Gamers Eight – day seven

Day 7

The first thing he heard were the voices, then everything cleared, and he was standing out on a black field of grass. Lightning rolled across the sky, the thunder from it boomed.

“We need to get out of this weather, my Lord” A soldier in chain armor said.

“Where is this?”

“We are in the blight, sire looking for the tooth the goblin mentioned?”


“That’s what your daughter said.”

“Where is she?”

“They are with the sixth group.”

The storm above them raged, lightning and thunder ravaged the eyes and the ears. Then the rain started.

There was a bright flash of light and ringing in his ears.

He awoke in a cavern, narrow enough for two people to stand side by side and still not touch. There were soldiers, everyone was soaking wet.

“Your son found it sire, almost like he knew what to look for. The Ice spire he made helped”

“Where is he?”

“Sealing the entrance to keep the rain out, never seen someone use that kind of cold magic before. Are you all right sire?”

“No, A little confused, what happened?”

“The storm sire, it came on us suddenly, you said we needed to split up and look for shelter. The lightning hit close by I thought you had been hit”

“No, I don’t think so.”

“That’s good, we haven’t found the tooth, we can look further when the storm passes.”


“The goblin story, waste of time if you ask me.”

“Wake me when the rain stops or if something happens. “


They stood on the hill overlooking a valley, there were ruins everywhere below. A white spire was visible on the other side of the valley. The goblin, was gesturing and talking in its weird speech, to Kuya.

“He says that’s the tooth, it is death to approach it.”

“What the hell does that mean, “ Xach glared at the goblin. The goblin hid behind Kuya muttering in his strange language.

“Um, what?” Kuya said to the goblin. The goblin muttered something barely discernable.

“Stop messing with him Xach.”

“Well we found it now what?” A soldier asked.

“We check it out.” Bloodstone replied. The sun got in his eyes.

The light from the sun was barely illuminating the book from the glass window. He looked back at the thick tome, it was in very small handwriting, it was neat and legible, and very articulate. There was a drawing of an eye in the book, and explanations in the fine writing. Azalar was watching from the edge of the desk. “As you can see my master was quite thorough on his notes. He spent almost four years on this subject, before embarking on his own constructions, the notes are in the next chapter. “

Bloodstone turned the page, and began reading, it was a very detailed explanation on the constructions of human, drake, gnoll,half-elf,  cat, eagle, and other eyes that seemed to be out of the norm. “What is this reference to works of Nenebrea the mad, Gaffis the illusionist, and Fre of Whistram.”

“A very thorough research of those in the field of magic and constructs.” Azalar replied.

Bloodstone turned the page, “How come you know so much about the book?”

“I have read all my masters works, it was my suggestion to include all his best works to his offspring.”

“Was this in the box?”

Azalar blinked, “You will have to find out that for yourself”

It was cold, there was a soft blue green light, that seemed to be coming from everywhere.

I see you are awake, you are not one of my workers yet you are part of the hive. How is this possible? A feminine voice said in his mind.

“How did I get here?” He said his voice sounded raspy and harsh.

You were brought here, we had you put you in a healing cocoon. Who are you?

“What happened where is this, when is this” He said spitting up globs of red fluid.

You are injured, we will heal you rest.

He felt his mind try and resist the sleep.

Music was playing, it sounded familiar, it was both loud and annoying. “How is someone supposed to get any sleep around here” He said allowed, his voice sounded strange even to him.

He opened the door into the hallway, the noise was louder and coming from the first floor. He went down the stairs and froze, it was a party, there were drakes, gnolls, antinum, humans, a half-elf over there, a couple of goblins. There were people eating and drinking. There was no one here he recognized.  The music was coming from an Ipod on the bar. He took another step down to complain about the noise.

A woman came over to the bottom of the steps, “Sorry did we wake you?”

He nodded not sure how to respond to the woman.

“Well now that your up have some food and drink.”

“Who are you?” He asked.

“I’m the innkeeper, are you feeling all right?”

“No, I’m not. “

There was the sensation of falling, someone caught him, as he fell.

A dozen children of drake, human, gazer and gnoll heritage were standing by the large plaque. An Antium worker was cleaning the floor. A drake woman was giving the tour.

“Who can tell me, who was the Hero that saved Issrysil, at the end of the first age.”

Several children raised their hands.

“Aba” she said

A drake girl, “It was the Horns of Hammerad”

“Someone has been reading ahead, Gillis”

A gnoll boy who was wearing glasses, “While the Horns of Hammerad were instrumental in helping avert the third antinum war, there is one figure who stands out that was the innkeeper Eris Solstice”

“Very good Gillis.”

“Now five hundred years ago, there was a group who were considered, the founders of modern magic and technology, can you name them”

There were murmurs of confusion, and no one raised their hands.

“That’s a long time ago,” a half-elf girl said.

“Yes, it is and we have someone here, who would like to say a few words to those of you who are at the top of your classes.”

There were gasps, and shock as the students turned.

“Is that really him,” Aba asked.

“Thank you, students for coming here. This is the first time, that races from the continents have been free of war. With the Airlines, and other magical transportation capabilities. We have finally…

There was a massive explosion, tons of rock and debris hung in mid-air above the children. A silver cat, walked through the crowd. The antium worker, was helped back to his feet. The cloud of dust began to settle. “I everyone all right?”

Several of the children were using small devices to record the event.

Azalar asked, “How did you know?”

“You wouldn’t believe me.”

“Hang on!” The antium worker knelt, and began to give first aid.

A young half-elf woman came running into the tent. “I think we found it.”

“Good, good, I will be there shortly”

He hobbled out of the tent into the fresh air, the ground was thick with green and red grass. A large archeological dig was going on.

There were hundreds of people, of various races from across the world, recovering a lost history.

People waved and called out as he descended into the depression.

A drake, approached him, ”How, how did you know this was here.”

“What did you find?”

“We have no idea, it is still covered.”

“Tell them to stop digging, wait till I get there.”

The drake ran back down the incline yelling.

He looked over the site, “Home, or a new adventure?”

There was screaming, it was far off, annoying and constant. There were other voices.

“Hold him”

Bloodstone realized the screaming was from him, and stopped. There were four guardsmen and Gregory holding him down. The King was watching him.

“Are you, all right?” Amethyst asked, holding his head in her lap.

“What happened?”

“Shhhh, you need to give the class back to Isabel.” Amethyst said softly.

“Ok, what class?”

“Seer, hon”

Isabel was kneeling next to him, tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry”

“Don’t cry, here have your class back.” He reached out and touched her, and his vision exploded into paths of color.

A voice whispered softly, “you need to keep a level”

“I don’t know how”

Other voices whispered to him, telling him to do various things.

“There is no bacon only gruel.”

“Who left the door open”


“Kasha mal Dakura”

“Get the dam phone”

Bloodstone tried to recall what he needed to do, something about a class.

“I hate time things, screw that” another voice said.

There was screaming again, the voices wouldn’t leave him alone.

There was a black spot, it kept moving away. He was trying to get up something was holding him down.

“Shhhh, relax, you’re going to hurt yourself if you keep struggling.” His wife’s voice said.

“what happened?”

“Shhhh, you need to give the class back to Isabel.” Amethyst said softly.

“Ok, what class?”

“Seer, hon”

“Why?” He asked. Then the screaming started again.

The same questions kept coming, the same answer, over and over so many times he lost count.

“Can you keep focused?” Amethyst said.

“I think so, what happened?”

“you took her class, don’t you remember”

Then he did remember, and remember the other times, and the times like those and the other one.

“What happened after?”

[skill future sight acquired]

[skill anchor to event acquired]

[skill anchor to time acquired]

[skill return to event acquired]

[skill find the path acquired]

[skill rewind the hour acquired]

[skill rewind the day acquired]

[skill return to anchor acquired]

[sub class psion combined with sub class seer]

[sub class psion 7]

[sub class seer 36]

[sub class Mindseer 1]

[skill sub class psion combined sub class engineer]

[sub class psion 6]

[sub class engineer 4]

[sub class Mindbuilder 1]

[transfer sub class seer 36]

[sub class seer removed]

[skill used :Anchor to time]

[skill used: Anchor to event]

Bloodstone opened his eyes, and Isabel was being held by Gregory, “What did you do to her!”

“That was not fun, not fun at all.” the guardsmen helped him up, and he stood there shakily.

The king nodded, “what happened?”

Isabel woke up, “Did you see?”

“No, I just saw bits and pieces, I would like to ask you about the skills if you are able?”

“No, not today, maybe tomorrow. I am exhausted.”

“Now that you mention it, my head is pounding like someone used it for drum in a twenty-four-hour concert”

The king agreed to see them in the morning.

Bloodstone and the rest retired back to the suite.

Bloodstone awoke, and went out to the main area. Isabel was waiting for him, no one else was up.

“Good morning”

“Morning, you have questions I have the answers, the issue is we have a limited window to talk.”

“How do you know that?”

“The things you need to know, are the day is the moment the sun rises, same with week, month and year.”

“Ok what are anchors, and what’s the rewind skill”

“It allows you to return to that point in your life, if you miss something or want to do something again, differently”

“did you get more skills?”

“Yes, though you kept a level, why?”

“It merged with psion class, no skill popped up though”

Azalar jumped onto the table, between them. “Where is the box now?”

“I put it in my room, I had a conversation with you.”

“I doubt that, you are so droll as to be laughable.”

“Nenebrea the mad, any idea if those works are here in Rhir”

“How would I know, go check yourself.” Azalar turned and hopped off the table and stood by the closed door to Bloodstones room.

“I’m not letting you in there” Bloodstone said to the cat.

“It matters little what you want.” The cat replied without looking at him.

“You should use the anchors, we can always talk here if we need to.”

“How long before you can see”

Isabel bit her lower lip, “If I tell you, you keep changing the time. I can wait.”

“What else can you tell me?”

“I can tell you after you experience things, otherwise it gets confusing.”

The day maid came in, with two other maids. They brought breakfast, and began setting it out. “The king will be here shortly, he awoke about a half hour ago.”

There was a light rap on the door, and two soldiers stepped in followed by the king. Two more soldiers remained outside. “Good morning, Ahh they did sent breakfast. I hope this is not to inconvenient.”

“Not at all your Majesty, I don’t recall you ever visiting in the morning.” Bloodstone replied as the maid set out food.

“State affairs, and other things. However, your strange class, has me intrigued.”

“Why is that.”

“You have the power to reshape the class system, if for example I wanted to remove all the classes I have but the king class, I could become a better king. I could give my king levels to my son and work on other things. The possibilities, I have sworn my soldiers to secrecy, and they only others who know are the three prisoners and that ship’s captain. I trust that your associates can be trusted with the secret as well.”

“I don’t think they will say anything, it’s not like I can’t defend myself.”

“The ruling class, has a few rules we tell our children, don’t take unnecessary classes, stay true to the people you oversee, and don’t take more than three classes. Most listen, there have been some in the past who didn’t but that worked out. I have only two classes, myself. [Swordsman] and [King]. I keep those levels a state secret.”

They three of them ate, in silence. Amethyst came in and sat down, yawned, stretched and grabbed a plate. One by one the rest of the group sat down with food.

The king looked at Bloodstone, then one by one to the rest of the group. “Each of you has skills and knowledge that I am reluctant to put out by the wall. As I told most of you yesterday, I need to weigh the needs of the kingdom first, as a group you are in my estimation ready to go and get the infrastructure ready, to make these trains and concrete. It will easy my mind having two groups of heroes on each side of the wall. I take it you were able to make accommodations for your trip?”

Bloodstone nodded, “I purchased sixteen horses, yesterday, with feed and saddlebags. Though I think we will be short a number of mounts.”

“I will be sending the maids with you, since they are aware of your unusual skills. There are two things I will need to speak with you about later this evening, before you leave Bloodstone”

It was at that moment the cat jumped onto the table, avoiding the dishes, with an uncanny agility.

“This must be the strange cat, the maids mentioned.”

“Your Majesty, would you be so kind as to inform your mage that Azalar Gin Evazes, House protector of the Wizard, Amalathian Teivel bids him greetings, and if he is able to retrieve the contents of the box, I would be willing to serve.”

The king laughed, “It talks, I though the maids were jesting, when they told me that.”

The cat sat down, between two plates, ”Your subject” , the cat used its tail to point at Bloodstone, “Is in current possession of the box.”

“Well then what box would this be?” He looked at Bloodstone.

“I’ll get it,” He said heading to his room.

“I will not be ignored!” The cat hissed.

“Silence” The king said to the cat.

Bloodstone brought the strange box and handed it to the king.

The king looked it over, carefully. “So how did you open it before?”

Everyone looked at Kuya. “Neo did it.”

“Who is Neo?” The king said confused.

A small ball of light floated in front of the king, and then zipped back to Kuya, and floated above her head. “That’s Neo”

“Have him open it again,” The king suggested.

“We tried, doesn’t see to work.” Eve said, joining the conversation.

The king handed the box back to Bloodstone. “I have heard tales of the box of Teivel, I am sure there is an interesting story on how you acquired it.”

“They did, it is my fault the box is closed.” He said staring at the cat.

“I must protest, this is not his property.” Azalar said to the king.

“Protest all you want Azalar, by right it is his property, unless you wish to formally contest ownership.”

“I will protest! By what right does he keep my masters box”

Newton had pulled out his phone and played a recording, for the king.

“That is astonishing, I had no idea your glass device could do that, what else can you display?”

“This is just a recording, I can show you pictures.” Newton started flipping through the pictures, on his phone.

“I knew that it could capture images, I did not know you could capture motion as well. I have one of them, but it does not seem to work, even after the repair spell was used on it.”

“Could be any number of reasons, do you want us to take a look at it?” Bloodstone asked

“It is back in my chambers, I can send one of the maids to fetch it. Bridgette would you retrieve the glass device in my top drawer”

“At once you’re Majesty,” The maid curtsied and left the room.

“Well according to the glass device the box was given to Sir Newton, and he presented it to Lord Bloodstone. Unless your able to open the box, and prove you are the owner, your request is rejected construct.”

“Why not just tell us how to open the box,” Kuya asked.

The cat looked at her,” I do not know how to open it”

Bloodstone moved some of the plates on the table, and set the box down. “Your majesty, can you see the classes on this construct?”

The king looked at the construct, “No, it is not a subject of mine, so my skill does not work, or it has no classes”

“Azalar, would you allow me to pick you up for a moment?” Bloodstone asked

The cat looked at him, “I would prefer not to be touched”

“That’s not what I asked you.”

“I will not be man handled” The cat say showing silver claws

“I just want to see how much you weigh”

The cat sniffed, “I would like to see how much you bleed”

“Once I get that box open everything in it is coming out and you’re going in and getting dropped in the ocean.” Bloodstone threatened.

“The box floats”

Bloodstone reach out to grab Azalar, the claws met air as he withdrew his hand. “You are such a pain in the ass”

Azalar ignored him, jumped onto the box and settled down on it. He opened one eye as Bloodstone started to reach out and picked up a cup of tea from the table.

Kuya grabbed Azalar from behind and lifted him up a few inches off the box. “He’s so soft”

“Unhand me woman!” The cat hissed. He struggled before being dropped back on the box.

“He weighs about what a cat would weigh, and he so soft and fluffy” Azalar bounded down off the box off the table and took up a spot on the far side of the room glaring at Kuya.

The maid returned and handed the object to the king. She then stood off to the side awaiting further instructions.

“Here is the device, it was given to me, by one of those who died.” He put the black phone on the table.

Bloodstone, Newton and Beth all looked at it, Newton picked it up and looked it over. “I don’t recognize it, might be an android phone, not powering on” He said pressing the button on the side.  “It’s dead, can you cast that spell on it, that recharges it”

Beth grabbed the phone “Really you have the book, as well Newton”,  she cast the repair spell on the phone. She then tried to power it on, nothing happened. “It’s dead. Let’s take off this Samsung’s shell and see what kind of phone this is.” Beth stripped off the plastic shell and noticed that the back came off. “Found the problem, no battery, there is a memory card and a sim card, so it must have worked at one point. I wonder why its missing it battery.”

“I didn’t know anyone else had a phone, I wonder if he left it here with the king for safe keeping. What happened to the battery?” Sarah asked.

“Let’s check the SD card, maybe we can identify the owner” Newton looked at the king, “You said he was already dead, did he have anything unusual on him?”

“No, if they had they would have brought it to my attention. I will have them recheck the body.” The king nodded to one of the soldiers, who then stepped outside to relay the king’s orders.

Beth held up a small SD card, smaller than a thumb nail. “Who wants it?”

The king looked over, and asked, “What is it?”

“It’s a memory card, your Majesty,” Newton said holding out his hand. Beth dropped in into his open palm. Newton brought it over to where the king could see it.

“I don’t know what that is, and it seems very small.”

“It stores information, not all the information on a cell phone, but it makes it have more room. I would have to explain about how memory works, in a phone. Blood do you have a card reader?”

“Let me get the laptop, I have a couple we can try.” Bloodstone returned to his room and brought out the black bag, with the laptop. It took a few minutes to get it powered up. “Let’s try the usb one first.” Bloodstone dropped another tiny black object on the table. And inserted the new SD card into it. He then plugged it into the side of the laptop and a chime sounded. Newton in control turned the screen so that the king could see as well. Everyone started to crowd around to see what was on it.

“Pictures, pictures, more pictures. Some videos.” Newton said looking at the files. “Oh wait these look recent, at least according to the time stamp” Newton clicked on the file.

The video started with a dark haired you man staring at the camera, “Ok I am just documenting this, I want to see what I do after the acid.” He held up a small piece of paper. The background appeared to be wooded, and sunny out. “He stuck the paper in his mouth and sucked on it. “Bleah, gross, don’t feel any different.” He still looked at the camera, “Ohhhh, now ohhhhh.” The camera wobbled in and out of focus, “Colors, and trails weeeee” The phone was set down lookup up at the sky. “Where’s my phone!” The man screamed, there was fumbling with the camera. “Look at all the pretty colors and trails” the phone was panned around, it was a secluded wooded area. There was a moment of blackness, colors, and then a familiar site in the ball room, “Whoa!, this stuff is awesome!” he walked around and after a few minutes the camera was turned off.

“Whoa, did you see that!?” Beth asked.

“What the dumb druggy?” Eve said sitting back down

“He caught himself being summoned, on camera.” Beth said.

“So?” Kuya said

“Well it is interesting”, Beth replied.

“Play the next one” Beth suggested.

Newton clicked on the next link and everyone moved closer to see.

The same guy was sitting in a room, he panned around showing the bed, and amenities of the room, “It’s been a couple of days, I want to get this documented, so that if anyone ever finds this they know what happened. I thought I was having a bad trip, I was but not the kind I expected. We have been abducted me and a few other people, Where here is I have no idea, I don’t have a lot of battery life left, so we are supposedly going out to the countryside to get a lay of the land, and training. I’m going to remove the battery, once its dead, and going to leave it here in the room, if someone can recharge it, they can access the phone. Only one other person has a phone, I think it’s an apple, I haven’t really let the others know I have an android, and there are no power plugs here. Ok going to turn this off and try and get some footage of the countryside.”

There was an image of him toughing the phone and the video ended.

“There’s more” Newton said.

“Play it, let’s see what he got on the camera.”  Beth said

Newton played the next recording.

The dark haired man was looking at the camera. “Take a look, where the hell is this, black grass”

The view panned around, it was a wasteland, of sorts. A light fog obscured everything beyond forty feet, and black grass a foot or so high was visible. There were other voices.

“You done over there?”, someone called.

“Yeah!” the dark haired guy replied and the video ended.

Newton played the next one.

I showed the backs of a few adults, walking along, looking side to side they were calf deep in swampy water, sloshing through, leaving swirls of dark gray and black mud in the water.  The sky is fairly bright, and the sun it is reflected on the water before its distorted by ripples.

“This is so boring!” someone said nearby.  There is the sound of others walking and the video ends.

“Next one” Newton said clicking on the video

It was more towards evening, the sun had gone down, it’s was much darker. The camera panned around showing a group in the early evening walking.

“Oh these bugs, I wish I had some off” A voice said.

“How much further is the fortress?” Someone else asked.

“Hey is that a phone” someone else said louder.

“No,” and the video ended.

Sarah watching the video, said, ”I remember that, I don’t recall his name but there was an argument that he had a phone, they were going to search him, and we got attack not to long after that.”

“There is one more video”, Newton said clicking on it.

There was heavy breathing and all it showed was the ground. There was the sound of fighting, and metal on metal. A scream, shouting.  The cameral kept moving through the darkness with the heavy breathing.

Another voice nearby, “What the hell was that!?”

A roar, of some kind, more shouting, “You there, turn off that light, Argh.” The camera turned and there could be seen a soldier impaled on a spear. “Shit shit shit.” The dark haired guy said.  There was more running and heavy breathing.  The camera fell and went dark.  More screams, and shouting, metal on metal, and heavy breathing. There was a wet sound, as the camera was lifted and a hand wiped off the lens it was panned around. It was very dark. Shouting could be heard, as well as a scream, or someone calling for help.

“Turn it off” Sarah begged.

Newton stopped the video

“Sorry I still have nightmares about that evening”, Sarah said.

“What happened?” Eve asked.

“Ask him” Sarah said looking at the king.

“It was a miscalculation on my part; I thought that they as heroes would be able to handle a trip into the blight with enough of an escort.” The king said.

“Miscalulation? Miscalulation!, they died there, then you tried to get us to kill monster you captured.” Sarah accused the king.

“As I said it was a miscalculation and a regrettable situation, I am just glad more of you were not killed in that first encounter. Can you get the device to work properly now?”

“Still need the battery” Newton tried to explain.

“I see could I not borrow one of these batteries from your device?” He asked.

“No they don’t come out at least in the phone I have, how about the rest of you?”

“Nope built in, wife and Xach have the same phone. Kuya has a way different phone so that won’t work either” Bloodstone said.

“I have an apple phone”, Eve replied.

“No I have a newer phone, as well” Beth said pulling out her phone to show them.

“Newton copy that SD card there should be enough room on the hard drive.” Bloodstone suggested.

Newton dragged the files over and made a copy.

There was a knock on the door, and one of the maids answered it. A soldier handed her something small and gray. She brought it over to the table after closing the door.  The object was placed on an empty plate.

“That looks like the battery, let us see if we can charge it”, Newton suggested.

Beth picked it up and cast the spell on the battery, “You want to put the SD card back in?”

“Let it finish copying, “ Newton said watching the bar.

Beth put the battery in the phone and closed the back. She pressed the button and the phone powered up. “Here you go your majesty”

The king smiled, and looked at the screen. “Can you show me how to use this device?”

Beth and Eve began explaining how the phone work and swiping left and right and how to start and stop apps, Eve also explained that there were other functions the phone had but would not work here, such as GPS and internet.

“Your majesty, I have a question, something that’s been bugging me for a while.” Newton said interrupting the king and Beth.

The king looked up from the phone, ”What”

“Me and Beth have been looking over all the books in your library, one of the things Bloodstone asked us to look for is creation myths, “We couldn’t find any and your sister in law, had no idea what we were looking for.”

“Creation myths?”, he asked.

“Back home there are at least half a dozen creation myths,“ Bloodstone said. “For example the Christian fail has the Genesis, it says that god created the universe in seven days. It goes through each day as to what was done, it explains why we have seven days on the calendar and why the last day is a rest day.”

“We have no gods, they are dead.” The king replied.

“About that do you know who or what killed them, or why?” . Bloodstone asked.

“It makes no difference they are dead, there are no stories, that I am aware of that would name those gods or what the conflict was about.”

“Makes sense, you can’t talk about them or rebuild a religion around them if no one knows their names, or history. Do you know how big the world is?”

“There are maps, beyond that no one has journeyed beyond the eastern sea, at least no one has ever written a book about it. There are tales of captains going to the edges of the world, where the sea disappears into the void. I have never met a captain who has done that.”

“Disk world?”, Newton blurted out.

“It is possible, who knows what laws there are here magic allows some strange effects. The lack of a creation myth or myths really bugs me.” Bloodstone said. “Could this be a created world, in its own pocket reality?”

“Huh?”, Newton asked.

“Sorry, thinking out loud the Game Master in me trying to sort some things out in my head.”

“I did notice you had a bunch of role playing pdfs I meant to ask you about them”, Newton said as the copying finished.

“Well it’s easier than carrying around a half done heavy books.”

“Whats in the two folders you had on the desktop,” Newton asked.

“Oh my campaign folders, Eden and Istonia”, Bloodstone replied.

“Ahh you were in campaigns in your world! Did you fight many battles?” The king asked.

Bloodstone laughed,” Not military campaigns, it’s a game.”

The king looked confused.

“I ran a game, where people pretended they had levels, and rolled dice.”

The king waved him off, “I am not interested in games. If you are done here I would like to put your strange classes to use.”

“Newton can you put the laptop away, throw the cat out and put the box in my room?”

“Try it!” Azalar said.

Newton looked at the cat and the box,”Yeah I can take care of the laptop; you deal with Azalar and his cat box.”

“Then let us be off” The king said rising to his feet he held the phone in his hand. He led them out of the suite.

They walked through the corridors, and began to go down a flight of steps, then another. Only his four personal guards stayed with them.

They got to a door where two guardsmen were; one of them unlocked the door, and allowed them through. The door was closed behind them.

“Where are we going?”

“To deal with my steward,” the king replied with a touch of sadness.

They walked through dimly lit corridors and passages. Mage light illuminated everything in a soft blue glow.

They came to a bound metal door; the king retrieved a key and unlocked it. The guardsmen remained at the door, and the door was locked behind them.

“I don’t know why you need me?”

“You are going to take his levels from him. My torturer has had no luck finding out who he really serves.”

They walked along the underground corridor, to a lit room, a man in a leather mask and leather apron dyed deep brown knelt when the king entered. “Your majesty, I regret that I still have not been able to break him.”

“It is no matter, we will break him today.”

“Is this a new one to break?” He said looking at Bloodstone.

“I would not recommend it, he has strange powers and I would not want you to be harmed.”

“As you wish your majesty”

The king walked to one side of the larger room, and through a wooden door. The steward lay strapped to a table, burns and cuts were visible across his body. He looked over at the king.

“Is this really necessary?” Bloodstone asked.

“Yes, I would know who my enemies are.”

The steward started laughing, “You can’t stop him, he will come he is awake!”

“Who?” Bloodstone asked.

There was more laughing, “The king of destruction, he will burn across the world and lay this kingdom low, you too will bow to his magnificence! When he comes with his seven none will oppose him”

“Who is he talking about?”

“The king of Reim, a far off continent, he was supposed to be some great king, and then he just stopped. This fool came to me saying he fled from there, now I know how much a lie that was. Now I know he is a spy and a steward. Do it.”

Bloodstone looked reluctant and touched the steward’s sweaty brow, and activated the skill.

[sub class spy 33 acquired]

[sub class steward 28 acquired]

The steward started to convulse, and foam at the mouth.

“How many levels” The king asked.

“Hold on, spy thirty three and steward twenty eight, I think I am going to be sick, I may pass out when the skills hit.”

“Over sixty levels, that is not what I expected.”

The steward tensed up and then relaxed, just as the skill wave hit.

[skill Mask presence acquired]

[skill Etiquette acquired]

[skill Hand to hand acquired]

[skill Threat detection acquired]

[skill Obfuscation of the truth acquired]

[skill Detect deception acquired]

[skill Active listener acquired]

[skill logistics acquired]

[skill voice of authority acquired]

[skill knowledge of stewardship acquired]

Bloodstone staggered and leaned against the wall for a few minutes catching his breath.

“It’s odd, I do not see the levels, yet you are able to remove them from someone and give them to another. What class can do that?”

“It’s not really a class, its part of what I was telling your son about.”

“What were you telling him?”

“Not important, I think I am ok now.”

“Well we are done here it looks like the strain was too much for him he’s dead. Now follow me I have a use for those classes.”

Bloodstone wordlessly followed, and twice the king looked back around to see if he was still there. They went back through the wooden door, and the king told the torturer that the steward was dead and to take care of the body. They returned to the metal door and the guardsmen fell in around the king. “theres something different about you” The king said.

“How so?”

“What skills did you get?” he asked.

“Only a few one that even seem interesting, like threat detection””

The king smiled, “Yes that’s a useful skill”

He followed the king back to an area he hadn’t been before. There were an number of servants, and maids in attendance. “Where are Yevett and her brother?” The king asked a maid.

“They are working as they are supposed to be my lord”

“Well go get them”

“As you command” the maid said and ran off down the hallway.

She came back with two teenagers, who were wearing servant clothes The girl was somewhat attractive, in the maid outfit, and the boy’s suit was a little tight on his skinny frame.  They both knelt,” You sent for us?”

“The one time I got to leave Rhir, was a few years ago. I happened to find these two in a slavers pen, well that’s not important. They looked miserable and for a few gold coins they were turned over to me.”

“Seriously?” Bloodstone asked a little angry.

“Yes it happens in some places, it’s up to those of us who are able to protect our people from that kind of abuse. I have been looking after them, I had no plans for them until now.”

“You’re going to have me level them up?”

“Of course, they have not taken any levels, since they came under my protection.”

“Ok who gets what class?”

“Split the classes, give each of them half.”

“I am not sure how to do that?”


Bloodstone reached out and touched both of them on the head, and used the transfer skill.

[sub class spy removed]

[sub class spy removed]

[sub class Steward removed]

[sub class Steward removed]

It felt weird as the classes went out of his mind,”its done”

“Ahh that seemed to do it, now what levels are you two?

“Steward fourteen and spy sixteen”  the boy said.

“Steward fourteen and spy seventeen” The girl said.

“Excellent, return to your duties, and you will tell me of the skill you acquire”

The both stood back up and hurried down the hallway.

“I am a bit upset your majesty”

“What are you upset about?”

“Are you keeping slaves?”

“No, they are under my care, they are free to do what they want, and I took two valuable classes and gave them to people who deserve them and will help the kingdom.”

“Slavery It seems that there is darkness in this world I didn’t expect”

“I don’t allow it here on Rhir, other kingdoms on the other continents are not so enlightened. The first wall was built with slaves, they were forced to build it. It was necessary at the time.”

“That’s good to hear, I find it repugnant, as a concept.”

“Well not all the kings that have ruled Rhir have been so enlightened.  We have one more stop to make.” The king dismissed his guards, and headed off down the hallway.

“I have been thinking of your conversation about the antinum, there is something I want to show you.” He walked though a large hall, and through two large doors four soldiers stood at the doors.

“Your majesty is there a problem?” One of them asked.

“No, I have business in the fortress today” he replied to the soldier

They relaxed slightly, catching bloodstone behind the king, “Who is this?”

“This is Lord Bloodstone, one of the heroes; I want to show him some of the artifacts from the antinuim war”

They nodded, and watched Bloodstone as they passed through the doors. “What was that all about?”

“Oh the guards, they are on watch for anything strange, we had a shape shifter try and break in to the fortress a few years back.”

“Impersonating you I am guessing?” He said fooling him thought the large hallways.

“No, another soldier that wasn’t supposed to be here. I tightened the security and they question everyone. This is the last line of defense if something attacks from the blight.”

They came to a small door the king retrieved a small key and opened it. Inside were potions and lanterns and oil for the lanterns. He took two of them out filled them, lit them both and handed one to Bloodstone. “We are going to a place very few even know exist, please keep it to yourself, what I am about to show you”

He closed the small door and looked up and down the hallway, turned a sconce next to the door slightly, there was a sliding noise. He opened the door again and steps led down into the darkness. He went down and closed the door behind them. They went down about ten steps to a landing the king moved a sconce and the stairs shifted up.

The light from the lanterns showed a blank wall, and more stairs leading down. “It’s somewhat of a maze down here so stick close, I lost a soldier once down here, I still haven’t found him.  Bloodstone followed down the steps there were landings and branching corridors every so often.

“Ok I lost count, I hope you know where you are going” Bloodstone admitted.

“I spent a couple of months down here, when I was younger. I have the maps in my head so I know where we need to go.”

Down and down they went, it started to get warmer. The king took a corridor and there was a large metal door at the end. “Listen being here is dangerous, don’t come inside unless I tell you and if your danger sense goes off get out of the room.” He unlocked the door.

It was dark, there was a strange smell from the large room. The sounds of metal shifting off to one side the king turned the lantern. “There were a number of ships that left Rhir after the antinum wars, one of the captains, found this ship after a storm, the ship was sinking and had been adrift for at least three months, the only thing they found on that ship was this creature. The light illuminated the creature, it was green and looked insect like, almost like a praying mantis. There were chains around its arms and steel bands attached to the chains, one around the creature’s neck. It clicked and hissed. I tried to move towards the king and only got a few feet before the chains went tight.

“It not like a normal antinuim its thinner, and well it can move really fast. It has geomancer magic, so the bands have runes that drain it magic.”

“Has it been here forty years?”

“Mostly yes, I have some men who feed it, but we haven’t been able to communicate with it.”

“What classes does it have?”

“Geomancer, and Pyromancer, my father was the one who put it here. I haven’t been able to figure out how to move it.”

“You want me to take its classes and levels?”

“Maybe, I thought you might be able to communicate with it?”

“Let me try”

Bloodstone focused his thoughts onto the creature.

Can you hear me, can you understand, he sent at the creature.

There was a series of clicks, and the creature backed up slightly.

You are not of the hive. The creature thought back at him.

“It understands, not sure if it will talk” Bloodstone said to the king.

“Ask it why it left Rhir”

Your kind left these lands why?

How are you able to use the mind speech, your kind does not have this ability.

I am special, who are you?

Special who is not of the hive, I will tell you, I am Lvrmnx of the great hive, we were escaping to rebuild.

“Its name is Lvrmxn, they were escaping Rhir to rebuild.”

“Why did they attack the kingdom of men”

Why did your kind attack the kingdom of men, and then stop?

The hive needed resources, we collected them. Now there are no hives they all perished on the deep water. Why have I been imprisoned?

“They needed resources it wants to know why it is imprisoned”

The king looked over at the creature, “Tell it about the hives on Issrysil, and that its kind is an enemy.”

Some of your kind survived the trip and waged wars in another land your kind is an enemy of men.

Truly, then I do not need to carry this burden, Special would you allow me to die, or return me to one of those hives.

“It wants to die, or be returned.”

The king was silent for a few minutes and set the light down. “I cannot let this creature return, takes its classes, I will kill it after that is done.”

You possess great power, we will not allow it to leave, and there is nothing I can do for you.

Special, that you have spoken with me is a gift, I do not fear oblivion I embrace it. I only wish there were a way to use my magic I could impart my knowledge to you. These metal bands drain my magic; I am unable to use my powers.

“It is not afraid to die; I think it is trying to trick me into freeing it.”

“Do what you need to do”, the king dropped a key to the ground.

I can remove the chains.

The do so Special.

Bloodstone picked up the key, and stepped into the room, the creature clicked at him and watch him with its compound eyes. He took several steps forward and the creature didn’t react. He got closer and the smell the creature exuded was unpleasant. Halfway across the room, the creature moved towards him making the chains tight. Still he came forward and was feet from the creature. He could feel it watching him.

He reached out with the key to the lock, the creature shifted its arms the lock so it was closer. Getting a better look at it with the lantern, it was larger than a human, but as it was bent and folded almost squatting it looked smaller. Bloodstone inched closer and set the lantern down. He reached out and touched the creature. The king was still by the door. he brought the key closer to the lock and activated his skill.

[sub class Geomancer 44 acquired]

[sub class Pyromancer 22 acquired]

The creature thrashed and hit Bloodstone. It knocked the key to the ground.

Deceiver! Thief! I will kill you!

Bloodstone dashed for the door.

Good luck with that, Lvrmnx, I have your classes and the levels you know how to fight me without your magic?

There was a keening angry wail from the creature.

“It’s done your Majesty forty four geo and twenty two pyro.”

“You have done me a service today, keep them do with them as you wish?”

“Skill wave, this is going to hurt”

Bloodstone passed out after the wave hit.

Gamers Eight – Day 6

Day 6

The next morning when everyone awoke, Bloodstone was not asleep in the main room. Newton, Beth and Eve headed back to the library. Xach and Amethyst headed to the training yards. Kuya went back to the mages to scribe spells. This left Isabel and Sarah alone in the suite with the maid.

Beth, Eve and Newton returned around noon, talking about the current research they had been doing, about the world in general and Rhir itself.

“So the king runs, the capital and each area between the walls, is run by two or three lords, who keep the peace and moves goods and taxes through the kingdom.” Eve asked questioningly.

“More or less, it’s like small kingdoms in the big one, like our states, in the US. Though from what the prince was saying there are a couple of areas in the third region that don’t have Lords and haven’t had them since the big attack forty years ago, everyone was wiped out. Something about that still bugs me pardon the pun”, Newton replied.

“I was surprised the king, came by, any idea what he was looking for?” Beth asked.

“Nope,” Newton said.

Kuya came in shortly after a scowl on her face, muttering incoherently in anger. She sat down at the table in the middle of the suite and sulked.

The maid had put out food, with Sarah making the requests for bread and meats and cheeses. Sandwiches had been laid out, all put together by Sarah. Amethyst and Xach returned, with news.

“The king has decided we are to move to the third district, and take over one of the wall keeps as well as the villages around it. It seems there has been some issues finding a lord or lady to administer the region.” She unrolled a large map, and placed it on the table. It showed most of the current kingdom and major towns and fortifications, and more specifically the walls.

“Why now?” Newton asked.

“I didn’t ask, I think he wants us out of the capital. It wasn’t what he said more of what he didn’t say.” Amethyst replied.

“Where is the third district?” Eve asked looking at the map.

“It is this one by the coast.” Amethyst said pointing to the third wall on the north-west side of the wall.

Newton looked at the name of the keep, “Why does that sound familiar? I know I have seen Ardiham before.”

Beth looked over at the map, “I think that’s where the third wall was breached in the antinium war. I can look it up when we get back to the library”

“Does Blood know about this, anyone seen him today?” Newton asked everyone at the table.

The maid replied, “He was not here when I arrived. There was a blanket out I put it away.”

“The one who was sleeping left early, and hasn’t been back since, would someone kindly tell me where the box went?” The silver cat said jumping up onto the table.

The maid froze, “A talking cat!?”

“Uh yeah, long story, there was a box on the table any idea where that went.”, Newton asked, Marie.

“I do not recall any box, on the table, when I came in.” She replied, looking around the suite.

“Why were you not with the box?” Eve asked the cat.

“I was listening to Isabel and Sarah, in the other room.” The cat said walking over to stare at Eve. “Did you take the box?”

Eve laughed, “Why would I take the box, we were given the box by the enchantress. Where would I put it, I have no idea how to open it.”

“Perhaps she took it,” The cat said using its tail to point at Kuya.

Kuya looked over at the cat, “Azalar, you don’t know where the box is?”

The cat opened its mouth closed it, the replied almost relieved, “I do not.”

Kuya started to giggle, the giggle turned into uncontrolled laugher.

Everyone except for Isabel looked over at her, “do you know where the box is?”, Sarah asked.

Kuya was laughing so hard she couldn’t breathe, she just pointed up. With that everyone looked up. Sitting on one of the crossbeams was the box, a good twenty feet up.

“How did you get it up there?”, Beth asked trying to figure out how she was able to get it up there.

This sent her into another fit of laugher.

“What is so funny,” Isabel asked, clearly not understanding.

“Somehow Kuya put the box up in the rafters,” Eve said.

“Oh, is Kuya a mage?” Isabel asked.

“Yes, Oh!” Newton finally realized, how it had gotten up there.

“She’s always doing that, giving her magic, just makes it worse.”, Xach said grimacing.

Newton cast a spell and the box wobbled then fell, Newton caught it before it hit the table. “Hiding it is not a bad idea, since we know there’s other magic inside, it’s too bad you can’t open it again.” Newton said placing it on the table.

Kuya finally stopped laughing, looked at Newton, “I bet we can open it if we figure out how it opened before. Neo, do you know how you opened it?” The small ball of light floated around her head. “Neo!” It then flew to the top of her staff and disappeared. “He’s not being helpful today.”

“Azalar, would you tell us a bit about your creator?”, Eve asked.

The cat looked over at the box then at her, “I don’t understand why I should tell you anything?”

“You must really like being in that box,” Xach said.

The cat turned at stared at Xach, “That is untrue, it is nice to be out again, I am just concerned about the boxes contents.”

“Are you still going to accept me or my sister as your Master?” Xach asked.

“The box is closed. I would say no.” Azalar replied.

“Suit yourself”, Xach said taking a bite from another sandwich.

Amethyst looked at the maid, “Where would I go to get a nice hot shower?”

The maid looked at her, “A hot shower, I am not sure what this is.”

“Well we have been here for four days I need to take a shower, and get some soap, you know to clean up?” Amethyst asked.

“Oh, there are the baths, I could show you where they are in the residence,” the maid replied.

“Sure, anyone else?”, Amethyst asked.

“Where can we get towels,” Newton asked.

“They will be on the men’s side of the bath.” The maid replied.

It short order they filed out to find the baths.  The cat stayed behind and resumed its perch on the box.


Bloodstone sat on the edge looking out over the city, he had climbed up to this spot, on one of the fortress walls. Down below he could see the residence, and the city stretched out to the ocean below him. He was at least five or six hundred feet up above the ground. The walls of the fortress, were built a long time ago, and seemed to be in good shape. The king had had a long talk with him after his meeting with Miguel.

Miguel had been locked in the dungeon and pretty much forgotten until he mentioned it to the king. Miguel, he wasn’t sure how he was going to work out with the group. It wasn’t that he was a bad person, he just seemed to have a bit of a strong personality.

Thinking back, it could have gone better, maybe I shouldn’t have threatened him. It was too late now.

They had led bloodstone down two or three stories underground, through at least two wooden and four metal doors, of the six doors four of them had keys, two had guards and it was a maze to get to where the dungeons were. Bloodstone knew he could get back to the surface without much issue, the doors would be a problem without the keys.

The cell if that’s what it could be called was set with bars and a door, it looked like it has heavy metal, both the bars and the door.

The soldier who had escorted him this far, pointed at the open cell. The light was horrible and the only lights were small lanterns on hooks every ten feet. It also added a gloom to the area, as the smoke from them seemed to hang around for a long time.

There was a what looked like a cot, and what looked like a wooden bucket. There also seemed to be a metal bowl next to the bars.

“Are you sure this is where they put him?” Bloodstone asked the soldier.

“Yup the mouthy one who was summoned, and tried to attack the king, that would be this one.” The soldier replied.

There was a figure who got up off the cot, it was Miguel who let loose with a string of Spanish, and then “Coño, Gringo, what did you do with Evalynn, none of these people, “he gestured to the soldier, “will tell me what’s going on.”

“Whoa slow down there, I have answers. Eve is all right, we are in a place called Rhir.  The king whom you tried to attack is the one in charge. Now I could put in a good word get you out for good behavior or you can just sit down in the smoky darkness, for the rest of your life.” Bloodstone said turning to leave

“Wait, wait.” Miguel said.

“What?” Bloodstone asked, turning back.

“What is Rhir? How did we get here, what is going on?” Miguel said franticlly.

“It is one of the continents, of this world. Not that I know the name of the world. I see you were a crucifix, they have no gods, they say they are all dead.  Rhir is a human kingdom on the edge of blight. I haven’t seen it yet, so I can’t tell you what the blight is. We were summoned here, with magic, from our world. I am guessing here is that there is some kind of world gate, or nexus near where were summoned. The king doesn’t give much information, he wants us to help kill demons, and build a wall. There was some kind of incident with his steward that we found out about. We have some magic items, and are working to make concrete and perhaps TNT.” Bloodstone replied.

“Coño, I thought I was having a bad trip. This is much worse, can you get me out of here.” He asked looking at the door.

“I can ask the king, however before I do, I need to get something straight with you.” Bloodstone said seriously.

“What?” He asked.

“You ever hurt Eve again, I will make your life a living hell.”, bloodstone said dropping his tone slightly and staring Miguel in the eyes.

“She broke my phone, that’s why I smacked her.” Miguel said.

“I don’t care, you touch her again, and being in a place like this will be the least of your worries.” Bloodstone said his voice getting softer, still staring at Miguel.

“What are you going to do you look like those fat white guys that eat fast food all the time? Me, I train, kick boxing, was going to go to regional’s in High school.” Miguel said ignoring him.

What I will do is crawl inside your head and start pulling you apart from the inside. Bloodstone projected into his mind.

“Coño, Diablo!”, he said backing away from the bars holding out his crucifix.

“You’re an idiot, you have those kinds of skills and you think hitting a woman makes you a man. It doesn’t, if you have to hit a woman to win an argument you have already lost. I’m done here.” He turned and took three steps, and the soldier turned to lead him back.

“Can you get me out of here, there are rats, and I hear screams.” Miguel said realizing they were about to leave.

“I can try, no promises, I wouldn’t attack the king again, you may end up on the front lines with the others, be polite.” He looked over at the soldier, “Screams?”

The soldier shrugged, “There are other prisoners down here, and that’s all I can really say.”

“No one from our world I am guessing?”, He asked.

“Not that I know of, just him.” he gestured with his thumb back at Miguel.

“Can I see these other prisoners?” Bloodstone asked.

“You best talk with the king, I only was told to bring you here and then back.” He said as he started walking back they way they came.

He followed the soldier back to the surface.

That was several hours ago, the talk with the king about Miguel went as could be expected, the king didn’t commit to anything. When he asked about the other prisoners the king was evasive.

“So there are no other people from my world imprisoned, besides Miguel?” Bloodstone asked

“There are no other prisoners that you need to worry about, if they are in the dungeon there is a reason they are there.” The King replied without really answering the question.

“Ok, would you tell me why you’re summoning people from my world? I know you have told me before there is no spell to send someone back. I am trying to understand the reasoning. I would ask that you don’t summon anyone else; I know my request doesn’t mean much, without me explaining myself. I got a good look at the kids that were dead, mid twenties, maybe early teens, Sarah is nineteen, so my guess is you’re looking for young people, who have some knowledge but not someone like me who is older, and has more experience.” Bloodstone stated.

“I need Heroes, preferably those who can level quickly, and kill demons and monster. The wall is my focus, and now that I have had a few days to really think about it, I have some choices I need to make. My steward, was a spy, he came to me about twelve years ago, and offered his services. He was from Chandrar, and told me he fled the king of destruction. The funds for the wall he had reallocated had been transferred in secret to build five large ships. They were mostly completed, and I have taken them for my navy. It is an expense that was unexpected, and unwarranted. This concrete and steel you suggest might be a workable solution. Newton and Beth have explained the process to make the powder used to make concrete. I have several alchemists looking for the best sources, who knew that certain rocks could be used to make harder rock.“ The king replied.

“You understand about the TNT, we can share the formula with the crown; however I highly suggest that the process itself be compartmentalized and kept a state secret. If none of those who were here mentioned it they may not have known how to make it.” Bloodstone suggested.

“There are others from your world, who are not on Rhir, they may know how to make it.” The King said imparting a fact.

“Others, do you mean people you summoned, who left Rhir?” Bloodstone asked.

“No, one of the others had a glass device like yours, and they were contacted with it. The girl Sarah is aware of the contact, ask her, she know more” The king said explaining.

“That’s, both disturbing and important, I will ask. We have kept our phones off until we can learn the repair spell or figure out how to recharge them properly.” Bloodstone said pulling the phone out of the bag showing it to the king. “This something we call a cellular phone, it works on a principal of light. The light you see is only a small fraction of what is in the universe, I my world they measure light a few different ways, it’s not really important. For someone to be able to send a message, and not be here on Rhir, that’s impressive and implies an understanding of how cellular phones work in general.” Bloodstone smiled,” I wonder if we could get a satellite up to see what your world looks like. I recall a game where we had something called watchdog, in orbit.”

“Orbit? A watch dog?” The king asked

“Oh your moons, they are in orbit around the world, at least that’s the premise, something up high but not as far out as the moons. Where it could look back at the world and send information back. Getting it up there would be the problem. I have a few ideas on how to get something like that where it would be useful. Just not sure what kind of satellite would work”

“I do not understand what you are speaking about.” The king commented.

“I apologize your Majesty, I was thinking out loud”, Bloodstone nodded.

“Bloodstone, are you thinking of taking my crown?” The King asked.

“Honestly, never thought about it. I don’t want your job. I am not up to speed on the problems of the kingdom, except the wall and demons. That being said, I will help you any way I can, all I ask is a little breathing room, and not to be forced into a bad situation”, He said honestly.

“I can understand that, you haven’t really made any outrageous demands of me or my time, since you arrived. There is a reason that I am in a rush to finish the wall, every fifty years or so the monsters, from the blight, attack the walls, we were not expecting the antinium forty or so years ago, we have been spending years repairing the damage. A better solution is a new wall; it has to be twice as long as the third wall. I was planning on sending you and the others out in a week, send you past the walls so that you can see what the blight looks like.” The king said matter of rubbing his chin.

“You changed your mind I am guessing?” Bloodstone asked.

“I have had a few days to think about it, many Heroes dead, what is left are progressing, and I don’t wish to interrupt that process. I have a report from one of the gold teams, that’s on Rhir, they found a few places that look promising for the sixth wall. I also want to put you closer to the fourth wall so that you can build up your skills and levels as needed, You also said you will want a place to work, that’s behind the walls, to build this train is that what you call it.” The king asked.

“Rail road and train, but yes, the tracks are steel, and the train moves along it. I know it sounds weird but back on my world they connected an east and west coast of a continent around three thousand miles, with train tracks. You could move people and goods to and from the capital to the fourth wall in hours not days. The advantage you have is that it just has to be built, I have a few books most are just pictures, there are one or two that have practical diagrams how to put a steam engine together. Once you get people familiar with the technology, it will spread. The issues are steel production and the facilities to make the rails and trains. You may not be used to thinking on what we call industrial scales.”

“Newton showed me some of the pictures, steel is the one issue. The best places to get iron to make steel is between the fourth and fifth wall.” The king pointed out several locations on the map.

“What did you have in mind?” Bloodstone asked.

“You’re not really what I was expecting, at least after having seen the others from your world. You challenge me make me see things differently. You haven’t really seen the problems and yet I get the feeling that you would help, if you can. Why is that?” The king asked.

“I’m not someone who wants to control people’s lives. Your trying to do the right thing, at least as you see it, it’s the best solution you have, if you had better solutions, you would pursue them.  I will try and give you better solutions, it seems that your expansion into the continent has slowed, you need to accelerate it, industrializing would give it a huge kickstart, even planning years ahead, can give you some advantages you are not even seeing now.” Bloodstone replied trying to keep an even tone.

“Can you give me an example?” The king asked.

“Yes, I can the areas here where the iron is, located. It would have to be mined, requiring some defenses, as well as recovery of the metal, a train station there would allow you to transport large amounts of ore to be processes. The location after it is mined could be filled in and used as a natural lake or pond, have it stocked with fresh water fish. With the station, there it could be a nice place to rest and relax.”, Bloodstone suggested.

“Humm, you mean after the wall is completed?” He asked.

“Possibly, or used as a staging area. Towns usually will pop up where trains stop. I’m sure once I could see the area, I would have better suggestions or recommendations. Though this one here”. His finger sliding along the map to the far east side. “It seems kind of strange that you know about the iron in these areas, since its only in the past couple of days, we started asking about iron in large amounts.”

“I have the teams looking for specific metals, and iron is used weapons. The mines under my control are sufficient, for most of the common day to day tasks, the wall however has been costly. Newton confirmed my assessment, the wall can’t be finished with the current finances at least the way things are now, I needed to get an edge, summoning heroes seemed to be a good bet.” The king replied pulling out another map.

“This is a map of the tunnel system we found under the walls, most of them have been sealed, I wonder if you could use them for your train.” The King suggested laying out the map.

Bloodstone looked over the map, there were spider webs of tunnels through most of the outer walls, except there were few that approached the first wall. “Did you find these after the antinuim war? They look extensive, that kind of work takes months, possibly years, or a massive workforce.”

“Yes and that’s what troubles me, they fled Rhir, shortly after the war ended, we were not winning, so why did they suddenly leave? When they came there were no bodies, to bury, all the food and livestock had been taken. It was one of the worst years after they left, so many dead and still a lot of mouths to feed, it was the only time I ever say my father break. We found the remains, here in a pit. It is mostly bones, it’s one of the few places I have gone once. I swore that one day I would make them pay.” King Othius the Fourth said with a heavy heart.

Bloodstone swallowed and looked to where the king was pointing, it was underground near the third wall. “Have you ever sent a delegation to the antinium on Izril” He asked.

The king turned and stared at him, “To what end?”

“There are two reasons, the first is that you would tell them that your war with them is still ongoing and that they owe you a debt, that only blood can repay. The second is If they have changed, truly changed, they will understand the gravity of the situation. You’re the ruler of a nation, you can make it clear that until they meet your terms, you will be at war with them. It’s not something you would have to deal with now, I can think of a response that would send a very clear message, I am also an asshole if I want to be.”

“I don’t see what that would accomplish?” The king said somewhat perplexed.

“Are you still at war officially with the antinum?”

“Officially, no”

“Unofficially, then, it doesn’t hurt to open dialog. You must know someone you could contact on Izril. Ask, see if they would accept a delegation?” Bloodstone suggested.

“I could, I am not sure whom on Izril would listen to my request, I know a few houses there that have ties with Rhir. You have given me something to think about, what kind of message would you send?” He asked.

“The exploding kind, depending on the reply or just meet with them and figure out why they did what they did. The moment you understand the enemy, they become predictable.” Bloodstone smiled.

“I don’t know if that would be necessary, there are other more pressing matters, I would like to ask if you and your group would be willing to move to this garrison, the Lady who I left in charge there has been asking to return to the capital, to retire from wall duty. She was a good teacher, when I was younger, perhaps new blood at the wall would help you understand the situation.” The King pointed to a section of the fourth wall, near to where the breaches were as well as the tunnels.

“When?”, Bloodstone request.

“As soon as you are able, I will have some soldiers assigned to you, or you can hire your own, I would suggest getting horses, or hiring a wagon. The horses you might want to purchase as they will be more valuable out by the wall. I will have the paperwork drawn up, say a day or two after tomorrow?” The king said tapping the map and then rolling the maps back up.

“One sec, may I get a copy of those maps?” Bloodstone asked.

The king looked a little upset, “I would rather not have a scribe seeing these, perhaps if your daughter was to copy them I might be inclined to allow it.”

“What if I just took a picture, and copied it now?” Bloodstone asked.

“Show me,” The king unrolled the map laying it back out on the table.

Bloodstone pulled out his cell phone, and waited while it powered on with its chime. He swiped across a number of dots on the screen and unlocked the phone. Bloodstone then selected the photography application and took a dozen pictures of the map, and then shifted it and took more of the second map. The king watched with interest. Bloodstone then showed him the pictures, “No one will know I have them, it might be important to have them in digital format.”

The king rolled the maps up, and put them away.  “I should take you a day or two to cross through the walls and get to the fourth wall, depending on how long you linger in the districts.”

“Two questions, where do I rank in the military and what are your expectations of me?”  Bloodstone asked.

“You’re a [Lord], you answer to me and other lords and ladies.  Since you’re new to the class, I expect you to carry out the law and fix things that are broken; I think you are suited for it.” He replied.

“Ahh ok, Thank you, I think”, and with that he left.  The king laughed slightly as bloodstone left.

He didn’t return directly to his suite, he asked the guardsman, where there was a good place to see the city.  It took him some time and a lot of steps to find his way to the fortress wall. The two guardsmen insisted that he tie himself with rope so as not to fall. They insisted, and he agreed stepping out onto the roof.

The view was incredible, and after taking a few pictures and turning off the phone, he sat down to think.


Lunch finished, the maid cleared the remains, and tidied up.

Newton, was staring at the cat lounging on the box, “I can’t tell what you’re made out of, it looks like its metal”

The cat opened his left eye, and stared back at Newton.

Xach still had half a sandwich in one hand, and his game system in the other. “It’s a stupid cat, who cares” He said taking a bite.

Sarah leaned over the chair to see what he was playing, “Can I borrow that at some point” She asked.

Xach looked over at her, “Maybe, if the battery lasts”

“One of the mages should have the repair spell, it can recharge the battery” Sarah said.

“Oh I have that spell in the new book. Did you ever get tested for magic?” Kuya asked Sarah.

Sarah looked over at her, “I did, and I didn’t get what they were trying to do.”

There was a knock at the door, the maid answered and a soldier was there with Miguel. He looked a little disheveled and his beard growth was coming in fairly well. Eve saw him and jumped off the chair. She ran over and hugged him and then backed up, “You stink, and you need a bath. I am showing Miguel where the bath is.” she left with him.

“Who was that,” Sarah asked.

“Her X,” Newton said still staring at the cat.

“You don’t hug your X like that.” Sarah said returning to watching Xach play his game.

“She’s a big girl; I don’t think it will be a problem, “Beth replied, looking up from a book she was reading.

Kuya was writing in a notebook, one of hers from earth you could tell as it looked to be manufactured and had metal rings in an odd spiral format.


Bloodstone sat looking out across the city, most of the buildings were two or three stories tall a few were taller, and even the port could be seen off in the distance.  He looked over at the window he had climbed out of, and the rope was tied somewhere inside.  Looking down he wasn’t sure if he could arrest his fall if he fell, maybe if  he got a few levels. He made his way back inside, untied the rope and asked the guards there where the closest gate was.

It took him a while to get down and back to ground level. The guards were helpful and directed him to one of the gates.  No one stopped him as he walked out, onto the cobblestone street.  There were few people out in this part of the city, there were a few guardsmen, and they just seemed to note him and continue on the patrols they were on.  He started walking without a specific destination in mind.

He still made it a point to walk with his sword, it was a plain blade, no ornamentation, a simple long sword with a clean edge, walking with it required resting a hand on the hilt to keep it from slapping against his leg. The guards didn’t bother him, there were other people out an about. The houses in the area were neat and seemed to be kept up.

He had leveled this morning, but not in a manner he was expecting. Thinking back on when he spoke with the king, it didn’t appear that the king had noticed, or wasn’t paying attention to the change.  He had woken up and the voice that had leveled him previously, was a long string of changes, he wasn’t sure what it all meant.

[Hero level 2]

[Wizard level 5]

[Psion level 8]

[Engineer level 5]

[Monster Level 1]

[Condition – devils eyes received]

[class unlock achieved,  prerequisites met]


[Wizard levels removed]

[Psion levels removed]

[Engineer levels removed]

[Skill progression unlocked]

[Skill combine class acquired]

[Skill remove class acquired]

[Skill grant class acquired]

[sub class acquired]

[Wizard sub class level 5]

[Psion sub class level 8]

[Engineer sub class  5]

[Skill epiphany removed]

His psion abilities still worked, sort of, at least he could pick up surface thoughts of people close to him. He wasn’t too thrilled with acquiring a monster class. Everything seemed to be awash in color. He had gotten a look at his reflection, and his eyes were different, there was a soft reddish glow to them. It was subtle, most people would probably not notice it, his eye color had changed as well.

He found himself on one of the market streets, and people were calling out to look at their wares. He wasn’t sure why or where he was going. Two kids who were playing in the street rushed past him. A third slammed into him chasing the other two. He had seen the hands reaching for the small bag on his belt before it registered the child had moved past him. He turned and grabbed the child by the neck, “I don’t think that something you want to take from me”

“Let go mister, you’re hurting me”

Bloodstone retrieved the bag from the child’s hand, and still had not let go.

One of the other children had returned, “You let him go”, he said to Bloodstone

“Or you’ll do what?”

“I’ll bite you”

“Are you a dog?”

Two guardsmen came around the corner, and saw what was going on. “I told you kids to stop messing around in the market, what did this one do” The mouthy kid ran off back into the marketplace.

“Took my bag, I was recovering it.” He said not looking at the guardsmen.

“You want to press charges?” The guardsmen said.

“What is the penalty for theft?”

“Depends,” the second guardsman replied.

“On what?”

“How much was stolen, anything over two hundred gold it’s a hand, over five hundred the [magistrate] would decide the punishment.” The first guard replied.

“The bag is worth at least five hundred, the content are none of your concern.”

The first guardsman grabbed the kid and tied his hands. “We will need you to speak with the magistrate, are you an adventurer?”

“No, I’m not”

The flanked him and started walking through the market, towards a larger building where there was a small crowd gathered. The crowd was watching three ropes being setup on a platform. Bloodstone could see a glow around the black ropes, something sinister about them registered in his senses.

“What’s going on?”, Bloodstone questioned

The first guard replied, gesturing to a cage “A good hanging three thieves. That’s them over there in the cage”

The crowd was anxious, looking closer there were two men and a woman in the cage. A gray haired man climbed up the steps to the platform, and began to address the crowd in a loud voice. “Citizens, be calm we have found the killers, and they shall hang for the crimes, they have committed, theft of the baker gold. They will be allowed to speak, though I do not think any of them will.” She crowd began to settle.

“Who are they?”

“Some adventures who thought they could steal gold from the baker, and were caught in the act.” The second guard replied.

“This happen often?”

“No, I like Gauslee’s sweet rolls; they just melted in your mouth.” The other guards said shifting the rope he had on the kid to his other hand.

The kid tried to make a run for it, slipping out of the rope, the guardsmen were anticipating this happening and grabbed the kid.

“Little thief, lets see what the magistrate thinks about this” , the first guardsman said as he dragged the kit through the crowd. The crowd moved aside and he four of them were standing near the steps to the platform. Seeing the [guardsmen] the [magistrate] came down the steps. “What’s going on here”

“This little thief was pilfering in the market. This man apprehended the thief when they tried to steal his bag.” said the guardsmen, still holding on to the kid.

The magistrate looked at the kid, “See I told you, now what do I do with you.” He looked at Bloodstone, and shock registered across his face for a moment, “Are you going to demand justice?”

“No, I wanted to question the kid first, they insisted on talking with you.”

“What did you want to ask her?”

Bloodstone looked at the kid, it seemed that the magistrate knew her, and yes she was a girl, you could see it in the face, if he had bothered to look. “Why is a kid your age stealing?”

The kid seeing the scrutiny, started to tear up, her lower lip quivering “I’m sorry mister, I haven’t eaten in two days, please don’t sent me to the noose”

“She’s sorry and speaks the truth, surely you can let this pass.” the magistrate said.

“Normally I would, in this instance; I cannot in good consciousness allow such a thing to continue.” Before he could finish the girl started crying, the crowd wanted to see what was going on and moved in closer.

The magistrate seeing the crowd, “This is not a good place for this, let us go inside and discuss this matter further”

“No, as you seem to know about this girls situation, why is a girl her age stealing in the marketplace”, He turned his attention and addressed the girl, “where are your parents?”

“I don’t have any, they died” she sobbed.

“She was placed with her uncle, six or seven months ago, he is her ward.” The magistrate said and realized something as they were talking. “Her uncle was caught two days ago, and is one of those to be hanged.”

Without a word he turned and walked to the cage, “Which one of you is that child’s guardian?”

The larger man, moved closer to him, “Sod off”

Bloodstone reached out and read the man mind, “You were trying to get money to get off Rhir, you had an offer of five hundred gold for you and your friends, I don’t see the girl as being in those plans.”

The man reacted if slapped, “How did you know that?”

“I was going to speak with the magistrate, but I see now that you’re just a piece of garbage. Someone with your skills could have made money, you chose to go the easy way. I will make you a deal; your levels and I will get the three of you off Rhir”

The woman who had been listening, “You want to hire us?”

“I don’t need a spell less mage who was kicked out of Wistram in the first month. Though I will take your levels, it’s the only chance you have to live.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” The third man said shifting closer to the bars.

“You can’t be talking to the prisoners,” The magistrate said from behind Bloodstone.

Bloodstone looked over his shoulder, “I can, and I will.” He turned back the prisoners,”Your choice, your levels or the noose.”

“He’s batshit crazy, this one is.” The woman said.

“I will make that deal, you get me out of here you can have em.” The smaller man said

The magistrate had closed the distance, and heard the last part of the exchange, “What kind of deals are you making with these criminals”

“The kind that saves lives, and doesn’t feed the ropes.”

The magistrate sputtered, “What are you on about, these are criminals assaulted baker Gauslee, tried to rob him of his gold held his family hostage.”

“You may not have heard of me, I am a guest of the king. I am Lord Bloodstone, you will open this and let them out, where they will be escorted to a ship and sent off Rhir, if any of them return, hang em.”, he said reading the magistrates mind

“You don’t have that kind of authority, here. Lord or no Lord. You can’t just release prisoners. We also have to decide what happens to that girl, since her uncle is incarcerated.” The magistrate said getting upset.

“Ahh the girl, you’re on the fence, I also want those ropes or would you like me to tell the crowd what the ropes actually do.”

The magistrate turned bright red, “How do you know about the ropes?”

“What you know I know.”

“Who are you?”

“This is getting tiresome, I am [Lord] Bloodstone, That’s interesting, and you have a level of musician, would you be willing to part with it?”

The magistrate was confused for a moment,” How did you know I had that class? Not even my wife knows about that class.”

“Secrets, like the ropes. I am canceling the hanging, and the girl, well I suppose I have to take a hand in her well being.”

The magistrate started to back turn towards the steps, “We really need to hang someone.”

“No, and don’t make me use my power to force you to do what I tell you. Go ahead call the guardsmen; I need to get in some practice today.”

“Don’t forget to get the key”

“Let me take care of the crowd” The magistrate said walking back to the platform.

Bloodstone turned back to the cage, “Choose, noose or my deal.”

“Deal, though I don’t see how.” The big man said. “What about my niece.”

“What about her, the moment you decided to rob the baker, she became unimportant, you were going to leave her on her own.”

“That not true, “ He started to say

“Save it I really don’t give a dam, she is not your responsibility now”

“I will make the deal with you, and you said all my levels” The woman said smiling

“Of course, even those; that should be interesting.”

The all turned to see what the magistrate was going to do.

“Citizens new evidence had been given to me, we will have to wait till tomorrow to see them hang.” He said and then returned back down the steps. The crowd began to disperse.

“If you are able to take my musician level, you’re welcome to it.”

Bloodstone touched the magistrate on the head, and activated the remove class skill.

[sub Class musician level 1] ,Was heard in his mind.

The magistrate was stunned, “Dead gods, how are you able to do that”

“I am a [psion], and a special class. That’s all I am going to say”

Now for the rest of you, “Deal?”

The three of them reluctantly agreed, and he touched them each on the head and activated the skill.

[sub class Warrior level 16]

Was acquired from the large man

[sub class Mage level 6]

[sub class prostitute level 8]

[sub class farmer level 2]

Was acquired from the woman

[sub class thief level 12]

[sub class trader level 7]

Came from the smaller man, each of them went the levels were taken dropped as if punched in the face. “Now let us get them to a ship and off Rhir.“

After a moment there were skill updates.

[Skill greater strength acquired]

[Skill sense magic acquired]

[Skill disease resistance acquired]

[Skill Dodge acquired]

[Skill Hiding in plain sight acquired]

[Skill appraise item acquired]

[Skill appraise person acquired]

[Skill crossing the line upgrade to Skill line of death]

Bloodstone winced as each skill was added.

It wasn’t long before the three prisoners were helped from the cage by guardsmen, the nooses were taken down and the box they were carried in was handed to bloodstone. The girl was untied, and told that her uncle was leaving and that she would be in Bloodstone care. The three of them walked slowly to the docks there were a number of ships in port. The sea air was strong and was blowing out to sea, and two larger ships had already set sail.

There was a ship captain, who was calling out the port they were heading to, the three prisoners stepped up before the captain, Bloodstone stood next to them.

“These three need to sail, they can work, and they have no sea experience though I think they will learn quickly, how much for three of them passage?” Bloodstone asked.

“I know the woman; the men they can work or pay passage of a hundred gold each”

“Tell you what I’ll pay you a hundred gold to take all three.”

The captain thought about it, “That’s not enough, two hundred unless you have something to trade.”

“Actually, I could take any class you don’t need.”

“I said trade, what nonsense are you spouting.”

“What classes do you have Captain, perhaps I can come up with something?”

The captain glared at him, “I am a level twenty three [captain], I worked my way up the ranks, levels in [swashbuckler] as well as a [navigator]”

“No other classes that seems odd, I was going to offer to take any class you wanted, as it might be messing up your leveling. Three classes should be fine though”

“Let me talk to you over there” The captain replied getting a little upset.

They walked to the end of the dock out of earshot, of the guardsmen and the prisoners ,”Look I gave up being a pirate, I want to go legit, this is the third port I have been able to land without being called a pirate. I finally got a merchant class, not long ago.”

“How many pirate levels, I can take them from you if you want. You wouldn’t be lying if you someone said you’re a pirate. Though there is nothing wrong with being a pirate, it depends on the kind you are.”

“If you can take my pirate levels, will waive the fee”

Bloodstone reached out touched the captain’s head and activated the skill and took the pirate levels.

[sub class pirate level 17]

“Son of a bitch” Bloodstone said.

The captain was laughing, as he staggered back to the ship, he waived the prisoners on board.

The skill wave hit

[Skill Appraise ship acquired]

[Skill Perfect balance acquired]

[Skill Speed rowing acquired]

[Skill Alcohol immunity acquired]

The guardsmen turned to leave once they were on board. The girl, who was still standing by the docks, looked over at Bloodstone.  “I am sorry mister, I really am, and you can let me go now.”

“I just kicked your uncle off Rhir what makes you think I am not going to take care of you. You have any brothers or sisters I should know about?”


“Good let’s find something to eat, and I can see if we can’t find a few things I need”

“Mister, what is wrong with your eyes, they are kind of scary.”

“Well is because I am a monster”

“You’re a monster?’

“What is your name kid and how old are you anyway?”

“Its Abigail I am twelve next snow fall.”

They walked for a few blocks, and found a tavern, on the corner of two streets, Dock and Market were the streets according to Abigail. They walked in.

“Hey I thought I told you kids to stay out of here.” The [Tavern keeper] shouted.

“She is with me, if my money is no good here I will find somewhere else to go.”

“Oh sorry, just find a seat, Nennie will be with you minute.”

The found a table off to one side, and sat down. A [barmaid] came over, “Hi, what can I getcha?”

“Meat, and vegetables, ale, whatever the girl wants,” Bloodstone said rubbing his temple with one hand.

“Bread, and meat and water” Abigail said.

“Two silver”

Bloodstone handed over a single gold coin,”I don’t have any change”

“Very well sir, I will have your meals shortly”

“Now Abigail, what are we going to do with you?”

The [barmaid] came over and put a basket of rolls on the table. Abigail grabbed one and started eating it.

“Mhh hmm mmme “ Abigail asked

“Don’t talk with your mouth full, Yes do with you.”

“I don’t suppose you want to be a pirate? I could make you the youngest pirate ever.”

She made a face and wrinkled up her nose, but kept eating, and grabbed a second roll.

“Time to try another skill, combine, farmer and mage”

[sub class farmer combined with sub class mage]

[sub class Farmer Level 1]

[sub class Mage Level 5]

[sub class druid level 1]

“Want to be a druid?” He asked Abigail.

“What’s a druid.” She asked.

“They commune with nature help grow things, like a farmer but with magic.”

“I don’t know any magic.”

“Were you ever tested?”

“No” She bit into the last of the roll

[skill appraise plant acquired]

The barmaid returned, and dropped two mugs on the table.

“Miss, question if you have a moment”

“Sure what can I get you?”

“I was wondering, if you could tell me your classes?”

“I’m just a [barmaid]”

“Let me guess, you’re a level seventeen [barmaid]”

She blushed, “Well I did level a couple of nights ago so that’s right, here’s your change sir”

Bloodstone retrieved six of the eight coins, “Thank you, the rest are yours”

“Thank you sir,” She swept up the two coins and was heading back to the bar.

“Well here, druid powers.” He used the last skill and touched her on the head.

[sub skill druid transferred]

Abigail blinked, “Whoa, I can sense plants”

“Tell me if the skill disappears”

He reached out and took the class back from Abigail

[subclass druid level 2]

“I see how this works,”

[sub class druid transferred]

“I just got another skill, it’s appraise plant”

“Those must be the start skills for a druid. I am starting to get a headache from the transfers, you sure you don’t want to be a pirate”

“No, pirates are bad”

Bloodstone laughed, “I guess it depends on the pirate, did you ever hear of a pirate named Luffy”

The food arrived shortly after and neither of them was able or willing to talk and eat.

After the meal was finished, they got up and left.

“Abigail where is the closest places that sells horses?”

“I know where the horse pen is.”

She led him through the streets to a horse pen; it was a street over from Isabel’s fathers’ blacksmith shop. A man was training a horse in a pen.

A second man was standing at the fence when they came over. “Afternoon, what kin I help you with.”

“Going to want to buy some horses, with saddles and riding gear”

“How many horses”

“Sixteen horses with saddles, saddle bags and feed for four days.”

“When do you need them by?”


“Humm where are you going not sure if I can get that many horses by tomorrow.”

“How much would that cost?”

“For five hundred gold, I could get them ready by tomorrow”

“I would need them at the palace, day after tomorrow at the latest”

“Good, let us go inside and finalize this”

They followed the man into the building, where gold was counted and papers signed, and sealed.

“One more stop, Abigail before we are done”

“I’m tired, all this walking, is boring.”

Bloodstone laughed, you won’t think it’s boring once we get to the palace. They walked over to the blacksmiths shop, bloodstone stood outside the door, for a few minutes, took a breath and went inside. The blacksmith shop looked much as it had a few days ago, there was a woman at the counter, whom he didn’t recognize.

“Afternoon, can I help you with something?” She asked, looking him over as well at the girl with him.

“I wanted to speak with the blacksmith about Isabel”

“Oh, you know my daughter, my husband took her yesterday to the palace and the king said he would find a way to get her sight back.”

“About that, I really have no idea how to go about it, I wanted to let you know we are going to the fourth wall in a day or so, I don’t know if having a blind woman there is the best idea.”

She looked him over, “Your shorter than I would have thought, you must be Lord Bloodstone. I believe in my daughter and the king, I know you will figure this out.” She leaned in closer, “My daughter is a seer, she told us that if she stayed here, everyone would die. She also saw a vision that she never shared with us.” She came around the counter, and looked at the girl, “You must be the druid.”

Both the girl and bloodstone stared at her. “How did you know?” Bloodstone asked.

“My daughter, she said the next time you came to the shop you would bring a great druid, that reminds me, you need to take Isabel’s things, let me get them.”

She hurried to a door at the back of the shop and called out, as the door closed. A young man came in from the door, and sttod behind the counter. “You need any help sir?” He asked.

“I am just waiting, she had to get something.”

“Were you here the other day, you look familiar.”

“Yes was with my wife and kids, and some friends. Why”

“Well Isabel told me something strange the other day,” He said.

“What would that be?”

“She said that you could make my dream come true if I asked.”

“What is your dream?”

He leaned over and motioned Bloodstone to get closer, He looked around the shop and whispered in his ear.

Bloodstone laughed, “Really?”

The kids blushed and turned bright red, “I know it’s silly I never wanted to be a blacksmith.”

“If you are serious, I think I can help you, I have some conditions.”

The woman returned, with a large backpack and carried it over to the counter, “Thank you Gregory, you can go back to the forge.”

Gregory looked torn, “I will think about it sir.” He then then turned and went back through the door.

Bloodstone picked up the backpack and it was heavy, “What’s in here, bricks?”

“Her books, extra clothes.” The woman said.

“There is one other thing I wanted to take care of if I could talk with your husband?” He asked.

“He should be out shortly.” She sat down on the stool behind the counter.

Gregory came back out the door, as if checking to see if he was still there. The Blacksmith came through the door, and walked over to the counter. Gregory was peeking out of the door.

“Good to see you again, I think you wanted to ask me something, the answer is yes, I will.” He grinned.

“How do you even know what I was going to ask.”

“You wanted to tell me, that the king is sending you north, and you’re worried about Isabel.” He looked at his wife then back to Bloodstone,” I have something you are going to need. Gregory, can you grab the package, by your knee and bring it in here?” He said without looking.

Gregory’s eyes looked panicked, and grabbed the large leather case and brought it to the counter. “Isabel asked me to make these last year, she was very specific on the blades. These are the best work I have ever done, take them. Gregory, you have some business with him, we will leave you to it. If you decide to leave, I wish you well, and you are always welcome here. For your travels”, he said and placed a small leather bag on the counter. Without another word, the two of them left, and closed the door.

“I have thought about it you’re a lord and you need someone to watch your back, Isabel said that you wouldn’t care if I was a level nine [blacksmith] or that I had some other classes, she said to be honest with you. I really care about Isabel, I want to be there when she can see, I want to protect her.”

“What other classes”

He sighed, “I have two [thief] levels, from when I was on the streets, eight [goldsmith] levels and one [pirate] level, that I don’t want to talk about.”

Bloodstone laughed, “Seriously, have I got a deal for you, we can talk about it on the way back to the palace, if don’t like what I suggest, you can come back.”

Gregory nodded.

“You carry her things, if you have anything you want to get I can wait.”

“I’m good, I can come back if there is something I need” He picked up the bag, and looked at it funny, and hefted it in one hand, his eyes went wide when he opened it and looked inside. He poured out a dozen gold coins, before putting them back in with the rest.

They left the blacksmith shop and were talking as they made their way back, to the palace.

Halfway there Gregory stopped, “Your serious?”

“Pretty much, though I am still trying to figure out how it works, let’s keep this a secret between us”

The continued to walk, and entered the palace grounds, without any difficulty from the guards.

Bloodstone stood outside the throne room, the guardsmen who stood there, had asked him to wait while the king was occupied. A half hour later, a [page] came out and told them the king would see him now.

The king sat on the throne, Isabel sat on a small stool by the raised dais. Kuya, and Xach stood off to the kings left side. Amethyst, Beth, Miguel, Newton, Eve and Sarah, were on the kings’ right side, they were silent as Bloodstone walked in. There were guardsmen, around the room, and flanking the king.

“I have informed your family and associates, that you will be going to the fourth wall in two days. Isabel has given me some interesting facts.”

“Your Majesty, I have a request, this young man is a blacksmith by trade, and would like to serve as a knight to your crown. I am not able to grant this title to him, as a [king] you would be able to.” He said gesturing to Gregory.

The king looked him over, “Why would I make a [blacksmith] with no real combat skills a knight, he has enough classes already.”

“If it’s a question of classes, I can fix that to some extent.” Bloodstone offered.

The king stood up, and was still staring at Gregory, “Boy, you are a pirate, and a thief, confess your crimes”

Gregory swallowed, he could feel the presence of the king, “Your majesty, it’s from when I was young and foolish before I was taken in by Isabel’s father.”

“Gregory?” Isabel said turning in his direction.

The king looked him over, his face a mask of authority. “A Lord has brought you before me, why should I consider you for a knight, a thief and a pirate.”

Gregory glanced at Bloodstone.

“Don’t look at him boy!” The king said his voice thundering off the walls.

Gregory looked terrified, as he looked back at the king, “I want to protect people,” His eyes looked at Isabel.

The king saw his eyes wander and struck him without warning. “No boy, you can’t protect anyone” He looked over at Bloodstone, “Your sword, give it to me.”

Bloodstone hesitated for a moment and drew his sword carefully, and presented it hilt first to the king. The king took the blade, and pointed it at Gregory. “Are you prepared to die boy?”

“Your Majesty, this is not..”

Before he could finish, the king looked at him and shouted, “Silence, you will be dealt with next once I have finished with this boy.”

Bloodstone took a step back, the king was furious, and it was directed at Bloodstone. Several of the guardsmen took several steps forward, to assist the king. “Hold!,” The king said to his men. They stopped and waited.  The king dropped the blade in front of Gregory, “Pick it up.” The king then drew his own blade.

Gregory, grabbed the blade and held it out, his stance was off. The king slapped the blade, from Gregory’s hand, the blade rang as it hit the floor. “How can you defend anyone boy, you can’t defend yourself”

Gregory dove and picked up the blade, and swung it at the king, who blocked it. “You have strength boy, strength does not make a knight.”

There were several strikes, on the blade Gregory wielded from the king’s sword, each rang out as steel met steel, and sparks flew. “This boy is not worthy of being a knight, why would you bring such a weakling before me?”

Bloodstone started to reach out to Gregory, “You touch him and you both die.” Bloodstone pulled his hand back. The king took two swings with the blade and was blocked, sparks flying from the blade Gregory was wielding. The king took two steps back from Gregory, “What’s the matter boy”. He said seeing Gregory panting.

Gregory tightened his grip, and slashed at the king. The king never moved or shifted his stance, the blade missed him by inches.

“Is that the best you can do?” The king taunted him.

Gregory paused, looked at the king, and lowered the blade to the floor. “I can’t beat you, I don’t have the levels.”

The king grinned, “Now you see why someone like you could never be a knight.”

There was a hint of anger from Gregory, his grip tightened on the blade. Gregory yelled and brought the blade up then down to slash the king.

The king blocked the blade, and brought his own blade across Gregory’s chest, it was a shallow cut, but blood began to flow. Gregory backed away, “You see boy, you’re no match for me.”

Isabel sat on the stool listening, her lower lip clutched in her teeth.

“Now boy, it’s time to end this, once I have finished with you, the false seer will be thrown out of the palace.”

“NO!,” Gregory said charging the king, and swinging wildly.

“Oh, he has spirit,” There was steel on steel and the blade Gregory was wielding, slide across the floor, and landed next to Xach.

The guardsman, who were watching, backed up.

The king stood over Gregory his blade inches from his chest. “Any last words boy?”

Gregory who was holding his bleeding hand grabbed the kings blade with both hands, the blade bit deep into his flesh. The king went to pull the blade away, and it was held, he pushed it forward, and it was held. Bloods was pooling down the blade and dripping onto the floor.

“Let go boy, it’s over.” The king said leaning close.

“No, I won’t let you hurt Isabel.”

The King laughed, “You have proven your metal, if I had more men in my army like you, nothing could stop me.”

Gregory let go, and closed his hands. A guardsman handed the king a cloth, the king cleaned the blade and sheathed it. He turned back to his throne and sat down. “Xach how many nicks are on the blade.”

Xach picked up the blade and looked it over, “Four.”

The king looked at Bloodstone, “This number it means something to you does it not,” then to Isabel.

Bloodstone nodded, still not speaking.

“I would like to know how you were able to get rid of your classes, and how you have a monster class, or are you some knew horror from the blight?”

“Four to me means death, though in this instance it doesn’t really mean much. I am the same person you summoned in that ball room, less than a week ago.”

“Yet here you stand without levels.”

“I still have them, and more, I have a class that is different than your normal classes. Abagail, had no classes when I found her.” He gestured to Abigail who was standing just inside the door.

The king looked over at her, “A druid, that’s very unusual to find on Rhir. Abigail, when did you become a druid.”

“Earlier your majesty, when he gave me the class” She said clearing intimidated.

“Gave?” He looked at Bloodstone.

“I have a skill that lets me move classes.”

The king’s eyes narrowed, “Show me.”

“How do you want me to show you?”

He looked at Isabel, “Remove her Seer class.”

Isabel turned to the king, “This is not right your majesty, to take the only class I have”

Bloodstone walked over to her, “This shouldn’t be too bad, how many levels do you have?”

Gregory got up, his hands still bloody.

“To many, if you do this, give me some of your levels first.” She said softly

“Your Majesty, I don’t know how many levels she has, I am going to give her some of the class levels I have.”

“Very well.” The king said watching.

Gregory stepped in front of Bloodstone, “You will not touch her.”

“Gregory, this is necessary”, Isabel said placing a hand on his shoulder.

“You said you would help me be a knight, so far you have almost gotten me killed by my king.” Gregory accused.

The king laughed, “You find the most unusual people, they must be drawn to you like a moth to a flame.”

The king stopped laughing, “Bloodstone name the classes you have, we will determine what you should trade.”

“I would rather not say them aloud.”

“Why is that?” The king asked.

“Some of them were unexpected.”

“Such as”


“How many levels of [pirate]?”


“You jest, there is nothing wrong with being a [pirate], a [privateer] is better.”

“Oh, is there difference between a [pirate] and a [privateer]?”

“Just a writ that says you work for a country, I am intrigued. What other classes”


The king looked at him, then his ring, and then over to the rest of the group.” Really Lord Bloodstone, I think you are making a jest, I don’t find it very funny.”

“You asked”

“What other classes”

“[Thief], [warrior], [musician], [mage], [trader]as well as the classes you know about, [Psion], [wizard] and [engineer]”

The king thought about if for a few minutes,” There is an ancient rumor, that there was an ability like yours, someone who could balance out people’s classes. A king used the woman who had the abilities, to build a grand kingdom, they were drunk on power, and eventually, the only ones who had any classes were them, it took a long time to kill the king and the woman. It’s a story lost to time, greed of power only leads to destruction.  You must decide if you are going to use this class, my skill to see the classes cannot see through your class. Give the boy warrior, and trader, he is already a thief and a pirate.”

“Bloodstone, you must not have more than a hundred levels in that class, ever.” Isabel said.


“I, I cannot tell you, I know that if you do that, something awakens, something no one is ready for, not now.”

“Then what level is your seer class.”


“You told me twelve” ,Bloodstone said.

The king stared at her, ”I think I now understand, your reluctance to admit your level.” He turned to Gregory, ”Boy, what is your name?”

“I am Gregory Smith.”

“Gregory, she is a treasure of my kingdom, one that will need a knight to protect her. Stop bleeding on the marble.”

“I am sorry, your Majesty.”

Kuya walked over hand put several drops of healing potion on his hands and then handed him the vial.

“Thank you”

“Phhsh,” she said waving at him as she went back to stand next to her brother.

Bloodstone looked over at everyone, “How did you get them to be quite this whole time?”

The king laughed, “Your wife can be scary when she wants to, she mesmerized them when you first came in the door.”

“Oh…” He looked at his wife. “Ohhh..I take it you figured something out”

She just nodded, giving him a look.

“Now Bloodstone, Gregory will need to be a [warrior], give him the [trader] class as well.” The king suggested.

Bloodstone reached out and touched Gregory on the head, “Give class, [warrior].” He felt the classes leave.

[Warrior sub class removed]

He felt as if someone hit him in the face with a brick. “OW!”

Gregory staggered back. “Dead Gods! I have the [warrior] class” He looked over at Bloodstone, “are you, all right?”

“No, not really must be to many levels at once, just give me a few minutes.”

There was some discussion amongst Eve, Newton, Beth, Sarah. Miguel was listening along with Amethyst, both not engaging in the whispered conversation.

Eve was the first to break away from the group and stand next to Gregory and Isabel. “This is crazy, how are you able to do that with classes.” She asked.

“Who knows, I just think differently than most people.”

“Give me the pirate class you have.”

“You sure”

“Hurry up before I change my mind.”

He reached over to touch Eve, “Give pirate class”

[Pirate sub class removed]

The pain behind his eyes, was excruciating, he almost threw up, the pain was so intense.

“That’s a lot of pirate levels,” Eve said.

“Yeah, surprised me to when I offered to take them from the captain. I think he found it humorous that he was able to get rid of them.”

“Your turn Sarah”, Eve said returning to the group.

Bloodstone looked at Sarah, “What?”

“You saved my life, I want the rest of the classes, a cook is no use to you but a thief, or a mage, or a wizard.” She shrugged.

“A cook is useful, you don’t have to do this.”

“I want to be useful, give me all the classes you don’t want.”

“Seriously, you don’t have to do this.”

“Just do it.”, Sarah said closing her eyes.

He reached out and said, not that he had to say anything, “give class [trader], Give class [thief], give class [mage]”

[Trader sub class removed]

[Thief sub class removed]

[Mage sub class removed]

Bloodstone staggered, and Gregory held him steady.

“That’s not all the classes” Sarah said.


“Stop being a prude, it’s just a class”

Bloodstone transferred the last class he was willing to lose.

[Prostitute sub class removed]

“See not so bad. Oh, Skills!”, she said.

Bloodstone panted, trying to block the pain. “it’s like something is ripped out of you. Give me a few minutes.” He looked at the king, are you convinced?”

“Yes, I think you should still take her class from her.”


Isabel spoke softly, “You will need to see for yourself, maybe you can find a solution that I can’t see.”

Bloodstone stood up straight, “I don’t think this a good idea.” He reached out and touched Isabel on the forehead. He activated the skill, to remove the class.

[Sub Class Seer 37 Acquired]

For a moment there was a calm, and then the skill wave hit.

Gamers Eight -Day five

Day 5

Bloodstone woke with a pounding head ache, it was like a knife behind his eyes. Perhaps he over did it yesterday, He couldn’t hear anyone up yet. He stumbled out of bed, and opened the door. The light burned, making the pain behind his eyes an agony, he closed the door, and crawled back to bed.

Newton knocked on Bloodstones door, “You up?”

“Go away,” The voice said from the other side.

“We need you up,” Newton said.

“Ugh,”, Bloodstone showed up at the door. He looked pale and tired.

“You look awful, did you get any sleep.” Newton asked.

“I don’t think so, pounding migraine, I think I overdid it.” He replied squinting.

“Over did it? Your wife was exhausted as well, and she’s up”, He said.

“No aspirin, I think I know why I didn’t level, never actually fell asleep. Way too much on my mind. I need to talk to you real quick.” He said opening the door wider.

“What’s up?” Newton asked stepping inside.

“A couple of things, first like I did over exert myself. I hope though it was worth it, that what I wanted to talk to you about. I need to know if what I did was ethical, I think it was, just need a second opinion.” Bloodstone said holding his hand on the bridge of his nose.

“Ok, so what did you do this time?” He asked.

“I interfered with a group under king’s orders, I saved a girl’s life, someone from our world. I just am not sure how the king might see it.” Bloodstone said.

“It depends, personally, if no one else was hurt, and you saved lives, only a fool would punish someone for that. You may get a reprimand; the king has never struck me as foolish. A little too trusting at times, I feel he’s a little overburdened trying to run the kingdom without help. It might be why he elevated you and your wife as a lord, keep your friends close and your enemies closer, kind of thing.  Once he saw the ledgers, he was the one who asked me about the discrepancies. The steward kept trying to distract him.” Newton said.

“Well that’s one less thing to worry about. The unethical thing was messing with someone’s mind.” Bloodstone said softly

“Whose?”, he said a little alarmed.

“Well the girl, they though she was dead, might as well have been. Would have been if I didn’t notice.” He looked up at Newton.

“So what did you do? I have a feeling your feeling guilty because of what you did, so what was it.”, Newton asked.

“The girl, the only reason I heard her was she was screaming in her own mind, she wanted someone to save her. I offered her a choice, to serve me or to stay as she was. It was a spur of the moment thing, she needed something to believe in, I gave her that something.” He said looking at Newton with bloodshot eyes.

“You want me to tell you what you did was ok? If you’re worried about the question, I think what you did might be a bad thing, or a good thing. I don’t even have an idea how your able to read people’s minds or some of the other things you’re able to do. The fact that you’re worried about doing the wrong thing, well as long as you’re worried about that I think you should be fine. You look horrible.” Newton said.

“Yeah, I’ll live and so will she.” Bloodstone said sitting back on the bed.

“Oh yeah! we got some magic items and that box from the enchanter, your daughter opened it. You will never guess what was inside.” Newton said changing the subject.

Bloodstone looked at him skeptically,” Your messing with me, Kuya?”

Newton nodded, “Freaky silver cat was inside the box, didn’t want anything to do with us, and your son said he didn’t do familiars and it locked itself back inside the box.”

“I have a headache, so what did the cat want.” He asked.

“To choose a new master, your daughter and son turned it down.” Newton shrugged.

“Why do I have the feeling your just messing with me, a cat in a box, why does that sound familiar?” He asked.

“Uh, now that you mention it. Schrödinger wasn’t that an experiment about a cat in a box?” Newton groaned.

“You think someone is messing with us?” Bloodstone asked.

“I hope not, don’t we have enough problems now. Speaking of which we need you out there for the meeting, you’re the guy with the plan.” Newton said reaching for the door.

“Ugh, fine, if I scream don’t take it personally.” He said grabbing a blanket off the bed. He wrapped it around himself and pulled it over his head to block the light.

Newton shook his head, “You’re such a weird guy, you know that?”

Bloodstone just laughed, from under the blanket, “Yeah, I never said I wasn’t, at least you can count.”

They went out into the larger common room, where most of the group were eating breakfast. Amethyst came out of the spare room helping the small blond woman to the table, she was very unsteady on her feet and leaned on Amethyst for support. Everyone turned from Bloodstone who was wrapped in a blanket his eyes face shrouded in shadows, to the woman being helped to the table. She still had a large purple bruise on the right side of her face, that seems to go back to her neck. She finally sat in the chair and relaxed putting her head on the back of the chair. She was wearing a simple sun dress, that showed off more of her skin than it should. Most of her right arm was purple splotches. She winced when she rested it on the chair.

“That looks painful, and who are you?” Xach said looking at her bruise.

“Xach, don’t be an ass” Kuya said.

“This is Mouse, until she remembers her name,” He glanced at Newton.

“Hi, Anyone an aspirin, or a healing potion.” She said looking around the room more with her eyes than turning her head.

“No healing potions, at least not for a couple of days, your body needs to heal naturally.” Bloodstone said

“Wouldn’t a healing potion fix the bruises, we have a bunch we got yesterday.” Eve asked looking at Newton.

“No, healing potions, unless you really want to kill her.” Bloodstone sighed. “Listen, all of you, I have been pushing myself for two days now, farther than I really should. I’m using three classes in a way they shouldn’t be used.”

“What, I don’t understand” Beth said.

“It’s time I come clean about the classes I have, [Swordsman], [Psion], [Wizard] and [Engineer]. Simple classes at least on the surface. First off why am I the only one with [Wizard]. Most of you have a [Mage] class. Let’s go over what that means, A [Mage] uses mana they have within them, let’s say this bowl represents your mana pool, or how much magic you can put into a spell.” He said grabbing a bowl and setting it next to Newton. “A wizard’s mana pool is smaller, because a wizard uses magic a little differently. We encapsulate a spell with the mana needed to cast it, using the magic itself to keep it ready for use.”, He started to explain.

“How does a mage use mana?”, Eve asked.

“Mages use mana a little differently. Mages use it to generate an effect, ice, lighting, fire or water, to name a few. Mages have a larger mana pool, and it fills faster. You’re wondering how I know this.” He asked.

“Yeah, you are not a mage so how would you figure something like that out,” Beth asked.

“Well I am going to show you, this needs to be kept a secret.” He said pulling out a small leather looking bundle and his phone from his pocket. “These two things, your phone, and what is in this bundle.“ He unrolled the leather looking material, and under it was a purple felt. He unrolled that revealing a single large quartz crystal along with three small marbles that looked a sickly green and red. The crystal itself was a slight brown color though clear and tapered to points on both ends.

“Where did you get those,” Newton asked.

“From a few places, I have two more crystals. “ He nodded to Lady amethyst and again at Kuya. They each produced another crystal though the one Amethyst had was not uniform along the length but even more tapered, where Kuya’s was mostly clear but one point was cloudy. They placed them on the felt that was on the table. The three crystals glowed with a soft blue light.

“How long have you had them?” Beth asked Kuya and Amethyst.

“Since the first day when we got new clothes, my dad said they were acting strange and didn’t want all of them in one place.” She said.

“They are like mana batteries, no, that’s an oversimplification. They are amplifiers; they each act a little different. The bloodstones,” He pointed to the marbles, “are even stranger. They seem to focus the mind, I think that they helped me get the [Psion] class.” He sat down looking at the group.

“You are making that all up,” Eve said reaching for one of the crystals.

“No, just don’t drop it; I think you will see what I mean.” He said as she picked up the tapered and oddest of the crystals. Eve grabbed it tightly pulling it close to look at it.

“It tingles, like a mild shock.”, she offered it to Beth.

Beth held out both hands, and Eve dropped in gentling onto her palms, “That’s weird, why do you have them in the first place.”  Beth asked placing it back on the table, where the felt was.

“You are going to laugh, I am one of those crystal collectors, they have always fascinated me. You know quartz is in every cell phone, it is used in timing circuits. I had them on me when we were summoned.” Bloodstone rambled.

“So why tell us about them,” Newton asked.

Bloodstone looked at each of them, “We need every advantage we can get here, If I expect you to trust me, then I have to trust you first. You said you have magic items, let us see what we ended up with.”

Newton began placing the items on the table, and Kuya put the strange wooden box in the middle.

“I think a fair way of dividing these up is a majority vote, need before greed kind of thing. Also keep in mind that sometimes putting a good item in a teammates hands helps you even more. Ok Newton what did you end up with?”  He asked.

Newton smiled and put his phone down and hit play. The enchanters voice explained about all the items.

“Armor, cloak, belt, ring, amulet, wand, and the mystery box. Who wants what” He asked.

Beth looked at the wand, “I wanted to try out the wand.”

Amethyst picked up the cloak, “Let us see how warm it is?”

Newton, grabbed the belt, “How much stronger I wonder”

Eve picked up the amulet, “Too bad I didn’t have this the other day.”

Kuya said, “I don’t want anything”

The blond girl who had been silent the whole time asked,” Can I get something” she said eyeing the box.

“Well unless you can open the box, right here, then the only thing left is the armor.” Newton said giving her a look.

“That armor looks gross, can I get the box?” She asked.

“Sure, if you can open it.” Kuya said shaking her head slightly.

The girl reached out and picked up the box, she turned it over and over a few times,”I don’t want the armor, help me open the box”

Everyone was looking at her, as she tried pulling on the box. This went on for five minutes before she tossed the box back on the table. “Stupid box”, she said.

“Kuya, would you be so kind as to open the box, and talk with this cat.”, Bloodstone asked Kuya.

“Fine “, she set the box on the table correctly, the soft glowing ball of light dropped into the box and then few behind her ear as there was a click, and the box opened.

Bloodstone pushed the lid up and the silver cat stood up in the box.

“How adorable,” Amethyst said.

The cat looked over at her, with one eye opened, “Humph” The cat looked around the room, “I still don’t find any of you worth my time. Except maybe you,” He said focusing on Kuya.

“Listen here cat,” she said pointing a finger at the cat. “I don’t need any of your shit.” The cat blinked.

“I would imagine that the cat has a name.” Bloodstone said pulling the blanket off his head. His hair was a mess, and his eyes were bloodshot.

The cat looked over at him, “I do, and who might you be?”

“I’m her dad, so pardon me if I start asking questions of a weird silver cat who is interested in my daughter. “He said in a serious dad tone.  The cat blinked again, and then stared at him.

The blond girl reached out towards the cat holding her hand out to it. The cat looked at her, “Touch me at your peril,” it said in threatening tone, almost a growl. She pulled her hand back quickly. The cat focused back on Kuya, ”The offer still stands, you opened the box, twice now.”

Bloodstone reached over and closed the box. The cat looked at him eyes narrowing, “That was a mistake.”

“No, it was deliberate, now you will listen. No one here is going to enter into any contracts with some cat in a box, without reading the fine print.” He said glaring back at the cat.

“Fine print?” The cat asked.

“What is your deal, why are you in a box? Seems kind of weird to me.” Bloodstone said looking at the others, “Right?”

Newton nodded, “Is this a joke, cat in a box?”

The cat leaped up on the box, and continued to stare at Bloodstone, “You smell strange.”

The cat looked back at Kuya, “Would you open the box,” It asked.

“Nope, not taking any shit from you.” She said.

The can glared, at Kuya and then at Bloodstone. “You are messing up my purpose, I am supposed to stay with the box until it is opened by the heir to my master’s legacy.”

“How is that working for you.” Newton asked.

The cat glared at Newton, “You are not worthy, of being the heir, you can’t even open the box.” it sneered.

Amethyst laughed, “It can’t open the box either.” The cat glared at her.

Eve asked, “Who is your master, mr. cat.” The cat looked at a paw, ignoring Eve.

Beth looked at Kuya, “Maybe you should open the box again so it can climb back in like a good little kitty. It doesn’t even know who its master is.”

“Ok so I guess I get the armor,” Bloodstone said ignoring the cat on the box and picking up the armor.

“What do we do about it,” Eve said pointing to the box and the cat.

“Ignore it for now, since it’s not going to talk with any of us except Kuya, stubborn cat”, Bloodstone said.

“I heard that, I am only doing what I was told to do, and your causing me all kinds of problems.” The cat said getting comfortable on the box.

“What were you told?” Eve asked.

The cat turned at looked at her, “I was told to wait in the box until the heir opened it.”

“Seems to me Kuya is the heir, she opened the box.” Beth said.

The cat turned to Beth, “Then why does she refuse to accept me as her servant.”

“I don’t do that kind of thing, suck it.” Kuya said.

The cat sniffed, “So aggravating”

“Hold on a sec, do you mean to tell me, that you have to be a servant?” Bloodstone asked.

“It is what I was created for.” The cat said.

“That’s sad”, Eve said.

“Maybe the cat can hunt the mouse.” Xach said grinning.

“Mouse?” The cat asked.

Everyone pointed at the blond girl.

“That’s not my name!” She snapped, “Its….I can’t remember”,

“Of course not, you were mostly dead yesterday.” Bloodstone teased.

“Kuya open the box for the cat, he looks so out of sorts.” Amethyst said.

The ball of light zipped into the box out the other side, and nothing happened. It did it two more times, and the box didn’t open. If flew a lazy circle around the cat and returned to Kuya, skittering in her ear. The voice sounded high pitched, and agitated, though the content was unintelligible.

“Uh Neo says he can’t open the box, somethings missing.” She said.

The cat looked over at her, and didn’t say anything.

“There was a knock at the door, and the maid, opened the door. A soldier was outside, he entered, ”The King has returned and requests your presence.”

The cat looked over at him, and yawned, showing a set of sharp teeth.

“Whom, did he want to see”, Newton asked.

“All of you, including the dead girl.” He said answering Newton.

“I’m not dead,” the girl said giving him a look.

Bloodstone looked at the cat, “Hey watch these for me will you.” He pointed to the crystals on the table.

“I am not your servant,” The cat intoned. The guard looked over at the cat, “Uh, what is that?”

“A pain in the ass,” Eve said, picking up a crystal and putting it in her pocket.

The other two crystals were picked up by Beth and Xach who got to them before Newton.

Bloodstone dropped the blanket by the table, “Great, this should be fun” He said under his breath.

The group of them filed out, leaving the cat sitting on the box.

When they arrived in the throne room, the King was pacing. He looked up when they arrived. There were many people standing off to the side, some they recognized some they didn’t. The prince was standing off to one side near the throne. “Finally, my son says you are working on several projects, to help with the wall.”

Newton stepped forward to the front of the group, “Your Majesty, we are still doing the preliminary investigations, to see if we can improve your infrastructure. We haven’t even gotten to the cost analysis.”

“Good, good, you still have three weeks or so, I was just looking to see if you had any break troughs.” He said looking over Newton.

“We have several things we are looking at, Steel factory, Trains and Cement. They all can be worked on in parallel, as each one would require some elements of the other.” Newton said.

“I see, this cement, how would you transport it?” He asked.

“Well, it is like a powder when its dry, you would add water, and other materials if you needed to and it would be set in forms, kind of how a cake is made, from a batter, it dries and you have a solid layer”, Beth explained.

“How much of this concrete can you make?” He asked.

“There are a few key ingredients, one is limestone, another is clay. The biggest issue is heat, to cook the material.” Beth said.

“Your majesty, we are looking to get a small demonstration for you, once we can get that, we should be able to move to larger scale production. It is going to take time to get to that point. I don’t think you understand how fast you could have your wall built with a large-scale concrete factory, a steel factory and a working train system. The startup for them will take a bit of work, but once done you could see the wall build in years instead of decades, and even start work on a sixth wall, in your lifetime.”

The king paused, turned at looked at Newton “What you say sound like a fantasy, or a story. You seem to believe what you’re saying.  What would you need to start this concrete?”

Beth looked at Newton, then back to the king,” Concrete isn’t too hard to make, it’s just a process. You’re going to want a large scale, production, to supply the wall, wagons would slow that process. A train would greatly speed that up. You would need a steel factory to get train parts. Only me and Bloodstone have the engineer class, anyone else who has that would be very helpful”

The king nodded, and turned and looked at Bloodstone “Yes, that much we understand. I have only been gone a day and I have heard some very interesting things about you.”

“All good I hope?” Bloodstone said putting his thumb above the bridge of his nose.

“Bringing people back from the dead, and not being a necromancer, that’s very interesting. The girl you brought back from the dead, how did you do it and can you do it with the rest of the dead heroes?”

“Uh, she wasn’t dead.” Bloodstone said looking at the blond girl.

“Someone is not telling the truth here,” He looked at the three drivers who were standing off to the side. “They signed that the bodies they were transporting were dead. Would you care to explain how you knew she wasn’t dead, when these three said she was?”

“I heard her, your majesty.” Bloodstone said.

“Would you care to elaborate?” The Kin asked.

“She was screaming, up here.” He pointed to his head.

The king smiled, “Does it have to do with one of the seven classes you have?”

“Seven?” Bloodstone said naming them out loud, “[Wizard], [Hero],[Engineer],[Swordsman], [Lord] and [Psion]” He said the last one at a lesser volume.  “That’s six”

The king stared at him, “There is other class that is not named. I have a skill [know class], so I have been finding out some very interesting things.”

“I see.” Bloodstone said meeting his gaze.

“What class is it that allowed you to hear her?” He asked.

“[Psion]” Bloodstone said.

“What kind of class is that and what skills does it have?” The King asked.

Bloodstone glance over at the blond girl, and then back to the king, “It allows me to hear thoughts, in a focused area. I finally have it under control. There is another skill that I have.”

“Oh! what skill would that be.” The king asked.

“Epiphany, it lets me make connections with my knowledge. I am a book worm, reading all the time, still do, well just the books I brought with me. “, he said sheepishly.

“Books? I don’t recall you having any books.” The king looked skeptical.

“They are on the laptop and on my phone, some people collect music, I collect books.” He shrugged.

“You heard her, with your class, then what did you do?” The king asked, glancing at his ring.

“I asked the soldiers to get a board, a stretcher and rope. I also asked if there was a place I could work, were it would be warm and elevated, my wife was with me.” The king nodded, everyone was listening to the explanation. “Two of her neck vertebras were shattered, and several bone shards had cut into her spinal cord. Her arm was broken and she had some swelling, and bruising you can see. She needed to be moved, but with spinal damage you can’t just move someone, you can cause more damage, so I tied her to a board. There was the remain of an arrow still in her back.”

The healer was still looking at the blond girl, “You Majesty, it sounds like ritual magic, what do you say Evanguard.” He glanced over at a man standing off to one side.

“If its ritual magic it’s not something I am familiar with.” A lean looking man wearing a dark robe, and a strange cloak replied.

“It is common practice, from where we are from, immobilize the spine, to prevent further damage. Dam Blood, that’s crazy, even modern medicine would have left her paralyzed.” Newton said looking at Bloodstone then at the girl.

The blond girl looked over at Bloodstone, her lower lip quivering slightly.

“Girl what is your name, do you recall any of this.” The healer asked. The blond girl looked over at the healer, and shook her head no.

The healer looked over at the king, “perhaps this man is some kind of necromancer, I know of no such art, or healing technique to restore a broken spine. It is remarkable, and would involve further study.”

The King returned his gaze to Bloodstone, “Go one, how did you do this feat, my best healer and one of the highest mages in Rhir, have no idea what you have done here, please explain.”

Bloodstone, stared at the king and then continued, “I was taught, by the enchanter about magic thread. I took that and applied it to hold the broken ends together, using magical energies to hold the broken ends together. I used the same principal to hold the two broken bones in her arm together as well as the bones in her neck.”

The girl touched the back of her neck reflexively.

“Is that all you did?” The King asked.

There was a long silence, “No, I blocked out some of her memories, and made her sleep while I worked.”

“Why,” The king asked.

Bloodstone looked at the king, “To help her heal, the trauma was driving her insane. She was in a wagon for three days, and everyone thought she was dead, she was begging someone to help her. What would you have done?” He asked.

The king nodded, “So you made her forget her name, and what had happened.”

“I wanted to make sure she got a chance to heal, maybe it was wrong, to do that, I can undo the mental block.” He said turning to the blond girl.

The healer turned at looked over at the king, “This girl should be studied, have you decided what you are going to do with her?”

“Could you block all of her memories if you wanted,” The king asked.

“I could, not sure why you would want that. I would refuse to do something like that, king or no king.” Bloodstone stated.

“Have you altered my memories,” The king asked.

“No, I have not.” Bloodstone said seriously. The king glanced at the ring on his hand and seemed satisfied.

“Well what to do with,” The king paused for a moment, “What is her name?”

One of the drivers was looking over the sheets of paper, and said “Ah here, it is, Sarah Whittaker. Hero and cook, killed by a troll” He read off. Hearing her name was like a switch, and her face turned, pale and she sat down on the floor. Her gaze was unfocused.

“Sarah, would you be willing to return to help your associates” He asked.  She didn’t seem to hear him.

She let loose a scream that sounded inhuman, everyone took a step back. The wracking sobs that started as her hair covered her face, the king looked at Bloodstone.

“I told you, she needed to heal, it not just physical, but mental and emotional healing.” He said dropping to one knee and brushing her hair back.

“Don’t touch me!” she glared at him. Tears were rolling down her face.

“I don’t care if you hate me, you’re welcome.” He stood and walked to the far wall away from everyone and sat down back against the wall.

The king smiled, “You see, Heroes is what we need, not adventurers. Today you have all witnessed something wondrous, a Hero who did something no healer or mage has ever done, return a fallen soldier. A soldier who needs to heal”

The [mage] and the [healer] went over to the girl who sat sobbing in the middle of the floor. Amethyst stood next to her, the look she gave to the healer and the Mage made them keep a few feet back.  She knelt and put the cloak over her shoulders.  She sniffled, and looked up at Amethyst.

The healer turned and looked at the King, “Whats to happen with the girl?” he asked.

The king walked over to Bloodstone, “What should I do with the cook?”

“Does it matter what I say?” Bloodstone asked.

“I haven’t decided yet, she isn’t a hero anymore, so her usefulness to the kingdom is marginal at best. Tell me what you would do.” The king said.

Bloodstone looked beyond the king watching Sarah and Amethyst. The others had stood closer, not sure how to approach the situation. “Kindness, and compassion if your able to” He said looking back to the king.

“I didn’t know my [steward] was a spy. I have enemies who are trying to undermine, the wall. I have lost over half the heroes, and yet you save one of them, I can’t overlook this.“ He said to Bloodstone softly.  He turned to the gathered group, “She is no longer a Hero, so she shall be allowed to heal, once that is done her fate is her own. If she wishes to be examined you can make her an offer. I have made my decision, now for other affairs of state.  Ferald bring them in”

The guardsman nodded, and brought in the large blacksmith and his daughter Isabel was with him. The king looked upset, “Blacksmith Gant, you have been a loyal subject, even when your first born was taken from you, you have always remained loyal to the crown. Recent events have found a Hero, one that I charge with helping you in any manner he is able, to return your daughter sight, “He looked at Bloodstone.

There was a silence as what the king was saying sank in. The blacksmith crossed the room and loomed over Bloodstone. “Can you do this, is it within your power?”

Bloodstone looked up, “Honestly, I have no idea, I would need to look at Isabel’s eyes.”

The Blacksmith nodded, and returned, to where he had entered and walked Isabel back over to him. The crowd was hushed, as the king returned to his throne. She was wearing a blue dress, that seemed to be more for warmth than for the color.

Bloodstone stood up, the rest of the group stood watching as well. “What we are dealing with here.” Bloodstone stood studying the girls face, there were scars around her eyes and face, that were visible once you were close. “Can you open your eyes” He asked. The damage to her eyes was extensive, and very little was left except white scar tissue.

“I have no idea,” Bloodstone looked over at the king then to the blacksmith. “Can you tell me how this happened?”

The blacksmith tensed, slightly, “It was close to ten years ago, when I lived on the edge of the blight, my girls were attacked, my eldest, daughter, was murdered. They would have taken Isabel, had I not been there. “I will trust you, the king trusts you,” He held out his hand.

Bloodstone shook the blacksmiths hand. It was rough and strong. Before he let go of he put Isabel’s hand on top of Bloodstone hand. “You will look after my daughter.”

There was a sharp intake of breath from Isabel as her hand touch his. He moved her hand to the joint above his elbow. He looked the Blacksmith in the eye and nodded, not confident enough to speak. The Blacksmith returned to the edge of the room, watching.

Bloodstone guided Isabel back over to the group. “Newton, Beth, either of you have any thoughts on how to fix someone’s eyes.”

“Uh, no”, Newton said, “Even modern medicine can’t do that.”

Beth put her hand on Isabel’s shoulder, “I’m Beth, let me know if you need anything.”

Eve grabbed Bloodstones other arm, “You should ask the king about Miguel.”

“Oh right, I will be right back. “ He said guiding Isabel’s hand to Eve’s should.

“Your Majesty, if you have a moment I was wondering what the disposition of Miguel is.” He asked as he got closer.

“Who?” The king asked.

“The guy that was here after Eve arrived that was a bit of a hot head.” Bloodstone replied.

Ferald leaned forward, and said, “The one you sent to the dungeon.”

“Oh him, well I suppose you could speak with him tomorrow. Ferald, please arrange it.” The king asked.

“Of course”, He said leaning back.

“Is there anything else?” The king inquired.

“No your Majesty, “Bloodstone said turning to return to the group.

The king returned to speaking with the three soldiers and Ferald. “I don’t know what I should do with you three, what do you suggest Ferald.”

Bloodstone turned back, “Your majesty, these three, is there a problem?”

“Nothing I can’t handle. They did a lousy job of checking the bodies. I can’t have them breaking my decrees without repercussions.” The king replied looking them over.

“Promote them, they did precisely what they needed to do, if they had been late, or slacked off Sarah would not have survived. There was nothing they could have done to help her, even by my standards it’s a miracle she’s alive. I also can’t take all the credit, my wife helped. She channeled magic into both of us for hours.” Bloodstone said looking back to the group.

“Hummm, that’s a valid point. What do you think Ferald.” The king questioned.

“He makes a good point, and I was going to recommend keeping them where they are.” said as he looked over at the three soldiers standing there.

“With your permission we would like to return to our suite”, Bloodstone turned and walked back to the group, they had gotten Sarah standing while he was talking with the king. The king waved him off without saying anything further.

It was a quiet trip back to the suite; no one seemed to want to break the silence. Bloodstone led Isabel, through the corridors the rest followed, even Sarah. Upon arrival, the maid greeted them with tea and small flat biscuits. Everyone sat down to have tea, and no one notice Bloodstone fall asleep, until tea was being passed out.

“He fell asleep, it’s not even noon.“ Eve said.

“He was exhausted from last night, he looked horrible this morning.”, Newton replied, eating a biscuit.

The cat and the box were still on the table, the can had sprawled across the top of the box its feet tucked under its body. The cat opened one eye, “You people are very noisy, can someone open the box.”, The cat said eyeing Kuya its tail swishing back and forth.

“I don’t recognize that voice, who is it?” Isabel said.

“What is she blind?” The cat asked.

“Yes, yes she is,” Eve and Sarah both said together.

“Jinx,” Kuya said to the two of them.

The cat opened the other eye, “really, how inconvenient. if you must know, I am Azalar Gin Evazes, House protector of the Wizard, Amalathian Teivel.”

Isabel gasped, “I know that story, Teivel, the wizard of Terandria back in the golden age of dragons. I heard the story from my mother when I was younger. So the story goes, over a thousand years ago a great wizard knew he was dying and wanted to leave gifts for his children, and grand children. It is said he crafted a box to put the gifts in, of all his knowledge, and his greatest possessions, to pass on to his heirs. When he died, they only found a small box in the room with the wizard, and his silver cat was nowhere to be found. A note was left on the box in the Wizards handwriting. It was a simple thing all his gifts and blessing to his children were in the box, and the box would open for those who knew him best. There were six children and nine grandchildren, they all wanted the box. Siblings and cousins fought over the box, until one slew another and escaped with the box. The box has appeared throughout the ages, and only brings death or folly to those who possess it, as the surviving ancestors are always watching for it, to steal it back and plunder its contents. It’s also why calling someone a Teivel is considered a grave insult. “

The room was silent after she spoke, and everyone else looked at the cat.

“How would I know what happened I have been locked in a box.” The cat said stretching and walked on the table towards the blind girl.

“I like that story, there is the one about the dragon, and the princess, that’s my favorite. Two lovers, forever meant to be kept apart, one a great and powerful dragon the other a Princess of a small kingdom.” She hugged herself, “It’s totally implausible, and no dragon would ever love a human. Not that there are dragons anymore, at least not the smart and spell casting ones. At least no stories, I have ever heard recently. Those tales are very old.”

The maid hearing about the stories answered, “Well there was the recent tale about a dragon. The dragon was looking for a hero to slay him, rather sad tale that one.”

Isabel said “I have not heard that tale“

They chatted for a half hour more, and then Newton and Beth said they would be going to the library. Kuya and Amethyst went with them to see where it was. Xach excused himself and went out to the training fields. Sarah and Isabel went to the women’s side of the suite and closed to door as not to wake up Bloodstone. The silver cat followed them into the suite.

“I heard them talking about what had happened to you, would you tell me? “ Isabel asked.

“I.. I was attacked by, I don’t even know what it was, I only saw it for a moment before it hit me. I remember waking up to a strange sound, like squeaking and wanting to tell someone to stop making that noise. I couldn’t moved couldn’t see, and then the noise continued, I remember hearing voices. I must have slept, it was like that for a long time, and I thought I was dead. Just that weird noise and I wanted to scream, but I couldn’t my mouth was dry, I was having a hard time breathing and then everything would fade. I knew I must have been dead, I just wanted the noise to stop, I couldn’t move, couldn’t feel anything but cold. I started to scream in my own mind, I just wanted it to all stop. Then the noise stopped and a voice in my head said I would be all right. Then there was light, sounds a feeling of being moved. I have no way to describe the feelings I had. I am still coming to grips with it all.” She said softly. Her voice trembling at the descriptions she gave.

Isabel hugged her, “Do you think that he can help me?”

“I don’t know, maybe, if he can’t I will find a way to help you myself, or make him help you.” Sarah sniffled.

When they returned later in the day they found the two of them asleep, and a silver cat still sitting on the box.

Gamers Eight – Day four

Day 4

There were rumors around the city, that a demon had been seen, that the king had made a pact with the demon king, a dozen other rumors, mixed with just enough truth to not be believable. The one rumor that did circulate widely was that the king had summoned a group of people, one who was in prison, a demon and the king had made someone a [Lord].

Newton, Beth, Eve, Kuya, Xach and Lady Amethyst were in the main room talking.

“Turns out he was right, there is not a single reference to religion anywhere, other than class’s like [cleric], [priest], [acolyte], [holy paladin], among others. There’s some references to holy artifacts, and holy places, the thing is they are all vague or made in passing. I am beginning to lean towards Bloodstone’s theory that the gods did not fight each other, but with the various races.”, Newton said hefting a book.

“It’s one of the few working theories we have; the evidence suggests there was a falling out with the gods and the races. All records of the gods who they were, have been erased, destroyed, or just forgotten. It makes me think the gods they had were not the kinds of deities, we had in our world.” Beth said to the group.

“Phhht, who needs god,” Kuya said.

Xach was playing with his game boy system, and seemed to be ignoring the conversation.

“Me and Beth have worked out with Bloodstones help a plan to make concrete, steel and build the infrastructure to get it all moving. We still have a bunch of holes in the plan, the biggest is sources of materials, where to process the materials and how to get it to the different locations. iron, limestone, clay, and a source of fuel for heating the mixtures, converting the iron to steel. Lots of things to figure out, seriously if you’re just going to fool around can you leave?” Newton said listening to the beeps and music from the Gameboy system.

“I’m listening,” Xach said glancing at Newton, then back to the game.

“Does he ever take anything seriously?” He asked Kuya and Amethyst.

“Xach, stop being an ass.” Kuya said.

Xach looked up, clicked off the Game, “what about using magic, for heating, it would be easier to control. There’s enough of us here who could use magic, and it would be a good way to train fire magic, and ice and water magic for cooling.”

Newton just stared at him, “That’s a good idea, one we keep setting to the side, your right though, it’s a good way to train as well.”

Kuya asked, “Who doesn’t have [elemental] or [mage] as a class.”

Lady Amythyst, said, “Just [raid enchanter] and [illusionist] classes. I’m not a [tank] either.”

He looked over at Lady Amethyst “How did he heal Eve,you were there. A throat slash over one of the arteries, that’s usually fatal. We now have healing potions, thanks to the king’s [guardsman]. Though I am not sure if it would fix blood loss.” Newton asked.

“I was there, and I am not really sure what he did. He’s a pretty smart guy, you will have to ask him when he wakes up.” Amethyst said.

“We will, he kind of freaked us out when the connection was severed, we thought he had been hurt.” Beth said.

Marie the [maid] entered with a wooden push tray with food from the kitchen. “I have breakfast, the cook said to tell you Lady Amethyst that he would love to know about some of the thinks you like to make.”  She said bringing food and plates to the table.

They ate in relative silence, Newton leaned back and looked at the simple eggs and toast, still on the main serving dish he glanced at the maid. “There are a few things we know about this kingdom, it is pretty big, you have the main city, the capital. This is where we are now, in the King’s quarter, from what I understand, we are in the residences, not the fortress. There are the docks, and shipyards here in the city. There is also the first wall, that’s to the north west. There are a few, locations where you can get through the first wall to the space between the first wall and the second wall. A large strip that has ocean on both sides. this pattern repeats, to the fourth wall, where they are working on the fifth. There are major gaps open to the blight lands. Monsters and raiding parties of demons are frequent, between the fifth and fourth walls where there are no garrisons. It is about two days trip from here to the fourth wall, that’s by cart, walking would take longer, unless you have a skill.”

“Seems kind of a waste to make walls, like that,” Eve said.

“You would think they would use one wall to hold one wall to advance. It seems that they are taking territory slow back from the blight lands every hundred and fifty years or so. The thing is that it is not accelerating, its slowing. The territory they need to hold has expanded. The fifth wall they are trying to build will take at least eighty years with the tech they are using now.” Newton said.

“Why eighty years, you ask” Beth started. “Well the problems they have are, constant attacks, on the building zones, getting stone out to the sites, and the lack of skilled labor.”

“We have a plan, we can get this all compressed to a few years, we need to invent the following. Concrete, Steel.” He smiled as he continued, “dynamite, and trains.”

There was a bit of silence, “Isn’t that a little dangerous?”, Eve asked.

Newton shook his head, “No, it’s very dangerous, at least the dynamite stuff. We could invent guns, and bullets, however, it’s not something I personally know how to make. The biggest issue, is controlling the knowledge. Steel, Concrete and even trains are relatively safe technologies. The explosives, that’s going to have to be tightly controlled. It’s one of the reasons the inventor of TNT in our world made sure the profits from it went to improve humanity and make sure those who promoted peace and improve lives were recognized. Bloodstone has some ideas on how to keep the secret, from leaving the continent, I think me and him are the only one who know the full recipe for making the explosive we want to use.”

“I didn’t know my dad knew how to make explosives,” Kuya said.

“Technically he doesn’t but there is a book he has on his computer, and that’s all I am going to say.” Newton said seriously, “with Magic we can create some very precise controls; the only other thing I can think of is getting something that reads temperature accurately. Luckly we have someone who knows the conversions and how to get an accurate thermometer made.”

“So what do you want us to do?” Eve asked.

“Practice, Kuya has scribed some low level spells, fire , ice, electricity, water, light and dark are in the books, let take today and get some spell levels in the [mage] class or the [elemental] class, if we can. Seriously, the other group that they summoned was larger, according to the prince, and they made demands on the king and irritated him, they were here less than a week before getting sent to fight. I think your dad bought us some time, and I found something that he needed to deal with, and that bought us a window of opportunity.”

“I don’t care what the king wants, we should be asking the people what is going on, you know go to a bar, “ Kuya said, shrugging.

Beth sighed, “We went over this before, we keep the king off our backs and we can have a bit of free reign to figure out a way home. You still haven’t found the spell they were using to summon us here, keep working on that.”

“Sure, it’s just so boring, I can’t scribe all day every day, I need a break.” Kuya complained.

Lady Amethyst got up and went to Bloodstones door, “I’m going to stay with my husband. The enchanter we met with yesterday invited us to return at noon, perhaps you could make the trip and talk to her. Hold on let me get the other bag.” She went into the room and came out with one of the bags of holding and set it on the table. “there is a third of the remaining gold we had in there, so don’t go wasting it unless you can get something we all can study, or use.” She turned and went back into the room and closed the door.

“So who’s going?”, Newton asked.

It was decided that Eve wanted to stay, after some convincing the five of them headed out to the city, getting through the guards and gates wasn’t too difficult as all the guards seemed to know Xach from the training the day before.

The first thing they noticed was that the people looked serious, or focused. They hurried through the streets, and when the light rain started falling most of them were off the streets fairly quickly. The five of them had cloaks and put the hoods up. Many of the people only gave them a single look or got out of the way. Something about the group of them gave off the aura of not to be trifled with.

The first stop they made was a potion shop, Newton wanted to talk to a potion maker, and purchase some healing and mana potions. He also wanted to ask the shopkeeper about some specific chemicals as well as sources for materials.

The shop itself was neat and tidy, there was an older man mixing something in a pot. “Morning youngsters, what kin I do fer ya.” His apron was stained in a rainbow of stains from brown to yellow. A large set of leather gloves were next to the cauldron.

Newton stepped up, “I would like to buy some potions and ask some questions about potion making and chemicals, if you have the time.”

The man tasted what was in the pot, “Ben a slow day, I just have my lunch a brewing, the prices for potions are on the sign. You want to buy stuff to make potions from me, I f you’re a potion maker we could trade some recipes.”

Newton looked into the cauldron, inside was a brown sludge. He then looked over at the sign. “That pretty expensive for a potion, eight gold a piece, mana potions are three, would you be willing to reduce the price on bulk? “

The man took a bit of the brown sludge, “Almost done, you don’t like the price, it’s the lowest on the street, how many potions you looking to buy?”

“Well two healing potions for each of us, a mana potion for each of us, should we get a stamina potion or two?” Newton asked.

“Ten mana potions and eight healing potions, and three stamina potions should be enough for each of us.” Kuya said, looking at the potions on the shelves.

“fifty mana potions, forty healing potions, fifteen stamina potions?” The man asked.

“We have two other members who are not here at the moment,” Beth replied.

“Oh, um I don’t know if I have that much in stock. Never seen you in here before you just off the ship?” He asked as kuya looked at the potions.

“Nope, King summoned us; we are just stuck here till someone figures out how to send us back.” Xach said looking at his phone.

The shopkeeper stared at them for a moment, licked his lips, ”Your them hero types, sposed to help kill demons and wall building. Ami right?”

“Yeah, we wanted to know if you knew what lime was,” Beth asked.

“Green thing, come from warm places?” he asked.

Beth sighed, “Wrong kind of lime, looking for the stone kind of lime.”

“I, don’t think I have either type of lime you’re looking for missy” The shopkeeper said to Beth.

“I’m Beth, this is Newton, Xach, Kuya and Eve, Please don’t call me Missy”, Beth said a little hurt.

“Ok missy, you heroes’ here to buy potions, or just watch me eat lunch?” He said taking another bite of the brown goop.

Beth looked over at Newton, and rolled her eyes, “Ugh”

“We want to buy Seventy mana potions, thirtyfive healing potions, and fifteen stamina potions.” Newton said glancing at Kuya.

“I don’t have seventy mana potions on hand, I have fifty three, I can make more if you’re willin to wait a day.” The shopkeeper suggested.

“We can wait, that should be just shy of six hundred gold.” Newton said reaching for the bag of holding at his waist.

“You copper, silver or gold ranked ventures, seem kind of green to me.” The shop keeper said putting a scale up on the counter.

“What makes you say that,” Eve asked.

“Well you never haggled on the price, every venture that’s at least silver complains bout the cost, tries to haggle me down. Kinda refreshing knowing my work is preciated. Just cause you didn’t haggle, Ill throw in some anti poison and general disease cures, two fer each of you, hows that sound?” The shopkeeper asked.

“Sounds fair, how about you take a look at a list of things and tell me if you know what they are or if you know where we can get some.” Newton said taking a sheet of parchment from the bag.

“I like you,” The shopkeeper said holding his hand out for the parchment. He took the folded paper and started looking it over. “What do you want with aqua fortis, some nasty stuff that. Melt your face off, some of the stuff here on the list I can make or I can get.  The rest, not sure. Here let me keep your paper and see if I can get you prices, and amounts.” He suggested.

“Sure, I wouldn’t go mixing everything on that list together; I honestly don’t know what would happen.“ Newton said.

“You an [alchemist] “, he asked, looking over the list.

“Nope, I did take some chemistry in college, didn’t do too bad with it.  Why?” He asked.

“I don’t know what gummy worms are or, sweetish fish are, but if you describe them I might be able to figure out what they are.” He said looking at the list with more scrutiny

“Yeah those would be hard to explain, what about the last thing on the list.” Newton asked.

The shopkeeper looked at the bottom of the long list, “what’s a delorean,” he asked.

“It’s a metal thing, used in a few movies back home, why is that on the list.” Beth said, raising an eyebrow

“Yup a metal device, has all kinds of functions.” Newton said trying not to grin.

“I don’t know what that is,” Kuya said.

Eve looked over at her, “Seriously!? You never saw the movie with the delorean, I think I understand you a little more.”

“What is that supposed to mean,” Xach said

Eve burst out laughing, “Nevermind I will tell you later.”

“How you yungins plan to pay for these potions,” He asked.

Newton started putting gold on the scale. The shop keeper seeing the gold relaxed a little and started to gather up the potions requested and promised.

They had gathered up all the potions and put them in the bag of holding, Newton was carrying, they had taken delivery of half the mana potions, and the rest of the potions newton had had the shopkeeper bag them in a separate bag and put them in the bag of holding so as not to mix them up.

“You come back tomorrow and you can git the rest of the mana potions you ordered,” He said starting to eat his lunch.

After they left, the shop and were walking down the street, Eve asked, “Why the heck did you have some weird things on that list, a delorean?”

Newton grinned, “only someone from our world would even have a clue as to what some of the things on the list are, If someone stole the list and wanted to see what we are making, it is not going to help there is enough earth junk to confuse the locals. If someone tries to force you to tell them how to make something, you have a way out.”

“That’s being too paranoid,” Eve said.

“Is it, I’m protecting myself and you, until we can defend ourselves properly we have to keep our knowledge safe. Think of it as an insurance policy. We need to be indispensable to the king, so he leaves us alone. If we can get results, then we can move ont other projects, like figuring a way home.”  Newton said as they walked.

“Where are we going now?” Kuya asked.

“Not sure, your mother gave horrible directions to the enchanter’s house. I thought we would have been there by now.” Newton said looking around.

“Is that it,” Beth asked pointing to a four story building with a green lawn.

“Got to be, hopefully she will see us.” Newton said.

“I still think we should go to a bar, and get more information on this king” Kuya said, looking at the house skeptically.

“Stop with the bar, you don’t drink anyhow.” Xach said to Kuya

“Well it is, you know make contact with the…” She started to say.

“Stop, just stop, this is not some anime or manga.” Xach said.

“Just saying,” Kuya said dropping the subject.

“Can you two not fight, at least not till we get back to the palace.” Eve asked.

They went to the gate and went through to the door. Newton knocked twice. A young boy answered, “can I help you?” He asked.

“Yeah these two’s parents were here yesterday, they can’t make it asked if we could stop in and finish the conversation with your aunt I believe it was.” He gestured to Kuya and Xach

“Let me ask, “ He closed the door, and was gone for a bit, and then came back. “The [Enchanter] Jaslene will see you five, I will have to ask for your weapons to be left here at the entrance.”

The removed the weapons they had and left them on a table by the door.  They followed the young man out on to a veranda to the back of the property. There was an older woman wearing a deep green dress, it was elegant, and functional. She looked at them through her glasses. “You five, are as interesting as the two who were here yesterday. I am the [enchanter], Jaslene.”

Newton made the introductions, and she invited them to sit  around a small oval table out on the veranda. “So they will not be joining us today, pity I thought for sure your father could get that box open. Eve, that scar you have is rather odd, I have never seen magic burned into a person, it appears Bloodstone, has learned a lot in the short time he was here, I am impressed, Percival will you go retrieve my box.”

Percival, stared at her, “Are you sure, you said never to touch it.”

“Just go get it, use a cloth to pick it up.” She shooed him off the veranda. “I see your classes, are mostly known would you be willing to share what your classes are?” She asked.

Newton coughed, “I don’t have problem telling you my classes, Hero, Arithromancer, mage, and  knight, though I am not sure how easy getting them to tell you might be.”

Jaslene looked at Beth. Beth rolled her eyes, “It’s not like it’s a secret, Hero, Engineer, Mage.”

Jaslene, turned to Eve. Eve stared at her, grinned and said “[ladrón], [mago], [elementalista], and [héroe]”

Jaslene looked at her for a moment, blinked,” I see, and you” She looked at Xach.

Xach looked at her, “Pass”

She turned to Kuya, “What about you”

“Why do you want to know?” Kuya asked.

“I like to know the clients, helps me understand what they are looking for.” The Enchanter said to Kuya.

“Well, if you want to know my classes you have to make a deal with me,” Kuya said smiling. A white shimmer floated from behind Kuya’s ear and hung in the space between them.

“What is that?” Jaslene said surprised.

“That’s a thought mite.” She said staring at Jaslene.

“What is a thought mite, I have never heard of them.” She said staring at the soft glowing orb.

Percival returned with the box wrapped in a small blanket. He set it down on the table and opened the blanket. The orb of light dove into the box and vanished. Everyone at the table stared at the box.  Percival backed up away from the table waiting for his aunt.

The orb floated out and went to Kuya’s ear.

Kuya smiled, “I know what is in the box.”

“What?” She asked.

“Make a deal with me.”, Kuya said.

“You’re a very strange woman, what is in the box” Jaslene, said as Kuya stared at her.

Eve looked over at Kuya, “Where is that thing from, is it dangerous?”

Kuya not breaking eye contact, said, “It is very dangerous, it eats mana, and it’s a familiar of sorts.”

Xach stretched, “Keep your thought mites away from me.”

“Ok what kind of deal,” Jaslene asked.

“A good magic item for all of us and the box and everything in it. I will tell you my class, and show you what is inside the box.” Kuya asked still staring at her.“I don’t think you will want what is inside the box, Xach might, he is weird like that.” Kuya said still staring at her.

“That’s not much of a deal,” she said looking at the box on the table.

“I see, it’s your box, we just came here to see about magic items” Kuya said still staring.

Jaslene looked at the box then at Kuya who was still staring at her. She licked her lips, “Do you know how long I have had that box, twenty years, and you tell me you can open it. I spent five hundred gold on that box and twenty years, and you say you can open it?“

“Yes, how about this, then a magic item for every one of our group, that is of equal quality, and if you don’t like the contents of the box you sell us everything in it including the box itself for five hundred gold. Deal?” she asked.

“How many are in your group?” She asked.

“Seven of us, us five and my parents. I will even let items be from the box. “ Kuya continued to star at her.

“Ok I will accept your deal if you can open the box.” She said.

“Done.”, Kuya said. The ball of light became more solid and hovered over the box.  There was a soft click, and the lit popped up about half an inch. The ball zipped up above Kuyas head.

The woman gingerly reached out to open the lid. As it opened there was a soft hiss, a claw popped the lid open. A silvery metallic cat sat up. There were actual strands of fur silver fur. It looked around its eyes deep green orbs, it focused its attention on the enchanter.

“My word, a cat construct. The workmanship is exquisite,” She gasped.

“Madam, you are not worthy to be the heir to my masters works, not now not ever.” The cat looked at Kuya, “I acknowledge you, will you allow me to serve.”

The orb above Kuya’s floated between her and the cat construct. and Kuysa said, “Neo, is the only familiar I am comfortable with, my brother might be interested.”

The cat’s eyes narrowed, “That you decline makes you even more worthy of becoming the heir to my masters works, that you have a sibling, here, is very interesting.” The cat looked at each of them and settled on Xach.

The woman considered the box, and the cat, said “Touch nothing in my master’s box, without me as a guide you will certainly die.” Inside could be seen a deep red pouch, tied with a golden colored string, and the spine of a book leather book, covered in runes. There was just enough space for the cat to rest comfortably on top.

“You’re her younger brother, you too would be worthy to become the heir to my masters work, will you allow me to serve?” The construct asked.

Xach looked at the cat, “Not really into the whole familiar thing, so naaa.”

Eve looked over at Kuya and Xach, “You two are freaks, freaks I tell you. What about me am I worthy?” She asked.

The construct looked her over, “You are joking?”

Eve got into the cats face, “Are you making fun of me?”

The cat turned back to the box, “I was tasked with finding someone who could be the heir to my masters magic or could at least understand it, I am sorry there rest of you do not qualify.” With that in hopped into the box and closed the lid with a click.

There was a long silence. Jeslene just stared at the box. “Can you open that box again?” She asked.

Kuya looked at her, “No, you will just make it angry, and he will take the box somewhere else. I claim the box for my parents, one of them may be able to be worthy. You now owe me six more magic items.”

She stammered, “I agreed to no such thing. The deal was if I didn’t like the contents of the box, I would sell it.  I like the contents and will not sell it.”

“Then you owe me seven magic items, I opened the box, as you requested.” Kuya said her voice getting softer, but sterner.

Jeslene opened her mouth to say something, and closed it, thinking.

Kuya glared at her, and her eyes changed to jet black, her voice changed and resonated, “If you are going to break the deal, there will be consequences.”

Everyone looked at Kuya, Jeslene sighed, “fine I will give you six items, of my choosing, and sell you the box, for five hundred gold.”

Jeslene picked up her cane, and walked into the house. “Percival, please get my scales.” Percival followed her into the house.

She returned a few minutes later, with a satchel under her arm. She glared at Kuya, “Most of these items, I wouldn’t be able to sell as no one really wants them.”

She set down on the table a gaudy amulet, with a red crystal, a pair of boots, a belt of metal plates, with a polished round buckle, a piece of blackened wand, a suit of leather armor, that looked like it had seen better days, it looked worn and stained various shades of brown, and a small white ring with a white stone in its setting. The last item she put on the table was a shimmering blue black cloak, she folded it neatly and put it on the table.

Percival returned with a set of weights and a balancing scale, he placed it on the table. “Now who is going to pay me my five hundred gold?” Jeslene asked.

Newton began placing coins on the scales pan, it took a bit of time, and eventually the five hundred gold coins were placed in neat stacks on the table.

“Now I will tell you what the items are, I will not buy them back, and I don’t think anyone on the continent will be able to purchase them from you.” She said as she sat down back at the table.

“Hold on let me start recording this just in case,” Newton replied as he pulled out his cell phone.

“First, the amulet will deflect blows, or arrows, it will take time to recharge, it’s not going to be able to deflect more than one or two direct blows, without needed to be allowed to recharge, for at least a day. The boots will make tracking you nearly impossible, as it will obscures your tracks, however you can also leave tracks of any beast you find. The belt will increase your strength, the biggest drawback is that you will need to rest if you overexert yourself; you will also gain muscle the longer you use it, The fighter I purchased it from said he was strong enough already without it, and no one he knew wanted to buy it from him.  The wand allows you to channel fire; it came to me in the condition it is in, the mage who sold it to me, said she would come back for it, that was ten years ago, and I know that she left Rhir, shortly after selling it. The armor, was found in the west dungeon, and no one wanted it, its spelled to resist various elements, fire, cold, and lightning, there is nothing I can do about its appearance. The ring allows one to take control of undead, as a necromancer would, though it seems to be able to only control one undead creature. The last item is a cloak of warmth, it will keep you dry and warm, be it in a blizzard or in a raging rain storm, the only thing is that it is uncomfortably warm for most people. I have sold it twelve times and always have it returned with the same complaint, it’s too warm.” She finished reciting the attributes of each of the items, then turned to Percival, “Percival I think I will have tea out here, would you be a dear and put the scale away and start tea, will you stay for tea”

Percival picked up the weights and the scale, he rolled his eyes and walked off the veranda back into the house.

“We can do that, if it is not an imposition,” Newton said before the rest of the group could descent. He then put his phone away.

“Not at all, bring extra cups Perci,” She called after Percival.

The group sat in silence until Percival returned with a tray, with a tea kettle and six white porcelain cups. “Anything else,” He asked.

She waved him off, and he stood behind her several feet.

The group of them drank tea, and then gathered up the items and put them into the bag one at a time. The box Kuya picked up and carried along her arm.

Percival showed them out shortly after.

The stood outside the gate, “We should head back to the palace,” Newton suggested

“A bar, so we can learn more about this kingdom,” Kuya said looking down the street.

“Ill go with her, you can head back,” Xach said to the others.

“Nevermind, ill go tomorrow, “ kuya said giving Xach a dirty look.

The headed off back to the palace.


Bloodstone woke up and heard the familiar voice in his head.

[Psion level four]

[Wizard level three]

“Well that’s nice,” he said out loud.

“Whats nice,” Amethyst asked.

“Just leveling up,” He said sitting up and looking over at her.

“You scared the crap out of me!”  as she sat on the bed next to him.

“Oh you mean Eve,” he looked abashed.

She hugged him, and kissed him.

There were three wagons; they had been traveling for two days, stopping along the route back to the capital. The orders were to bring, the bodies of any of the heroes summoned. The king had ordered that if they fell they were to be brought back to the catacombs under the royal cemetery. This was practical, as well as a smart thing to do.  They could search the bodies for any gadgets, or magic they had acquired as well as keep the bodies from being used by anyone but the crown. There had been a lot of deaths from the Heroes, the soldier who drove the lead wagon wasn’t impressed. He had seen them cry and whine like children. “Heroes bah, corpses now.” They would be in the capital before noon and a short trip to dump off these bodies and they could relax a day or two before they got sent back to the blight.

They arrived at the palace checkpoint.

“What are you carrying?,” The [soldier] on duty asked.

“Corpses for the crypts, king’s orders,” he said passing over a scroll.  The soldier looked over the scroll and lifted the tarp covering the bodies; they had been wrapped in burlap to keep the flies off. There was still a smell that never went away. The counted the corpses and waved the first wagon through.

He pulled off to one side inside the courtyard, waiting for the other two wagons. The soldiers looked over the bodies and counted them up. They waved them through after each inspection. The soldier at the gate made a note on the scroll and gave it to the last driver.

The soldier looked around while he waited for the other two wagons. There were more soldiers than he remembered in the courtyard, most of them were training or watching or running errands.

An older man walked up to the side of the wagon, and looked up at him, “I am to understand that you and your men are transporting summoned heroes.” The man asked.

“That is correct, and who might you be sir?” He asked, pretty sure the older man was supposed to be here as none of the soldiers got in his way and even took care not to get in his. The woman who was with him was pretty, and walked next to him with one arm looped in his.

“Bloodstone, I wanted to talk with them if that’s possible.” The man asked him.

“If you’re a necromancer or some class that can speak with the dead then I have no objection.” The soldier replied.

“Dead?” he asked.

“Yeah, here take a look.” He said and lifted the tarp. There were ten bodies, arranged on the back of the wagon, they could have but all the bodies on one wagon, but had been worried about getting stuck, in some of the muddy roads between the outer villages. The woman with him looked as well.

“I see,” he said looking at the other two wagons as they approached. He turned his head slightly and started walking towards the second wagon, The woman followed him.“That’s odd,” He said.

“What?” Amethyst asked.

“Something’s not right, I can sense the driver, and something else, its faint.” He said closing the distance.

The soldier from the first wagon hopped down and walked with him, “Is there a problem?” he asked.

“Let us find out, have your man get down off the wagon and pull the tarp.” He said.

He gestured to the driver of the second wagon, who nodded and hopped down and walked over to them.

“What up boss,” The second driver asked.

Bloodstone hopped up onto the back of the wagon and pulled the tarp off to one side.  Ten more corpses were arranged in the back just like the first. He looked at each one of them and stopped. He pulled the burlap off, and looked at the face. It was a woman; she had blond hair, and a horrible purple bruise on the right side of her face. He gently touched her forehead.  He stood there like that for about ten seconds, stood up and hopped down off the wagon. He called over one of the other soldiers.

“She’s still alive, I have no idea how she’s still alive.” Bloodstone gestured back to the wagon, talking to the lead driver.

The soldier came over , “Sir?” he asked.

“I need a stretcher, a heavy board, some rope and a place I can work, that’s elevated and warm. I also will need hot water, some clean cloth, a couple of blankets, and a broth”, he rambled out.

The soldier nodded and ran off get more men and get things he had been asked for.

“That’s not possible, they checked.” The lead driver said.

“Oh she is alive alright, barely. I am not blaming you, far from it. Let’s check them all just to be sure.” He said walking to the third wagon. Under the tarp were nine bodies he checked each one. He was about to jump down when he grabbed his phone and took pictures of each of them. He then covered them back up with the burlap.

He walked back to the first cart, and repeated the process, taking pictures and returning the burlap over their faces.  Returning to the second cart the soldiers had returned with the board and rope, as well as a stretcher.

A soldiers asked, “ You needed a stretcher?”

A second soldier carrying the rope and board walked up to him,”What is the rope and board for?”

The two drivers, watched as he climbed back up onto the wagon and checked the rest of the bodies and he had a small glass device that seemed to capture images onto its surface.  He set the board down next to the woman, with the rope underneath and inched her over very carefully onto the board. Using the rope he tied her to the board.

“What is he doing, isn’t she dead” A soldier asked.

Lady Amethyst watched without saying anything.

“”He says she’s not, dead, not sure why he’s bothering I believe her neck is broken” The second driver said.

Bloodstone hopped out of the wagon, “can you soldiers bring her to where I can work, if I have to bring her to the suite we are using I will.“

A third soldier ran up to the gathering group, “The captain said you can use one of the storage rooms, it’s this way.”

Three soldiers got the stretcher board and the woman off the wagon and followed the other soldier to the storage room.

Bloodstone grabbed Amethyst by the hand, “going to need your help”, and they followed the soldiers. He got about ten steps turned and said to the lead driver, “I’m taking this one, if they have any questions tell them to come see me.” With that resumed following the soldiers.

“Any idea what that was all about” The third driver said to the other two drivers.

“Beats me, I thought she was a corpse,” The second driver said.

The soldiers brought her into a storage room, and looked like it hadn’t been used for much of anything except storage. The gently placed the wrapped up woman on the table, then left. The soldier, brought in three blankets, they were made of what looked like wool.

“Let us see if we can do anything for her”, he said as he started to remove the burlap.

The two of them got her cleaned up, and bloodstone was able to determine her neck was indeed broken, her breathing was very shallow and she was cold to the touch. He sat down on a barrel, she was under the wool blanket, facing up.

“We need to turn her over, the reason she’s not breathing well is there is an arrow in her back. They must have broken it off thinking she was dead, probably saved her life. Problem is that her neck can’t be moved, until it is fixed.” He said to Amethyst.

“Is she awake?” She asked.

“No, she’s unconscious though she has moments of lucidity, where she seems to be awake. Screw it, removing the arrow first, just have to hold her head and neck still. Going to need a mana boost.”

She cast a spell and a glow surrounded them for a moment. “Like that?” She asked.

“Brilliant, I have an idea.”, He said as he used one of the blankets to hold her head in place.

She was resting on her side, and a visible puncture wound could be seen and the nub of an arrow shaft stuck out of it.  It oozed a yellow liquid, the wound itself looked red and inflamed.

“She’s tough this one, a broken neck, and arrow in the back and she’s still breathing. Can you have someone bring some alcohol, something like vodka or straight alcohol would be best, the wound needs to be cleaned.” He asked the soldier who was still outside the doorway.

“Can you help her,” Amethyst asked.

“I think so, not without your help though; I don’t have the mana I would need to do this, at least not at the levels I am at now.” He said seriously.

The soldier returned with a bottle of clear liquid. “Captain said this should do the trick”

Bloodstone took a few deep breaths, “Ok I am going to pull that arrow out, going to use magic to do it.”

There was a sickening squishing noise as the shaft of the arrow pulled free with the arrow point, the point was barbed, and the flesh around it was moved to allow its passage. Pus and green fluid drained from the wound. The smell was putrid and made the soldier holding the liquid gag. The arrow pulled free and floated in the air. The arrow dropped to the table with a dull thud.

“It’s as bad as I thought it was,  maybe worse.” He took the bottle and washed out the wound with some of the liquid. Taking a cloth he wiped away the putrid green liquid and pus from the table and her back. “Burn this.” He said wrapping it up in another cloth.

The soldier gagged again and took it holding it at arm’s length.

“I think it was a poisoned arrow, makes me want to burn demons more and more.” He said out loud.

He washed out the wound two more times, a bit of red began to flow from the wound.  He let it go for a minute then used another clean cloth to clean the wound.

The soldier returned, looking less green than when he left.

Bloodstone handed him the second batch, and the soldier turned green again and left with the cloth dripping alcohol and he went.

“Now for the hard part,” Bloodstone said, sitting back down on the barrel.

He started breathing rhythmically with his eyes closed. “What a mess, there are bone fragments all over, I am going to use the hole in her back to remove the pieces.”

The soldier returned and watched as nine small bloody bone fragments dropped out of the wound on her back. The soldier turned his back and looked down the corridor.

“Those fragments are too random to put back in the puzzle.  There one vertebrae locked back in place, nothing missing, onto the next.” He said more out loud than to anyone else.

This went on for an hour sweat had been dripping down his forehead since he started.  “All done with the bones, the fragments can be absorbed back by the body.” The nine fragments flowed back into the wound.

There was a stirring from the woman. “Ugghh, my head” she said somewhat slurred.

Bloodstone got off the barrel and kneeled so he was eye level with the woman.

“Please don’t try and move yet.” He said to her.

“Why can’t I feel my arms or legs?” She said still slurring her words.

“You may have a concussion, and spinal damage. What is the last thing you remember”  He asked softly.

“Last thing, running from an attack, they said to run, I ran. I ran into something, not sure what it was, it swung a club at me, am I dead?” She asked.

“No your alive, and I am trying to help you, get back on your feet. There it is, this should help.” He said

“Huh, my mouth has a really bad taste in it.” He speech was a lot more coherent.

“Yup, you keep talking I will keep linking up the broken nerve ends only a few thousand to fix. So what’s your name, wait don’t tell me, your name now is mouse” He winked at her.

“Huh, my name is“, and she froze, “I can’t remember my name.”

“Nope, I don’t think you are going to want to tell anyone your name, at least not right now mouse.” He said teasing her a little.

“My name is not mouse, its..” she tried to remember.

He got a little closer, “I need you to focus, your hurt really bad, I really can’t do much more without your permission, since your awake and all.”

“How bad am I hurt” She asked.

He reached out and touched her shoulder, “Do you feel that” He asked.

“No, I can’t feel anything” she looked scared.

“I can fix the damage, you’re going to be in a lot of pain, as we progress.“ He said seriously

“Give me a healing potion then, please.” She begged.

“Not all your bones are set and not all the severed nerves are stitched in place, a healing potion would leave you just like you are now, and much harder to fix until it wore off. Your arm is broken, its stitched in place, your neck was broken, the bones are stitched in place, there is a lot of swelling and some of the nerves in your spine were severed from the neck damage, and there is the concussion damage. You need to give me permission, It’s not that complicated.”He said as he glanced at Amethyst.

“Just heal her,” Amethyst said crossing her arms.

“She’s awake; I have to know if she wants to be helped.” He said turning back to the woman.

“Please help me,” She said tears in her eyes.

Bloodstone nodded, “Very well then, Amethyst can you put her back to sleep?”

Amethyst nodded and cast a spell, and the woman was asleep instantly.

“You are such a bastard,” Amethyst said.

He stood up and turned and looked at her, “Maybe, I have work to do” without another word he sat back down on the barrel, he sighed once, “More mana please”

She cast a spell and he was surrounded by a blue glow.


It took him hours to finish, and when he was done he had them carry her to the suite. She was put in the extra bedroom.  Bloodstone had returned exhausted to his bed. Newton and the rest had returned and gone straight to the library, they returned later, and found Lady Amethyst sitting in the main room, having dinner.

“Where is Bloodstone?” Newton asked.

“Sleeping”, she replied taking a drink, from a crystal bottle.

“Still, Lazy turd”, Kuya said.

Lady amethyst raised an eyebrow, “Really, you have no idea how exhausted we are.”

“We got some magic items, from the [enchanter]” Xach said grinning.

“I’m going to bed, we can deal with everything in the morning.” Amethyst said leaving the bottle on the table and going to bed.

“Let’s eat,” Newton said grabbing a plate of food.