shortly with a crystal ball, a mirror, three bags of holding and a metal spoon.

“These are the items I have available at this time.” He said setting them down on the velvet counter.

Elbee looked over the bags, nodded on each of them, “Still a little noisy not unfixable. Now let’s see about the scrying items.” He looked over the orb, and mirror and the spoon. “How much for everything?” He asked.

“A hundred and thirty-seven thousand gold.” The older man said.

“That’s about right, and what about the items, I left here?”

“I haven’t had a chance to examine them,” Hedauld admitted.

“What if I left this blade as collateral” He said taking the purple blade off and setting in next to the other items.

Hedauld looked at the blade and picked it up and examined it. “Remarkable, the resonance is so quite.” He drew the blade and both he and the woman gasped as it glowed with a soft purple aura. “I could hold this for collateral.”

“What would a blade like that sell for?” He asked.

Hedauld looked seriously at the blade, tested it heft and balance, took a sheet of paper and checked the sharpness. He raised an eyebrow when the sheet was sliced in half as it fell on the edge. He examined the sheath and nodded. “Easily a quarter million gold, I could go as a high as half a million, though there are few buyers who could afford such a blade.” He looked at Elbee closer, “you seem to be hiding under an illusion.”

“Yes, I had an unfortunate run in with a cursed object,” So I must keep my identity hidden.

Hedauld nodded and set the blade back in its sheath and set it back on the counter. “I would not want to deprive you of such an elegant made weapon. I presume you have the coin to pay for these items?” He asked.

“I do, where would you like me to put it?” he asked.

“Just to see you do a feat like that would be interesting in and of itself. I do not see how you would be able to carry that much coin with the two no three bags of holding your carrying with you.”

Elbee grinned, “just need to know where to put the coin.”

Hedauld turned and looked at one of the tables in the corner,” how about on the counting table.” The table was somewhat larged and pushed against two walls in the corner. There were raised edged on the other two sides of the table, the edge was about an inch and could be folded down to extend the table that much.

Elbee reached behind him and unzipped a section where his book was and stuck a single finger inside and touched the book.“{one hundred thirty-seven  thousand gold coin on the corner table, stacked, balanced neatly, Invoke}” There was a flash of light and the coins were stacked and there was a creak from the table as the weight rested on it.”

“Dead gods, what kind of artifact are you using?” He asked. coming around the table, clearly losing interest in the gold.

Elbee smiled, “Something you couldn’t afford.”

“I don’t doubt it, would you let me examine that artifact?”

“I really would rather not, it’s something of a personal gift.” Elbee said reaching for the spoon.

Hedault seemed deflated somewhat and turned and looked at the mountain of gold on the counting table. “I have a feeling that I will be returning most of that gold to you after I finish my examination of your items.”

“I have no problem paying for things you have for sale, I just need some bags and the scrying devices at the moment.”

“Would you be willing to examine something, and give me an honest assessment?”

“Normally I would however I have to pick up some horses and head out to pick up some personal gear.”

“I see, perhaps when you return?”

“I will have to return for the assessment.”

“True, well I will get this written up and you can be on your way.” He gestured for the [secretary] to write up the bill of sale.

  Elbee gathered up the items and strapped the three add bags to his body. Putting all the scrying devices into one of them. He took the bill of sale and left the shop.

The sun was going down, and he walked out the gates, and there he met up with Samantha and the others who were on horseback. Kaylee was sitting on one of the horses.

“Sam said that you had to pick up some personal gear to the west and also check out something to do with silver adventurures who haven’t reported in yet.”  Becky said tossing him the reigns to the last horse. He mounted up and paused for a moment, “I didn’t get sleeping gear for you all so unless your ruffing it you are going to have to get some.”

“We picked some up, you were gone a while.“ Richard replied.

“Good now I want to get moving before we lose all the light.” He headed west.

“Usually someone travels from the morning not the evening.” Gregory said.

“Most people don’t have see in the dark buffs they can put on horses and riders alike.”

“Oh.” Becky said understanding.

The spell he cast did give the horses and riders better vision. They rode off into the darkness.

Two days later Elbee was in the middle of a field of grass holding a spoon. The horses were grazing nearby and Kaylee was walking back and forth across the field. Gregory and Richard were marking areas in the grass with sticks. Samantha and Becky watched from horseback, mainly keeping an eye on the surroundings.

“Stop” Elbee shouted.

He looked up and started walking towards her spoon held out. She had stopped and was looking at her feet. She bent down and picked up a small golden arc with a single diamond. “Is this it!?” she asked.

“EUREKA! YES! THANK YOU NEWTON!” He ran over to her to get the object and she clutched it in one hand and put her hand behind her back.

“Hand it over”

“No” she said playfully backing up. Before he could close the distance she turned and started running, not fast but enough to make him shout.

“Kaylee, Cmon that’s important.” He said running after her.

He caught up to her and wrapped on arm around her waist and reached for her hand. She put the object she had from her left hand to her right. She then turned into him tripping him as she turned and fell on top of him.

“Look give me that”

She smiled, “Kiss me”

“I’m married Kaylee, I don’t think that that’s appropriate.”

“Well then this is mine. She said slipping the object into her blouse.”

“You little minx! Is that why you volunteered to help me find it”

She nodded, “You’re a lord you said so yourself, Im just a poor farm girl who has no real classes, I want to say I got to kiss a lord.”

“Who put you up to this?“ He said letting her go.

She laughed, “You’re a lord, you can take care of me. If this little trinket is that important, I can ask you for anything” She said lighting touching his nose.

Elbee tried to push her off and she pushed him back down. “Oh no, I have you now my Lord.” She said as she straddled him.

“Ok fine, what do you want?” He asked looking around, and not really fighting back. A shadow covered them, and it was Becky and Sam on horseback.

“I told you, Kaylee is smart, and knows what she wants” Sam said to Becky.

“Well for starters, how much gold do you have” Kaylee said putting her face close to his, still lightly holding his arms.

“Woman, if its gold you want, I will shower you in coins just give me my com device.”


“Are you to going to help me?” He asked Samantha and Becky.

The ignored him, “Did you hear something?” Samantha said intentionally looking elsewhere.

“I also want a nice house, with a garden.” Kaylee said looking him in the eyes. Her eyes sparkled, a sea blue with silver flecks, stared at him.

“Where?” Elbee asked.

“It doesn’t matter as long as it’s a nice house with a garden.”

“Will you just give it to me then we can talk about your reward.”


“Where are George and Richard?”

“Getting the horses” she said glancing up.

“Now give me my com device”

“Not until you promise to give me what I want.”

“What do you want?” He asked her.

“I want a place all my own, where no one tells me what to do. You’re a Lord you can do that.”

“I’m not a Lord here in Izril, On Rhir I could do something, if the King allowed me to.”

She punched him in the chest, “You’re a Lord you can do whatever you want.” The blow hit his leather armor and he didn’t even feel the impact. He grabbed her around her thin waist with one arm and sat up. “It’s doesn’t work like that Kaylee” He said holding onto her and stood up.

She wrapped her legs around him locking them behind his back. “You are not getting away that easy” she put her elbows on his shoulders, “Why won’t you just promise”

“Kaylee, give me my com device” he said somewhat angrily.

“No, not until you promise.”

“Fine, I promise that I will reward you if you give me my com device.”

“See was that so hard,” She held the small gold arc in front of his face.

He took it from her with his right hand and put it behinds his ear, it stuck and he touched the diamond. “Contact Coreen”

There was a slight pause and then the connection, “It’s about time!” Coreen said from the other side of the world.

“Sorry, I lost it when I fell back down, how is everything.”

There was a pause on the other side, “You are such an ass! Do you know how worried we were, some of us thought you were dead.”

“I’m not, you of all people should know that.”

“Well Lady Amethyst was a wreck, until we got that message two days ago. I think she’s putting together an expedition to come get you. She even bent the kings ear and had a shouting match with the queen. They should be sailing out tomorrow or the day after.”

“I take it things are stable?”

“For the most part, you should contact Lady Amethyst let her know you are ok.”

“I will, it’s good to hear your voice, can you tell newton to lock down the hub?”

“Already did, he’s been in and out all day.”

“Ok, I’m heading back to the city, and maybe down to Liscor, to find the hive there after that not much going on.”

“Isabel will want to talk to you as well. Poor things been beside herself, insists she goes tomorrow. Who knows maybe she will. I have some work to do here, contact me later”

“I will”

The connection closed.

He looked at Kaylee who was still staring at him”What?”

“You promised,” and let her legs drop to the ground. Elbee let go of her.

“I have some people I need to talk to.” He walked off into the field and made a second call.

“He’s so weird!” Becky said watching him pace back and forth talking.

Kaylee watched with them, “any idea what hes doing?” She asked.

Samantha giggled, “Talking to his wife, is my guess.”

“How can you tell?” Becky asked.

“Oh you see it all the time, it’s the body language.”

They watched for five more minutes or so and then he walked over to them, “Ok I’m set, I have a ride coming to get me in a month or so, unless I can figure out this condition error crap. Where were these silver rank adventurers we were asked to look in on?”

“You’re asking us?” Becky said looking over at Samantha

“Uh, let me guess you have no idea where we are going?” Samantha asked.

“I have a spoon..” he dead panned.

“How does that help?” Becky asked him.

“No idea, they said west, so maybe farther west.” He suggested.

Kaylee brought over his horse, “Some adventurure you are, don’t even know where you are going.”

There was one other thing that happened out in that field in the middle of no where, a large section of dirt was escavated, it took only an hour to get a large area cleared, the small cubes, of earth were set aside as they were very unstable. A certain page of the book was cleared and the corpses left in the deep hole. The group of them spent ten minutes throwing unstable cubes into the hole wathing them explode covering the decapitated corpses.When all was said and done a larger patch of moist dirt was all that marked the hole that had been dug.

The group headed back to the city, to both pick up his purchases, and to get more information. Elbee headed west to look fur the other silver adventurures.

When they returned they found that the silver rank team had finally checked in and that Elbees assistance on the matter was unessessary. Since the guild wanted him to stay out of city, they suggested that he deal with some of the issues to the south, without giving specifics. He headed south that afternoon to Liscor to deliver the message from Rhir, when he received the message.

He encountered a group heading north and west, on the trip south; the group was hurding goblin prisioners. He was escorted along the line by humans, it was to keep a buffere between them and the goblins they were force marching to wherever they were going. There was a precession of wagon and horses, one of the guards of the procession who was making sure they stayed to one side of the road, and didn’t interfear with the goblins, commented as they escorted him down the line.

“This all Emperor Larkens doing can’t understand why. Guess that’s why I am on escort duty, make sure none of the locals freeks out or the roads don’t get blocked. You’re the first one that didn’t run the other way” He told Elbee.

“Who’s Emperor Larken?” Elbee asked.

“Haven’t met him myself, they say hes blind.” The guard gossiped.

“Would it be possible to meet this Larken?”

“Emperor Larken, not likely theres been some rumors going around that there were some assassins, that tried to take him out.”

Goblins were walking north and the humans were forcing them, to do so. “I wonder if this is how it looked back on earth with the American indians.” Elbee asked out loud.

“What,” the guardsman asked.

“Nothing, not important.” He said to the guardsman.

There was a shout as one of the hobgoblins rushed straight at him and the guardsman. “Third time today, “ The guardsna sighed.

The hobgoblin was large but not as large as some of them that fought in the wars. He was an average sized Hob of the few that were on the march. Two armored knights, intercepted the goblin before he could cause any issues one held him down while the other beat on him

“You want me to talk to that hob? I don’t think that nessessary” Elbee asked.

“Your funeral, they go through this a few times a day.”

Without waiting for approval, he dropped off his horse and walked over to the two knights that were delivering punishment to the hobgoblin. “You want some of this,” one of the knights asked.

“I was going to ask you to stop, hes not resisting.”

“Mind your own business. Hey get this civilian outside our lines.” He called to the guardsman. The other knigh hit the hob in the face a third time with his mailed glove leaving a green trickle of blood. The hob just smiled.

The knight pulled back his mailed fist to deliver another blow. “Enough!” a voice with authority said. Everyone turned to see a young man with his eyes closed in a simple shirt and pants. The other knight released the hobgoblin. It fell forward onto his hands and knees. The two knights looked over at Elbee who had drawn a blade, it glowed a deep purple. “Get back to work.” He turned and spoke to Elbee, “There is no need for bloodshed.”

The knights reacted as if slapped, and walked off.

Elbee offered his hand to the hobgoblin. He ignored in and stood on his own. “At least take this.” Elbee offered him a healing potion. The hob took it and put in in a small pouch. He put the sword away and the hob turned at stared at the young man and then walked back into the line of goblins.

The young man turned and started walking back to one of the wagons that had stopped.

“Emperor Larken I presume?” Elbee asked.

The man just waved over his shoulder and climbed up next to the driver of the wagon. He spoke a few words and the wagon driver nodded and they resumed.

They wagon rolled past him and Elbee walked over to his horse. “Doesn’t seem like much”

The guardsman ignored him. “Lets get you down the line”

Elbee followed the guardsman, he looked back twice. “I really have some questions” he turned his horse around and two soldiers stepped in front of his horse.

“Wrong way” The soldier said leveling a pike at him.

“I just wanted to ask him some questions.”

“You and half the continent, turn around.” The soldier said.

“I guess your right,” He turned the horse back south and followed the guardsman.

“Sorry like I said assassins have been lurking around.”

Elbee watched as he rode past a sea of green bodies, surrounded by soldiers. He shook his head slowly.It didn’t take the guard to get him to the back of the moving army along the south road.

“Be careful on the road south, specially through the passes” the guardsman turned back to the army moving and was gone

A few minutes later the road was clear and quiet.

 Elbee sat in the middle of the road on a horse, trying to decide if he really want to go south or turn around and see what was up with the goblins. His promise made the choice for him. He rode south.

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