gamer Eight day twenty nine- part 2


“You snore” Lady Amethyst said.

Bloodstone fidgeted, “Well it’s not like I intended to snore”

“You still snore,“ She said giving him a serious look.

“Well I am sorry that I was snoring.” He said looking like he wanted to change the subject. His boots were off and hee stood a little confused as to how he had ended up in the tent.

The drake Sergeant entered the tent, “We have scouts, who say there is an army heading out way and they will be here in about an hour. Also there are a group of people fleeing from them; they should be here around the same time.”

“How many people are we talking?” Bloodstone asked.

The drake hesitated, “About a hundred or so. There doesn’t appear to be any way to save them. It looks like a trap.”

Bloodstone nodded, “Have horses saddled and brought up. I want a small group to see what we are dealing with. I also want the wagons waiting at the  bend in the road, we will need soldiers to load as many people on as we can. Make sure we get an accurate count and if we need more wagons or horses get them there we havewhat a couple of hours as best?”

“I strongly suggest you stay here. A lot can happen in a few hours” He said.

“Noted, I will need to see this for myself. Rana help me with my gear, I’m going to go see what is going on” Bloodstone said.

Rana stood still, “I will not let you go off and do something foolish.”

Lady Amethyst nodded and exited the tent, she was calling out orders, and there were voices outside that were both hurried and loud.

Bloodstone sighed, “I shouldn’t need to explain myself.”

“Very well,” she stepped over to a large chest that was on one side of the tent. “I need the key”

Bloodstone tossed her the key. She caught it and opened the chest. On the top were two swords, in scabbards. She picked them both up and set them on the small table in front of him. She then picked up a leather tunic that was now on the top and set in next to the swords.

Bloodstone put on the leather tunic; it was clean and fit properly. He then strapped on the two swords after being handed the belt from the chest.

The tent flap fluttered and Lady Amethyst stepped back in the tent. She had changed and was wearing a robe; it shimmered in the light, as if it were made from tiny crystals. She looked him over, “Xach is getting changed do you know what you are going to do?”

“I have a question can you do the chain stuns, have you practiced the spells enough to be able to cast them in sequence?”

She laughed, “I have more than enough stuns to chain them for hours.”

Everyone else looked confused.

“I only worry about ranged attacks and spells.” He said to her.

“You said you can stop most spells, the ranged attacks will do little with protective runes.”

“Whenever you are ready, who else is going?” He asked.

“You said you wanted a small group, Xyre, and Rana, and Violet said she would go. The winged drakes have volunteered, insisted really.”

Violet entered she was wearing a blood red skimpy leather harness that left very little to the imagination. She had tied her black hair back and braided it.

“My lord, I am ready.” Violet said with a deep bow. She looked a little tired, Rana had helped wipe her eyes from earlier. They were still red and puffy from the crying it looked more like she had been up all night drinking.

Bloodstone picked up a black satchel out of the chest and put it over his shoulder and across his chest. “The potions are clearly marked, if it is not marked, it is not something you should be using. “ He handed a white leather satchel to Violet.  “I want the front of the barrier setup before we get back. If we time this perfectly we can trap them inside it and finish them and rescue those fleeing.”

“I apologize, we are running behind. I don’t think the barrier will be ready before they get here.”

“Get some of the spears ready, we will get the far end setup.” Bloodstone said.

The drake Sargent nodded, and stepped out of the tent and began yelling orders.


The small group of mounted drakes and humans looked across the grasslands, one of the drakes was looking through a magical spyglass. “There” She pointed.

It was a small group,  Bloodstone, Marcus and Miguel were at the head of the group. Behind them in the middle Lady Amethyst was flanked by two of the drakes, Hijala Enevia and Enevia Rustscale behind her was Xrydiane, Rana in the center and Violet. The last two drakes Maldis Snowdrop a white albino drake, and the last female drake Illapressa Lavandarius, and Eve was between them. Xach was on the last horse following them with two soldiers flanking him as a rear guard.

“Eve still not talking to you” Bloodstone asked Miguel.

Miguel looked over his shoulder, “I think she’s still mad at me from yesterday.”

“I don’t think it’s just from yesterday, you don’t appreciate the woman that she is.” Bloodstone said glancing behind him.

“What would you know about her? She’s a woman who needs a strong hand.” Miguel said

“Not the kind that leave bruises and emotion al scars.” Bloodstone said seriously.

Miguel snorted, “You really don’t know her.”

“Maybe, I think I understand her a little.” Bloodstone shrugged and ended the conversation.

Marcus, who had been watching the road and surroundings, stopped the horse. “There, is that the people fleeing?” he said pointing to a road in the distance.

A group of shapes could be seen Bloodstone looked and his eyes adjusted, and he could see a number of younger adults, with children fleeing. They kept looked behind them.  He watched for a moment and saw one of them fall from what appeared to be an arrow to the back of the leg.  And that’s when he saw the demons. They were a large group who were pursuing those fleeing; he lost count at five hundred.  The odd think was that the group was sticking to the road. The Demons seemed to be following the road as well.

“Xach, and Miguel take your teams use the spears as you go. They must into the ground. Make sure you space them out far enough for the spell effect. We don’t want them escaping.” There were two drakes who were carrying large spears each had ten spears in bundles. There were four more horses carrying four more bundles each.

“Do you think this will be enough,” Xach asked.  His team was one of the soldiers , and the albino Drake Mildis

Miguels team was Illapressa and the second soldier. Each soldier was leading two horses with bundles of spears.

“I have no idea two hundred spears should be enough, to close the barrier” Bloodstone said.

Mildas asked, “Where did you get these spears, they do not look like they were made for combat.”

Bloodstone looked back at the white scaled drake, “They were made for a temporary barrier, something I was thinking about using while we worked on the walls, it wouldn’t keep big monsters out but if it’s about the same size as the spears we should be able to get a good barrier.”

“I still don’t understand how they work.” Xack said.

“I’m combining several concepts, and ideas into one, let’s get this started remember you have to be able to see each previous spear if you can see the last one then there will be no gaps. If you have a valley put one on the tops and one in the valley. We don’t want gaps, if we can help it. Once the barrier goes up they will try and escape. The main reason we picked this section of road is that it is relatively flat land according to the maps. We are going to put up the back end of the barrier and hope we can get them to cross into it before we raise it. Now get moving, the other teams should be moving to the meeting points, until they are all in the ground we can’t do anything, and we will get swarmed.” Bloodstone explained.

Xach and Miguel went left and right off the road. The teams and two extra horses followed them. The first spears were placed just beyond the walls on each side. The spears were thin and ten feet of steel. There were small rune etchings on each shaft.  Each team had a fighter, a caster and someone to place the spears and control the horses. Getting the horses over the walls was one problem that fortunately was easy to overcome, there were sections of the walls that were open to allow horse and animals to cross. The horses crossed over into the fields without difficulty.

“You figure out the spell to keep the barrier up?” Lady Amethyst asked.

“Most of it, the linking isn’t the problem, it’s the power required, that I am having an issue with.”

“I thought you were going to use magic?” Lady Amethyst asked.

“I was, looking over the numbers I can’t. It would require a mage at each location, that’s not practical, remember this is a test. I have an idea, but until the spears are in place it’s just theory.” He said.

“What about taking them out, once the barrier is up you said you had a plan.” Lady Amethyst asked.

“I do, I need them in a confined space”

Ok, now that’s started we need to get those people moving, they are being picked off. I’m going to go get them moving. Try and buy Xach and Miguel’s teams time. Violet and Hijala with me the rest wait here.”



He rode the horse and headed down the road Violet and Hijala were right behind him. As he approached the large group they called out to him. “Please help!” A young girl screamed.

“Make way let us pass!” Bloodstone said. They surged towards him, intent on the horse.

“You are almost to safety, stopping me here will endanger you all. I know you are tired and scared, let us pass to give you time!” he said drawing one of his swords.

The group parted and glared at the three of them as they passed. He rode down the road and found the young man limping, with the arrow in his leg. He offered the young man a hand and pulled him up. “This is going to be rough, just hang on”

The kid just nodded. Bloodstone looked at the demons, two arrows landed next to him. Since they were still just firing to fire arrows two more fell closer and he joined back up with the Hijala and Violet. They rode to the back of the group keeping them moving.  The rode far enough behind that they could hear some of the nasty comments and see the looks they were getting. There was a bend in the road, that was where the traps were, the demons had picked up the pace slightly and did not see the dozen wagons and teams of horses. The refugees saw them as they came around the slight bend in the road.

They loaded them onto the wagons and as soon as one was filled they took off to the main encampment. Many of them collapsed with exhaustion, into the wagons. The soldiers there loaded them quickly as each wagon was ready to leave Lady amethyst cast a spell over the whole thing, making them invisible.

A single being crouched a cloak of illusion made her look like part of the wall.  Hijala waited for the demons to pass. She saw the hordes of demons, she stood in a spot that watched them go by. Silently she took note as they passed by the spears. The demons didn’t see them as Lady amethyst had made it appear to be a large rock. The demons ignored the two of them on each side of the road and moved past.

As the demon rounded the slight bend and dip in the road, the refugees they had been following were gone. There was a brief level of confusion and the demons broke out into a run, intent on catching their quarry.

Hundreds of demons walked past her vantage point, tentacles, pinchers, multiple limbs and hands. Things with blue skin, green skin, purple scales, orange fur and every kind of eye imaginable walked past her. There were leader types, who stood taller, and had attendants.  There were some obvious casters, and they seemed to be trying to figure out what had happened.

The drake Hijala noticed they had several slaves being led on chains or in some instances dragged. She also noticed that there were casters, following the leaders.  Hijala’s vantage point was in the lee of a large boulder that marked distances, it was a massive stone, and had been there since before the walls has been built. The spells that had been cast one her were still working as she had not been discovered.

She had a simple job, wait till they all passed and then use a device that she had been given to signal to the defenders. She had also been told to get as far away from the two spears they had put into the ground that were closest to the road.

“I do not see how this is relevant.” The judge said to Kijala.

“Lady Amethyst retains the information, as well as all the knowledge of her husband. The magical devices she has them. I had a way to contact her, and it was confiscated by the city watch”, Kijala said.

“Are you threatening this court?” The judge asked.

“Not at all, I know that she is not expecting me to contact her for at least another day.”

“Very well continue your explanation of this war that you were part of.” The judge said.

Lord Bloodstone had given the teams a way to communicate; they each had a device that fit behind their ear. It was a simple twist of gold with a small gemstone,  that fit over the ear and made communication possible it was a modified version of the message spell. The same device could be used by drakes, as well as other humanoids.  Hijala spoke softly, “Lord Bloodstone, they have slaves, do you want me to stay inside or leave?”

There was a litany of swearing, “Sorry Hijala, it’s not you, looks like we go to plan B. How close are you all to closing the barrier?”

Xach’s voice came over the ear piece,” We just met up with the team we have two spears left.”

Miguels voice was then heard, “We are still planting the barrier spears, we have enough just the terrain here, is not what it was shown on the map. We are going around a large pond.”

“Sargent start removing the barrels and crates from that last wagon, and for sanity sake keep lady Amethyst away from it.” The transmission clicked off as the device on the other end disconnected.

Hijala stood facing the Judge, shackled and dignified. She looked over at Xach and Kuya, “I know Lady Kuya was not present, she was defending the wall. Her younger brother Lord Xachary, was there and can attest to the events that I am about to divulge. Lord Bloodstone is the most dangerous individual I have ever heard of or encountered. The barrier he has us build was only part of his plan.”

There were two individuals in the front row who were listening intently. The two older drakes were known to be knowledgeable to say the least. They were sought after by many guilds in the city. Mostly due to the money and financial dealings they had.

Hijala continued, “I have never really liked humans, this human was something very different. There was a spark about him that made you want to listen to what he had to say. His words resonated with me even in my drug induced stupor.  He asked if I was all right and offered to take away my pain.” Hijala stood proudly on the small dais. “He kept his small promise to me; he healed my pain and helped me. He saw me as a proud drake even then when I was a wreck.” She looked across the court room.  There were only two humans in the entire room the rest were drakes.  “When I say he is a monster, I do not exaggerate. While his wife can be reasoned with, there is no force I know of, that can stop him if he decides you’re his enemy.”


There was a click and the voice of Bloodstone returned, “Sorry I didn’t think you needed to hear me yell. Hijala and the rest I need you to clear the barrier once it powers up. Get behind cover if you can and as far away from the spears as you can, it is going to be loud. ”

“What about the slaves?” Xach asked.

There was a long pause. “There is nothing I can do. It’s the demons or us. Once the last barrier spears are in place I will start this up.”

“We have the last spear in place” Miguel said.

The demons had advanced further than expected, in pursuit of the escaping refugees. They were in sight of the army and mistook them fleeing for flight. There was a loud noise like thunder, this noise grew in intensity, not getting softer but louder.  The ground around the spears cracked as the sound grew in intensity. After two minutes of this sound, it just stopped. The army of volunteers raced down the hill into the waiting demons. Many of the demons were on the ground screaming, or bleeding from various orifices.  They were in no condition to fight, some had used potions to weather the effects. There were a group of demons in the center of the horde who had managed to create a defense, the barrier had weakened the demons but not killed them in sufficient numbers to really matter.  The teams had been given enough time to converge where the main group was.

The distances were perhaps a mile at most. It took closer to ten minutes for Bloodstone and the others to cover the distance. Bloodstone stood in the middle of the road.  There was a serious look on his face. Without hesitation he drew his two swords and stood in the middle of the road waiting.  Marcus arrived just before the demos did. He dismounted next to him, his horse he to send back the way they had ridden, the others were not too far behind. “Wait Marcus, stay behind me, we are going to hit them with a second attack.”

There was a droning sound that came from behind the small group of volunteers. It got louder and a black cloud rose up over the volunteer army.

“What the fuck, I thought you said you took care of those blight wasps.”, Lady amethyst said.

“I did, they work for me now.” He said trying not to grin.

“Those flying needles, didn’t you drown them for that farmer?”, She asked.

“I did and if you had stuck around you could have objected to the deal.”

A cloud of blight wasps swarmed, above the volunteers. “Wait a minute,” Xach said, “Why are they not attacking us?”

“Well they are all constructs not alive anymore. I told the farmer I would pay him a single gold coin for every intact wasp he sent me.”

Lady Amethyst swallowed looking at the cloud of silver getting bigger, “How many did he send you”

“Enough to be a useful.”, he said avoiding her gaze.

“Dad, why are they not attacking anything, and they sound different.” Xach asked.

“I turned them into metal and made some other changes.”

“When did you have time for all of this?” Xach asked.

“It took all of about an hour, once I started the process, they continued until they were done.”

The droning wasps flew off south as a cloud looking for the targets.

“All right Lets go, they will soften them up some more, once we engage they will return.” He looked over at Lady Amethyst who was giving him a look.

“Wasps, I told you I don’t like wasps, or bees. Flying needles that’s what they are.” She said accusingly.

“Yeah but our flying needles will soften up the enemy more.”

“You’re a lunatic!” Xyrdiana said her face pale.

Rana laughed, “She is afraid of wasps, she was stung by ash wasps when she was very young and almost died.”

“Lunatic!” She said glaring at Bloodstone

Lady Amethyst rode next to Xyrdiane, “He’s always been like that, doesn’t listen”

Xyrdiane shuttered, “Keep them away from me.” She said glaring at Bloodstone. “I told you last time, I didn’t like bees or wasps!”

“Sorry, I’ll…”  A wasp a foot long landed on his arm. It was terrifying and beautiful at the same time. It was jet black, and smooth as glass. Its wings were translucent and buzzed slightly as it settled on his shoulder.

There were two shrieks of terror, as it landed. “It’s not alive, at least not how it used to be. It’s something else, they will be useful”

The two of them recoiled moving the horses away from the large foot long wasp that had climbed onto his shoulder.  “You’re crazy, wasps are wasps, you can’t tame them” Xyrdiane said trying to Rana between her and the wasp.

“I didn’t they are constructs, I changed them from living to a metal wasp.”

“That is just fucking wrong!” Lady Amethyst said from behind Xyrdiane.

“I changed the venom so they will petrify anything they sting.” Bloodstone said looking at the wasp.

“Oh, that makes it so much better!” Xyrdiane said backing up further.

“Well I have insect constructs that are made for war, why not use them. There are nine hundred forty three wasps, this is the queen, I made it kind of like Azalar, it’s, she’s still learning.”

“Unbelievable!” Xyrdiane said, “Is he always like this?” She asked Lady Amethyst.

“Usually he is nose deep in a computer, or writing, this is a whole new level of fucked up!” She said staring not at Bloodstone but the black wasp creature hanging on his arm.

“Well let us get this party started. That sonic pulse should have gotten them stunned or at least confused.” The Wasp launched into the air once the horse started moving. It joined the swarm hovering above the group that was ready to charge down the hill.

The location they had picked for the ambush was somewhat hilly, the road itself wound among several hills before climbing up the slow rise to a higher area. There was a stream that ran through the area and stands of trees were at good locations to keep the waters from getting out of control in the heavy rains. The specific site they had picked to ambush the demon was what was known as a camp area, a section where the woods had been cleared for a good distance and was relatively flat.  The demons hand followed the road, they did not have the high ground.

A group of a hundred or so fighters and mages charged down the hill what they saw was disheartening. Only a small fraction of the demons was down, the rest were behind a translucent barrier, a group of casters had put a bubble up around most of their forces. The few demons outside the barrier were in no shape to fight. The vanguard of the charge slaughtered them in a short span.

“Regroup! until we bring that barrier down we can hold them here.” Bloodstone yelled. He then conferred with the mages and the sergeant. The wasp cloud had dispersed, to where not one was quite sure, and no one wanted to ask.

“We can bring the barrier down, the problem is they still have a good thousand soldiers, fearless and mages behind it. We have around a hundred fighters and a handful of mages, that’s really bad odds.” The sergeant said.

“Ok the mages are going to break that barrier, the problem would normally be being out of mana, and fortunately we have something they didn’t anticipate.” He grinned at Lady Amethyst. “I think we can make them drop that barrier, they are aware of the size of our forces by now. Lets poke the bear see if we can’t get a response.”

Bloodstone drew both swords and began walking towards the barrier. Twenty steps behind him the others followed on horseback.

Bloodstone stood before the barrier, he could see the demons on the other side, and they were watching him. Without a sound the barrier dropped and the demons charged.

There was a flurry of blades as they charged Bloodstone, there was the sounds of shattering as his blades cut through swords, armor, bodies and bone.  His stance was amateurish compared to the soldiers behind him. It became apparent that something was off, something didn’t make sense, and nothing lived that got within reach of his blades. The fearless swarmed him, clawing and slashing, and still they died.  The demons backed away not sure what they were dealing with. There were dozens and dozens of bodies of demons that looked like had been hacked apart.

The fearless do not know fear, and usually most things run from them. This human who stood before them was an anomaly, there was no fear from him. The spells that hit him from three sides lifted him off the ground and threw him back ten feet. The other soldiers had engaged the demons. They were now swarming around and beginning to encircle the attacking forces. It was at that time that a spell went off, a wave of light blue, spread out from the center of the formation. Demons ten feet from the edge of the attacking forces froze for a moment. A second blue wave washed over them, then a third. The demons on the outside of this field pushed on those who were frozen in place, knocking them over to swarm those in the center. Another blue wave hit them; some continued others froze in place eyes glazed. Those demons that made it to the central combatants were cut down.

Bloodstone sat up, his back was covered in a wet sheen of mud.. Rana danced over to him, weaving between the still demons.

“You all right?” She asked, as she cut the demons on each side of him drawing blood. Another blue wave hit the demons, holding them in place.

“I’m good, little singed, and muddy it looks like.  Keep bleeding these demons.” Rana nodded, and one of the demons off to the right was speared on a spire of rock from the ground. He hefted the swords and put one of them away. With one hand began touching each fearless or demom as he sliced into it with his blade. “Step back.” Rana again nodded and danced back to the main line. Rana left a trail of slices on the demons as she moved though them, each cut for maximum damage. A dozen spells streaked across the battlefield towards Lady Amethyst who was still casting. The spells stopped with a loud shattering sound and what looked like a soap bubble around her winked out of existence.

A wave of blue spread from her fingertips and she began casting again. The spell was different, and a bubble of swirling rainbow colored energy appeared briefly around her for a moment then faded. Once one spell was done she began the next.

There was silence in the courtroom. “Are you telling me she is able to cast that quickly?” The judge asked.

Hijala shook her head, “No I am telling you that she is able to cast continuously, she has perfected casting of the spells to an art form. I never saw her take damage the entire time the fight was going on.” There was some murmuring off to one side. The judge looked over at the two humans. “Can you explain this?” He asked.

“My mom is not a tank, she an enchanter.” Kuya said smirking.

“My mom was using runes, they use peridots, we bought a bunch before since my mom needed them for the runes” Xach said as a matter of fact.

“Peridots, as in the green gemstone,” someone asked in the crowd.

“That’s right; we bought some when we first came to the city.” Xach said.

There was a groan from the drake [merchant], “I could have gotten more.” He lamented.

“What happened next,” The judge asked.

Bloodstone was in the middle of the forces, closer to the edge of the spells Lady Amethyst was casting. Rana returned to the group. She saw him slash four more fearless before he paused; he stood in a more open area as the corpse he and Rana had slashed fell to the ground. The demons just outside the reach of her spell snarled, and inched closer. There was a flash of his weapon, and a ten of the fearless who were frozen in place were cleaved in half.

For a moment it appeared as if there were ten of him at once, and then just one.  The demons clamoring to get to him were unsure the fearless looked back to the leaders in the center of their formation. The demons began casting waves of spells at Bloodstone, and Lady Amethyst seeing them as major threats. No spell touched Lady Amethyst, each time another bubble was created. “Would you kill them already I don’t have unlimited gems” Lady Amethyst yelled.

The entire time the soldiers had been hacking demons apart, moving closer to Bloodstone. Bloodstone held his ground and killed anything that got close, the spells though they seemed to be hitting him. He was hit with fire, frozen, and dark energy in an instant. He dropped to one knee, as it enveloped him. The demons anticipating him weakening surged forward and were stopped as Xach stood next to his father.

Two large forms stood up from the hoard of demons, the two trolls hand been hunched over and now stood just under twenty feet tall, one of them had a tree gripped in its massive hand. They were gray green, and the texture of their skin looked like alligator or crocodile skin. Their faces were grotesque in a parity resembling a humanoid shape.

“Blight trolls” One of the soldiers yelled from the lines. There were a group of archers who began to focus fire on the trolls. The arrows didn’t penetrate the tough hide of the blight trolls.

The two trolls, moved forward as the demons moved out of the way. They advanced through the blue pulses Lady Amethyst was casting.

“They are immune to the stun effect!” she yelled.

The troll with the tree turned and took a swipe at bloodstone with the massive tree. Zach dove flat into the mud, demons that were frozen slowed the swing as they were hit with the impact of the tree.. There were multiple crunches as it impacted each demon breaking bones. Bloodstone quickly drew his second blade and braces as he blocked the tree on the flats of both blades. The impact pushed him back ten feet and dug ruts where his feet were.

The troll seemed confused and pulled the tree back. Bloodstone and Xach rushed toward the troll, getting in melee range. Bloodstone slashed at the troll’s legs and Xach used his spear to hit vital points that he could reach with the spear. The troll was not amused, as it regenerated faster than they could injure it.

A spell went off on the second troll, it blinked as if confused. “Kill that troll” Lady amethyst said, pointing to the troll with the tree.  The troll moved to attack the tree wielding troll.  The two trolls began to fight, with just claws and then the tree wielding troll was also attacked by Bloodstone and Xach.

Bloodstone setup to sever the tree wielding trolls leg. I was at that moment when the demon mages began attacking him with bolts of purple and black energy.  Bloodstone screamed, as the black energy locked his muscles in place and the demons surged forward to take advantage of his immobility. Maldis the white drake stood next to Bloodstone, and slashed with his claws at anything that got close. The mages threw spells at Maldis, who snarled, and took the damage from the spells.

Bloodstone, was in being protected by the Maldis the white drake. He wasn’t a fighter, and had no skills in that class. He was also not a mage, he had no aptitude for magic, before coming to Rhir. He was a seeker of knowledge, and his class was a [Librarian]. He continued to protect Bloodstone while he recovered.  When the demons had attacked days before he had been caught inside during the attack, the building he had been in had been set aflame. He had survived but with horrible burns across his body. The pool had given him his life back. Bloodstone had given him a purpose. The drake screamed defiantly as the spells slammed into him burning his skin away, melting his flesh. There was a detonation as his body exploded in a blue light, and everything in front of him was covered in a blue mist. For a moment he was gone and then there was a roar as the very air around where he stood turned to ice.  Bloodstone was behind a wall of ice and a ribbon of white scales curled around his left wrist.

[Dragonsoldier 2]

[Maldis Snowdrop spirit acquired]

“Are you saying that he somehow absorbed a drakes spirit?” The judge asked.

“I know I felt a brother fall. I know that afterwards I spoke with the other drakes who survived and they felt the kinship and the fury at his death. I also saw something that both terrified me and thrilled me to my very core.”

“What was that?” someone shouted.

“A dragon.” She said simply.

“There haven’t been any dragons in living memory” The judge said.

Hijala shugged, ”I know what I saw. Bloodstone became a living dragon”

There were clamoring of disbelief and someone shouted “Liar”

“Silence,” the judge said, “Continue”

Bloodstone stood up and there was the sound of the wasps, they had waited until the battle was joined and began attacking the, demons. The wasps swarmed and stung demons, many of them began to turn to stone. Yet it was still not enough, soldiers had been injured and Violet was administering potions to those who need them. Some soldiers never got back up. They were losing the battle. There were just too many demons, and not enough defenders. Even with the wasps and the enchanter holding back the demons. The trolls were stalemated until the demons burned the first one.

There was a scream of rage, at first it didn’t register. The demons and the defenders both realized something was wrong when the area where Bloodstone had been exploded with ice and snow. There was a mist,  that covered the area, and the beast that came out was a dragon, it had white and black scales, intermixed in strange patterns that seemed to shift.

It roared and took in a deep breath, the result of the exhale was a spray of white burning droplets, anything they touched burst into blue flame. The demons began casting at the dragon. The spells landed and appeared to do little to the scales. The dragon spread it wings and pushed air at the demons, at first it was a breeze and then a gale. Many of them were knocked down from the wind. It then unleashed a second breath weapon attack, blue lighting coalesced along its spine and then it released a crackling ball of blue energy into the center of the demon formation.

The demons screamed as the lighting burned trails and left ice behind it.  The Dragon was only there for about thirty seconds but the attacked it did were devastating to the demons. Bloodstone knelt in a slight depression panting and holding his head. The white scales on his left arm glowed slightly.

“Dad!” Xach said running over to him.

The trolls who had been fighting one was flaming the other troll wielding the tree in one hand fell backwards. The troll fell onto Bloodstone. The troll on fire screamed and died falling to one side.

The demons started to flee, away from the attackers. Their leaders were dead or dying, and the fearless were the only ones that stood their ground. They were cut down as they fled, wasps swarmed them leaving grotesque statues behind.

Soldiers moved the troll off Bloodstone. He was unconscious as they dragged him out of the mud. He was alive, and Violet began tending to him and they brought him back to their ranks.

The wasps swarmed above the demons hounding them and turning them to stone. They also began to deliver gold, and other items to the back of one of the wagons.

“Sargent take the group we discussed and see if you are able to get into Svental and secure it. The rest of you finish off these demons.” Lady Amethyst ordered.

Xach was with a group of soldiers finishing off a group of fearless who were still fighting.  It wasn’t until late afternoon that all the demons had been killed. They had found out the hard way that the spear barrier that had been put in place was still deadly as electricity arced between the points, there were demons who had been cooked from the lightning.

The drake who controlled the barrier was Illapressa Lavandarius, she was a silver adventurer who was looking for a group. When the demons first attacked, she had defended herself and others until they had overwhelmed her. She had multiple broken bones, as well as damage to her hands. She had been carried to the pool by me and a soldier, who had previously gone into the pool. When Bloodstone had found out what her abilities were, he spoke with her at length after the meeting. I do not know what was discussed; I know that she like me was grateful for what Bloodstone had done for her.

“I do know that Illapressa was a mage, what she became after becoming a dragon soldier I do not know. She was the one responsible for the barrier. When I saw her after the battle her scales glowed” Hijala said.

“Glowed?” The judge asked.

“Glowed like blue fire, there was the smell after a lightning storm around her, that fresh smell after a good storm. I knew her from before; she was always kind to me. I did get to speak with her when we began the return trip to the fortress. She told me that she was a [fulgur magum] of the fiftieth level or [lightning mage], and that she had gained the ability [Electrogenic Dynamo] She had no idea what it was until Lord Bloodstone explained it to her. The skill lets her generate electricity from her body as a [Dragon Soldier], Bloodstone gave her some items to enhance that power. She used that power to kill anything that tried to cross the barrier”

“Where is this mage now?”, The judge asked.

“She is with Lady Amethyst.” Was the reply.

There was silence in the courtroom as that statement sunk in. The judge composed himself and said, “Fifteen minute recess, I need to speak with the city officials in my chambers.”

A small group of soldiers were sent back to the fortress; Bloodstone was being carried in the bed of one of the five wagons, as were several the people that had been saved some of them were fast asleep from exhaustion. Lady Amethyst was still taking care of the cleanup, the one wagon no one dared to approach was the one covered in metal wasps.  A small pile of gold and magic items was left in the back of that wagon. There were four open barrels in the back of that wagon the wasps filed in and out of one of them. Once Bloodstone was moved they all took to the air and followed as a large cloud causing some panic. It was discovered later that the barrels also contained the parts of the wasps that had been damaged or killed.

“I want the bodies checked, any items are to be put in the wagon, try not to touch anything with bare skin.” One of the soldiers ordered. “We have this my Lady, you should return, we can clean up here. There are mages here we will bring everything back we find.”

Lady Amethyst sighed deeply and turned her horse. “If you find any of our men petrified, bring them to the fortress, my husband should be able to restore them.”

Xach and Miguel stood off to one side, “I guess we need to collect the spears now.” Miguel said.

“Dude, we just put them all in the ground.” Xach said.

“Yeah and we might need them again.” He replied.

“Xach walked over to his horse I didn’t even get lunch yet!” he complained.


Day 30


The next morning, Bloodstone had woken up. He was in a lot of pain. Broken bones were set to begin healing, and he also refused healing potions. He said his body should heal on its own. The put him in a room to rest, just a couple of doors down from the main audience chamber. Lady Amethyst was taking care of the day to day issues that had accumulated.

“We just got word that the team sent to retake the Svental Garrison met little resistance, and they have entered, they are in the process of fortifying their position, we have relayed the news to the other Garrisons as well as to the crown.”, The soldier reporting said,

Lady Amethyst nodded, “Has my son returned?”

“No Ma’am they are still cleaning up from yesterday’s skirmish, the gold and other artifacts recovered are being examined, catalogued and brought here.”

“What’s next on the agenda” Lady Amethyst asked.

“Newton and Beth wanted to have a word with you, after that you have the two children of the Lord of Svental.”  The solder said looking a little uncomfortable.

“I have time to talk to them. were the children fed, and given clothes and bathed?” She asked.

“They are not yet here, I will send a servant to see how long they will be.” The soldier said stepping outside.

A minute later Beth and Newton entered.
“Oh hi, we wanted to talk to your husband” Newton said looking around.

“He is resting, and I don’t want him disturbed.” Lady Amethyst said softly.

“Oh?” Beth said.

“He was injured yesterday, broke some bones, and he is refusing healing potions. He also is dealing with a family issue.”

“How badly was he hurt?” Newton asked.

“Some cracked ribs, legs broken, and his left arm. A troll fell on him, he may also have a concussion, so bed rest for a day or two while he heals. Is there something I can help you with?” She said a little more forcefully.

“We just need someone to sign off on the fabrication of the parts we need, we have some gold, but your husband said he would finance the project.” Newton said.

Lady Amethyst smiled, “I believe Coreen is handling all the finances, for the estate.”

“Uh yeah we can’t seem to find her either.” Beth said.

“She and Hellen are most likely in discussions with him and should not be disturbed. If you need someone to sign off on the finances I can do that.”  Lady Amethyst replied.

It was at that moment the Isabel, Violet, Rana, and Xyrdiane came into the audience room. They were all in combat gear, even Isabel was wearing a shimmering white robe, that sparked in rainbows.  Rana had her hand on her weapons and was in the armor she had been given. Xyrdiane was wearing a mage robe, of a deep blue.

“Oh, I can come back”, Violet said.

“Its fine, we were discussing the project that Beth and Newton are working on.” She looked over at Violet, “How did everything go, have you discussed things with my, er our husband?”

“We came to an agreement,” Xyrdiane said, “It’s not what any of us expected but it should work for the time being”

“What were you talking about,” Beth asked.

Before any of them could answer, Lady Amethyst said, “We were discussing Christmas.”

“Seems kind of late for that,” Newton said, “Wasn’t that like two months ago”

“Yea, and we were discussing it for next year.” Lady Amethyst replied giving him a look to drop the subject as she was not too happy about the subject.

“Whats Chrismas,” Violet asked.

“That’s not what we were discussing, we were discussing,“ Isabel started to say.

“Christmas, leave it at that.” Lady Amethyst said forcefully.

Beth looked over at Lady Amethyst then the others, “Ohhh! Christmas.”

“It’s like months away, why talk about that now??” Newton asked very confused.

Beth whispered into his ear, He turned bright red,” Oh Christmas,” and made a hasty retreat out of the audience chamber.

“What is this Christmas?” Violet asked.

“It’s what we were talking about earlier this morning.” She said.

“Oh, about more heirs,” Violet asked.

“Precisely, what did he say about the issue you brought up Violet.”  Lady Amethyst asked as she got up and walked over to her.

Violet looked at her, “He was angry, not at me.” She then looked over at Xyrdiane and Isabel.

“I have seen him angry before this was something different.” Xyrdiane said softly, “When he understood what the specific class she had and how they are made that way. He said he would fix it I have no idea how something like that could be done.”

“He said he would, I believe him,” Isabel said staring at Xyrdiane

“Eyes are one thing, I have heard of magic replacing missing eyes. I don’t even know what would have been done to Violet to make her barren.”

A solder stood at the doorway with a girl and a young boy. They were dressed in rich clothes that didn’t seem to fit very well. The younger boy hid behind the girl.

“Is there anything else you wanted to discuss, I have some other issues to deal with.”

“No just that we will be down the hall if you need us.” The four of them filed out past the kids.

Lady Amethyst sat back down on the soft chair, she waved them forward.

“My lady, this is Miss Alana Svental and her younger brother Alexander Svental. We have verified them, with both truth spells and the other Lords.”

The two of them stepped forward and bowed slightly. “Lady Amethyst, thank you for the hospitality you have shown us in our time of need. I must say that you have treated the survivors kindly. I understand that you also have taken possession of the Svental holdings.”

“Your most welcome, my husband decide that they would not keep them, that you are the only surviving heir, you have my condolences for the loss of your parents and older siblings. You are free to stay as long as you need to, when you are ready we can arrange a carriage to take you home.”

“I do not know if we will be able to return home. The king may decide that the holdings will go to someone else, I don’t know what I can do.” Alana said as her lower lip quivered.

“As I said you and your brother are welcome to remain here if you need to, and since you have some knowledge of the other lords you can teach me what you know.”

“She’s not like the other Lady’s ”, Alexander said staring at her. “She sparkles.”

“Sparkles?” The two of them said at the same time.

Alexander continued to stare at her.

“My brother has the gift, it’s the ability to see magic, it runs in our family, my grandfather had it, said it helped him see who was lying. I never heard of sparkles before. If you don’t mind me asking what your class is,” Alana asked.

“Is your grandfather still alive?” She asked.

“No, he passed two winters back when it got really cold, he slipped and fell one afternoon they found his body when the snows melted.” Alana said sadly.

“I heard a report this morning from the men who took back the fortress; your two older brothers had swords in their hands and I hear fought bravely. I am leaving the drake there until the king decides what to do with it or sends men to man it. It is remarkable that you two and the others made it here.”


“My father, had us lowered off the wall, we had a bit of a head start, some of them went east, some followed the road west. My father told us to go north, said that the new lord and lady here wouldn’t turn us away.”

“How did you know it was safe here?” She asked.

“Only the powerful lords get holdings on the border of the blight, at least that’s what my father said. Lady Aladeana used to be a gold rank adventurer, her group split up and the kings father gave her lands and a title. I think the king wants her back in the capital since she was the one who tutored him in swordsmanship when he was younger before being sent to guard the wall.”

Lady Amethyst looked over at the soldier, “Are there any other things that I need to take care of?”

“Yes, there the disposition of the three slaves that were recovered from the demons. There is a man here, claiming to be with the assassin’s guild that wishes to speak with you, about what he didn’t say.”

“Very well show him in and bring the slaves here once they have been cleaned up. You two can wait here.”

A neatly dressed man entered his hair was dark, and he looked to be in very good shape, a half elf woman followed him into the audience chamber. “Good morning Lady Amethyst, I am Count Cabral, I report directly to the crown on matters of internal security. You husband has by retaking the wall fortress proven his loyalty to the crown. We will be in touch if anything changes.” He bowed slightly and left the half elf followed him.

“I don’t like him, he creeps me out.” Alana said

The soldier came in with three people who were dragging chains behind them. “Sorry, we haven’t found the keys to unlock the collars yet.”

The three women that were brought in look relieved and were dressed in clean cloths. They both dropped to their knees. One of the smaller blond women, “Lady, thank you for freeing us.” The woman said softly.

“I find it surprising that you were amongst the demons, can you tell me how you came to be collared.” She asked.

“I was taken as a girl from one of the settlements.” The blond woman said.

She looked to the other two, one was completely bald and the other had long black hair. The long-haired woman spoke up, “I was taken as well, I don’t know about her, she can’t talk.”

The bald woman opened her mouth showing no tongue and pointed to her throat. She made a dramatic gesture about her throat being pulled away. Shrugged and looked at her.

“Are you able to write?” Amethyst asked?

The woman shook her head no.

“You three are safe here, once we find the keys we will get you out of those collars.”

“Thank you,” The dark-haired woman said, “I want to know if any of my family survived.”

Lady Amethyst looked at Hijala, “You can take a break if you want. I am going to get some food.”

The drake looked over at the kids and the woman, “I will stay with you my Lady.”

The group left the audience chamber.


The break was longer then fifteen minutes, almost an hour had passed. When the Judge came back in.

“Miss Greenscale, it has been decided that in light of your recent testimony that we will have to either have you sent back to Rhir, or pay for your crimes, the sentence of death still stands.”

“I Object!” Kuya said loudly, “I like Hijala.” The shackles around Kaya’s hands were gone and she stood there with her staff.

There was a gasp from the court as the staff she had begun to glow. A spark of bright blue light appeared hovering over the staff.

“Miss Kuya, please there is no need to harm these drakes,” Hijala pleaded.

“No killing Hijala.” Kuya said firmly.

“Human, we will not be intimidated by your theatrics.” The judge said getting angry. Two drake guards walked over to remove her staff and re-shackle her.

Hijala turned back to the judge, “They are not theatrics, Lady Kuya, is probably the most dangerous human I have ever personally encountered.”

There was a short pause of silence, at her statement. The two drake guards took a step back from Kuya.

“I did not meet her until later that day, she was on the walls. I can continue my testimony if the court would be so inclined ” Hijala said trying to diffuse the situation.

“Weapons are not permitted in the courtroom,” one of the soldiers said reaching for her staff.

“I wouldn’t touch a mages staff, without their permission,” a drake mage said.

“Hold” The judge said, “Human will you please put away your staff, there is no threat here, we are merely in discussion of the current issues.”

“Fine” she sighed and with that the Staff she was holding vanished. The soldier picked up the shackles and went to put them back on Kuya. “That will not be necessary,” the Judge said.  The soldier glared at Kuya for a moment and then walked back to his post with the shackles.

“Miss Greenscale please continue”


Lady Amethyst and her entourage had eaten, and the two younger humans had been given rooms, the three slaves had been given rooms as well.  It was much later in the afternoon. Lady Amethyst was listening to music from her phone.  It was loud, and she occasionally would sing along to the song. She returned to the audience chambers with the music blaring.

Her son came in with several soldiers, carrying four large chests. “We found a bunch of magic stuff, you think dad will want to look at it?” The music was loud enough that she looked up at him and said, “What?”

“We found a bunch of magic stuff; you think dad will want to look at it?” He asked again.

“I can identify magic items, no need to bother your father.” She said gesturing to the guardsmen. The music cut off mid song.

“I get dibs on any weapons you find.” He said.

The soldiers opened the first chest; it was filled with gold coins, and other trinkets of gold. “We think most of this was looted from the other Garrison.” one of the soldiers said.

The head mage came into the audience hall, a little out of breath. “Lady Amethyst I apologize, I was under the impression I would be able to sort through the magic items found. I just found out they had arrived.”

“Sure, if you have the time, I wouldn’t want to take you away from your duties.”

The mage paused, “Um, it’s no bother, my apprentices can handle the day to day stuff” she said looking over at the second chest that had been opened. There were bags and books, in the second chest. The third chest was filled with weapons, at least weapons that fit into the chest.

“The bigger stuff that didn’t fit we have brought to the mages research room, a couple of spears, and some pikes. As well as any big armor pieces.” The soldier said opening the last chest.

The last chest was filled with potion bottles, nothing was obvious as to what each bottle was.

“I have no idea how to identify potion” The head mage said looking at Lady Amethyst.

“I think I know a group who can identify them, pack them up safely and take them to the alchemy guild that works out of West Pardalis. They love a challenge and I bet they will figure out what they all are.” She investigated the chest and lifted out a pearl white potion. “Hang on”,  she opened her spell book and found the spell she was looking for and cast it. “[Identify]” she said holding the potion. “Any idea what a purity potion is?”

She set the potion aside and began identifying the rest of the potions. The few odd potions she set aside the healing and mana and endurance potions were marked and repacked into the chest.

“I think we will still sent the rest off to the guild, if nothing else we can trade them for healing potions” she said keeping several potions aside.

The mage and Lady Amethyst began sorting through the bags. One of them had its draw strings closed by a ceramic device. She identified the bag as a bag of storage and the device as an explosive lock. There wasn’t any obvious way to open it without setting if off. It was set aside to be examined later. They got through the rest of the items, in the bags.

“Yeah this is a lot of work send the rest to her lab, the bag sent to my husband he likes a challenge. Oh, and send this potion as well.” Lady Amethyst said picking up the white potion she first identified.  The chests were packed back up and take out of the hall

“Who do you want to take that to him?” The mage asked

“Hijala can you take the bag and potion to him? If you are not too busy that is.” She asked.

Hijala nodded and carefully retrieved picked up the pearl white potion, and the blue silken bag being careful not to touch the ceramic lock.

“My husband loves a challenge and his mind still works even if he is confined to bed rest.” She replied.


Hijala went with Xach, and one of the guards. “Where are you from?” Hijala asked Xach.

“Another world.” Xach said plainly.

“If you don’t want to tell me there is no reason to be rude.” She said.

“No really we were summoned here by the king’s mages about a month ago.”

“Oh, what is your world like?” She asked.

“There is no magic there only technology, no other races just humans.” He stopped in the hallway. “You would be looked at as either an alien or something from a story book. I am still getting used to it myself.”

“Do you want to go back?” She asked.

“I don’t know maybe, I haven’t really given it much thought.” He shrugged continued walking.  They arrived at the door to the Lords suite, two guardsmen were standing outside.

“I’m sorry you can’t go in.” The guardsman on the left said moving to block the door.

“We have something my dad needs to look at.” Zach said stepping closer.

“We have orders that he is not to be disturbed” The guardsman on the right said blocking the door.

The door behind them opened and Rana looked out. “It all right he is awake.”

The guards returned to their posts and let him pass.

“He is not in a good mood so make it quick.” Rana said

When they came in they could see the large king sized bed had Bloodstone lying down his left arm and both legs were still in splints. Xyrdiane was sitting on the other side of the bed and put down her spell book as they entered.

“Morning Xach, what brings you and Hijala here, looking to see how your old man is doing?” He asked.

“No mom wanted you to look at the lock thing on this bag, and they found a potion you might also want to look at.” Hijala handed him the bag and the potion.

He looked at the potion in the brighter sunlight that streamed in. “Huh, no idea ever seen a milky white potion before?” He asked Rana and Xyrdiane.

“It’s a purity potion according to your wife.” Hijala said.

He set the potion on the small table by the bedside and looked at the ceramic block. “Some kind if fire spell is part of this, without the right command word it will detonate if the draw strings are moved through it. Not a very efficient design, easy to break, or do something like this and it is useless.” He touched the ceramic block and it disintegrated at his touch. “Now let’s see what was so important.” He opened the bag and started rummaging through it. He began pulling out items that could not fit in such a small bag. He pulled out four ceramic jars, a bundle of leather, wrapped around something, and amulet, two rings, an ornate looking book that he passed over to Xyrdiane.

The jars had metal handles that seemed to keep them sealed. He popped one open and the smell that came out was nauseating, like a heavy aroma of vomit. He sealed the jar and put them back in the bag. “Gross, I have no idea what that might have been”

The leather bundle he unwrapped and inside was another book, with strange writing both on the cover and in the book itself. “Xach would you go get your sister, maybe she can figure this out.”

He turned to leave and Hijala followed, “I have yet to meet your sister.”

“That’s odd, there is a map carved into the leather, with similar symbols on that book.” They hear Rana say

Xack and Hijala asked around where Kuya was and found her on the wall with the commander.  The commander stopped them before they could interrupt her.

He looked pale and kept glancing out over the wall where the demons where gathered.

“Hold on a moment my lord, I would ask that you give your sister a few minutes more.” He said blocked the path. The other dozen soldiers on the wall were nervous as well.

“My dad wants her to look at something.” Xach said walking around him.

As he approached, she turned and looked at him, “Hi Xach”

“What are you doing up here?” she looked over at Hijala,”Sup Lizard.”

Hijala replied somewhat insulted, her wings flared out is agitation “I am a drake”

“Ok Lizzy kind of busy here.” She said turning back to the army off in the distance.

They both looked and saw a green cloud rolling towards the demons. There were spells that were attacking the cloud and several shouts came in their direction and impacted on a barrier that extended from the wall.

“That’s boring, is that a fart your using on them” Xach asked.

“It’s death fog” she said as it continued to move towards the demons.

“Boring, here let me show you how it’s done.” He drew his arm back and threw a lightning bolt out at the army. It landed about two thirds the distance away and exploded in a shower of sparks. “Farther than I thought.”

The green fog enveloped some of the demons that were closer, after a few moments they ran out of the fog.

“Phht that’s lame Xach.”

“Your green fog is lame” He said teasing her.

“Oh really?” She turned and had an intense look on her face. There was a breeze that kicked up. “I’ll show you what I can do.” She said.

The guards sensed the sibling rivalry going on and started looking out over the plain. The wind picked up blowing from west to east. It brought with it more rain, and she looked over at Xach , “Beat that!” A funnel cloud came down from the sky, and pulled up dirt, demons and the cloud at random. It tore through the demons as they screamed and ran in all directions.

“Weather mage” one of the soldiers said in awe. The tornado continued off in the distance and then dissipated as quickly as it had appeared.

Xach watch for a moment, “You know, I don’t have any skills, that deal with weather. How about this.” There was a roar as the very wall shook, a cavernous opening opened under the few groups of demons who had been missed by the tornado. The wall continued to shake.

“Oops, too much?” A chasm spread for hundreds of feet in both directions parallel with the wall.

Then the shaking stopped. The guards on the wall stared at them in both awe and terror.

“I still win.” Kuya said.

“How do you figure that?” Xach asked.

She pointed at a group of demons who seeing the chasm had started to flee. She waved her staff and they just evaporated.

“That’s cheating! How did you do that?” He asked.

“Esprite.” As if that explained it.

“What does that mean?”

She made a motion with the staff and it shrunk down and became a small pencil, with a feather on top. “Dad wanted to talk to me?”

“Yeah some book he found in a bag of holding.” He shrugged.

The two of them walked off leaving the guards and Hijala on the wall.

“Remind me,” The commander said, “What did Lord Bloodstone say about letting her on the wall?”

“I think he said she shouldn’t cause to much trouble.” One of the guardsmen said.

The commander looked out over the devastation that the two siblings had cause in the span of a few minutes.

“I am both glad they are on our side and terrified what happens if they get angry.” He said watching them go through the door.

“I will keep an eye on them,” Hijala said running to catch up.


There was stunned silence in the courtroom as Hijala finished. Every eye turned to the siblings.

“What?” Kuya asked, “is there something on my face” she said wiping her face with the sleeve of her robe.

“Is this true?” The judge asked, softly.

“Oh, what the tornado.” Kuya asked.

“My quake was still better.” Xach said.

“Was not” Kuya said.

“Your tornado didn’t last that long, though you did help on the ship.”

“Order” the drake said in his courtroom.  The two of them jumped and stood facing him.

“Since you have not caused any trouble here, the humans are free to go, as for Miss Greenscale, considering your testimony, we will remand you into the custody of these two humans. I would highly suggest that the three of you finish your business here before nightfall. Dismissed.” He said slamming the gavel down.

“That’s outrageous”, a drake said in the back row.

The three of them were released and their items returned.

“Ma’ma why did the judge let the humans go?” A small drake asked his mother.

“They didn’t do anything wrong, and they were polite and respectful of the court.” The older drake replied.

They were then escorted out of the courtroom under heavy guard. As they passed the small drake, asked another question.

“Ma’ma, are they bad people?” The small drake said staring at them as they walked by.

The older drake looked at them, as well as they passed. The human woman stopped and knelt to eye level with the small drake.

“You have to decide that for yourself”, Kuya said as she then turned and left the courtroom.


Kuya and Xach entered the suite. Bloodstone and Xyrdiane as well as Rana and the Head mage were looking at a map that had been unfolded onto the bed. A book was on the end of the bed. Bloodstone was taking pictures of the map.

“This is a very valuable find, it has details, that the king will want to know about.” The mage said.

“Ok so we will send it to him via currier, the book Kuya will translate and send to him as well. Will that work?” He asked.

“Yes, are you done?” she asked as he put the camera down.

“I am, it’s not magical by the way do you think we should cast a preservation spell on it?” he asked her.

“That won’t be necessary” She said as she started to fold the leather map back up.  It was a deep brown leather, and what kind of leather of they still were not sure, when unfolded it was as big as the king size bed and seemed to have been cut from a larger piece of leather.

“Kuya can you look at that book see if you can translate” Bloodstone asked her as she came in pointing at the book at the end of the bed

Kuya picked up the glanced through the pages, “It like that other book you gave me but better hand writing, I can read it if that’s the question”

“Any idea what language it is?” He asked her as she flipped pages.

She shrugged, “Nope, but I can translate it. Oh, wait it changes to another language halfway through and horrible hand writing.”

“Ok can you get working on that and the other book.” He asked.

“I guess, I think I am done with the demons” She took the book and left.

“She’s done with them?” The mage asked looking up.

“My bad, I think I broke the ground out there.” Xach said.

“Is that what that quake was?” Xyrdiane asked, “I didn’t know you had the [geomancer] class.”

“I don’t, I have been reading a book my dad found in the box.” He said sheepishly.

Everyone looked at Bloodstone.

“What he wanted one of the spell books, to read. Kuya has a couple of them to copy spells out of.”

“I would like to see these spell books, when you get a moment,” The Head Mage said voraciously.

“Didn’t I mention them before?” He sat on the bed pondering the question, “Maybe not”

“Now I really want to see these spell books you mentioned.”

“Azalar!” he said loudly.

“No need to shout I am right here,” The cat said hopping up on the bed.

“Can you let,” he looked at the Mage, “You know I never did ask your name.”

She laughed, “Sorry I thought everyone knew my name. Its Brigette.”

There were gasps of recognition from the Hijala, and Xyrdiane.

Bloodstone looked at her blankly, “Brigette, nice to meet you.”

“The Brigette? The leader of the Golden swords,” Xyrdiane asked.

Brigette blushed, “It’s been a long time since I was an adventurer. It’s nice that people still remember.”

“She’s a named adventurer Brigette mage of the golden swords of Izril, I thought you died.” Xyrdiane asked.

“No, I had to leave, too much bad blood between me and my family.” She sighed.

“Family?” Bloodstone asked.

“Rather not get into it, I have some siblings who didn’t like the fact that I took up adventuring and gave up my noble title. My brother and I are not on speaking terms since my parent passed. I came to Rhir, to get away from the politics of Izril, here I can do what I want and make a difference.”

A soldier knocked, “My lord there is some news”

“Come in.”

The soldier held a single sheet, “There’s been an announcement, from Izril.” He said.

“An announcement about what?” Bloodstone asked confused.

“The Tidebreaker, Zel Shivertail has fallen in battle, to a goblin.” The soldier said.

Everyone stared, at the soldier.

“Who is Zel Shivertail?” Bloodstone asked.

“You read the Antinum war books, he is the Tidebreaker, the General of the Drakes during the Antinum wars.” Xyrdiane said.

“Oh, that’s right so why send a message all the way out here?” Bloodstone asked perplexed.

It was Hijala that responded, “To tell the drakes, our hero has fallen.” She said trying to hold back her emotions.

“Can you get any more information,” He asked the soldier.

“I can try,” the soldier replied.

“Let the drakes know as well. Unless you want to tell them Hijala?” He said softly.

Hijala nodded and followed the soldier out.

“I think, I will contact my brother see if he’s ok.” Brigette said following them out.

“I could use the mirror,” Bloodstone suggested.

Xyrdiane stared at him, “I don’t think that would be a good idea.”

He sighed, “You might be right, but shouldn’t we at least try.”

Rana spoke up, “I, would contact the family first they may not want him revived.”

“Could you find out who might want him resurrected?” Bloodstone asked.

“I know a couple of people in Izril I could contact”, Xyrdiane said getting up and leaving.

Rana sat on the bed, “Why would you do something like that for someone you don’t even know.”

Bloodstone sat, silently for a few minutes, “Because I can, and it’s the right thing to do. The thing is I won’t unless someone in his family speaks up. You have been wanting to ask why I used the mirror to revive you.”

Rana nodded.

“Your my responsibility, you were the moment I freed you.” He said rana started to interrupt. “Hold on, before you say anything, listen. I should have protected you, taken that crossbow bolt. Your braver than I was, I hesitated, you didn’t. I saw the look in Xyre’s eyes when you were hurt. I won’t lie, I did it for me, not you. If you hate me for it, I would understand.”

Rana stared at him silently, “I wanted to find a reason to hate you, you have been kind, and thoughtful most of the time. You have even apologized when I told you off. I don’t hate you.”

“That’s good to hear, I know you want to know the secret, so I will tell you.” he took a key from around his neck and handed it to her.

“I shouldn’t keep this as a key, to tempting of a target. Go ahead”

She looked at the ornate gold and gemstone encrusted key, “How does it work”

“Use it to unlock the door, pretend there is a door right there” he said pointing to the wall.

Rana used the key and unlocked the door, inside the room things had changed, a stack of books, and other items were on the desk. Research papers, as well as diagrams.

“This is where you have been disappearing to when no one can find you.” She said looking at the mirror.

“Guilty”, he said from the bed.

“How does the mirror work?” She asked exiting the small room and closing the door. It vanished as soon as her hand touched the key.

“Noon or midnight a corpse or the true name of the one to be brought back is placed in front of the mirror, if they are able to be brought back, they will feel the pull of life and will be returned to life. There are other things that can prevent someone from being resurrected, willingness to return, if they have moved on.”

“How would you resurrect Zel Shivertail”, she asked.

“That’s why we would need to contact his family, to get his full name, even adding the title will help. Even then there is no guarantee that it will work. The question is should we even try.”

Rana stared at him, “I don’t know.”

Xyrdiane came back into the room, “I sent a couple of messages, to some people I know. It will take a couple of days or a week or so to get a reply.”

“What did you send?” Bloodstone asked.

“I asked my friends if there were any Shivertail’s relatives who would have time to talk to you.”, she said.

“I don’t think that will get a response.” Bloodstone sighed softly.

“Why do you say that?” Rana said.

“Let’s assume that you can find someone that is willing talk to us, the expense required to communicate put it out of reach for most people, drakes included. The most you might get is a message declining. Even if we sent a courier with the request, you are talking months, at the very least. There are a couple of things I could do, to get a response, the issue is I don’t want to give false hope.”

“If anyone could do it you could.” Rana said.

“Thanks for the vote of confidence, It’s possible, but unlikely, without the full name of the Tidebreaker, and a request from a realative.”


There news of the death of the Tidebreaker swept across Rhir as it had the rest of the world. It was the talk of the drakes, for the next few days, and toasts to him were in the local taverns across Rhir. Messages flew across the world, condolences and other things flooded the family. It wasn’t surprising that several messages arrived late in Liscor, one was from as far away as Rhir, it was a simple message and came after the legendary armor was showcased in broad daylight.


To Selys Shivertail

From Lord Bloodstone, Rhir contact is Xyrdiane.

To the young drake who uncle was recently killed, I wish to convey my sincerest condolences, on the death of your Uncle. I would like to discuss with you the nature of his death, as well as his life. I would like to send a donation of gold for a statue to be erected at the place of his death for future generations. He was an inspiration to drakes as well as humans, his memory should not be forgotten.


The letter was received and left with hundreds of other letters for a Selys Shivertail.