Gamers Eight Epilogue part2

On his trip south there were people, they waved and some even asked for news. When they found out he was going south to Liscor, they all gave advice, be careful in the passes and watch out for gargoyles and eater goats.

Every day at noon he would get a message, usually a short one from the mage who was sending it. He would then send a reply that would be relayed to the the copper team he was sponsoring. They had three tasks, first find others from and even if they were uncoopertiv to get at least where they had first appeared and where they were from. The second task was to build a base of operation, and work from there and attept to contact others and find out more about the iphone communication. The last task was to use the gold they had been given to grow a power base, finace operations, that would help them gather intelligence, weath and knowledge.

The status updates at first had been frantic requests for him to return and run things, he had flatly refused. It was Kaylee that had stepped up and took over the finances; she was shocked when she found out how much they had been given. She was equally shocked when he ahd showered her in gold, in keeping with his promise. Kaylee was a local, and had grown up in the city. When he had given all the money from the sold magic items to her, she was even more shocked by the amount of gold they had received from so few items. The group of them was somewhat upset about him having sold the items, until he explained that most of the items sold were the inferior items he had with him. It had taken several days to get things sorted, since he hadn’t returned to the city. His purchases had been collected and would be sent by currior south when he had found a place to stay. Until then they had been looking for a building they could purchase outright and not be bothered by the local gangs. Having the four of five of them that had met Lady Magnolia Reinhart had helped somewhat, as that opened some doors that would normally be closed to them. He knew them having the gold they did would raise some questions, however since they could point to a sale of magic items and them receiving a retainer for services, that he wanted done they were hirelings.

As he continued south, the people seemed warry of strangers. He received more advice about heading south, to be careful of goblins, eater goats and gargoyles in the High pass. It was suggested to him to wait for one of the caravans as they had guardsmen and soldiers that would escort the merchants to Liscor and beyond. He spent one night there and moved onto the road heading south. After talking with the mage in Invrisil, he found that he was farther west than he should be, it would add several days to travel east and south to Liscor, he decided to stick with the high pass and headed south.

Traveling through the pass the first hour was uneventfull. The second hour, it was as if someone called every eater goat for ten miles and said hey theres on guy going through the pass first one to him wins.

Elbee stared at the goats that were hopping from the rocks coming down towards him and his horse. The horse wanted nothing to do with the goats. Keeping it under control was difficult, as it wanted to run. The first six goats closed with Elbee who had to dismount off the horse to engage them. They rushed at him intent on taking a a chuck of flesh from him or his horse. The two blades flashed in the morning sun. leaving read spray across the rocky ground, and even though they had been decapitated, and sliced so many times they kept moving and more began coming down the sides of the mountain smelling blood.

Anyone who ventured into that pass at that time would have seen something they would have talked about for years. A lone man with his horse being set apon by eater goats, there were corpses everywhere, and the goats were intent on the flesh there some stopped to eat from a fallen goat only to meet a quick end, as the human not letting them get close sliced it. The goats had tried bitting the human only to find his skin wasn’t so easily bitten.  The horse had sustained several bites and hand been given a healing potion. Elbee panted, leaning on one blade. If it was pushed on too much it would sink to the hilt into the rock. He held the purple auraed longsword as the eatergoats came in to bite or head butt him or using hooves to scratch at him. There were dozens and dozens of corpses some still twitching many oozing blood. Since the initial attack he had gone only a hundred yards.  There were pools of blood making the area slick.

“Not good, go away Goats!” Elbee shouted his voice echoing off the the rocks. Elbee touch the book, “{Invoke, collection} goat blood and bodies two hundred yards, two clear pages, {invoke}.” There was a flash and it was as if the goats were never there.

Elbee quickly mounted his horse and rode farther into the pass. “Well that sucked, I hoped there isn’t What the F..“ He said as two rocks rose up and moved towards him. The first massive creature spit sharp rocks at him the shattered on his armor knocking him off his horse. The second gargoyle had aimed at the horse and tore large chunks from the horse’s neck.

“You attacked my horse!” He said standing up and drawing the purple blade in his right hand, two black disks flew from his left hand, and impacted the second gargoyle, tearing gaping holes through its body as they passed.

The horse staggered blood pouring from the wound. Elbee stepped towards the horse and touched it on the hind quarters and said one word, “Heal” the horse healed and promply kicked at the sensation on its rump. The hoof hit elbee in the chest and threw him back ten feet. Knocking the wind from his lungs. He landed on his back and the horse took off down the pass. After getting his breathing undercontrol “Stupid Horse!” He yelled the sound echoing agin off the rocks. Six more gargoyles stood up from higher up in the rocks. “Wonderful, I guess they were not kidding.” One of them jumped towards him and fell straight at him guided by the wings on its back like a bomb with a guidance system.

Elbee rolled and stood up himself, and two more landed near him. The original gargoyle had turned and watched the horse flee up into the pass. It turned back to the lone human and spat again. This time he was ready, and side stepped the blast. Two more came from above and the second hit him in the back, knocking him to the ground. “ARRRGGHHHHH!!!” he yelled. He sprang up and drew the second blade. Lightning danced along the second blade cracking loudly. Two more grgoyles spat at him, and both shots exploded in a shower of sparks several feet from him.

The gargoyles advanced on him claws outstretched. There were two flashes from his blades and they pulled back stumps bleeding a black gray ooze. They howled, in pain and tried to back away. There were two more gargoyles than landed just outside the field the blade was giving off it didn’t stop them from entering. There was a loud thrumming and lightning from the sword blew a hole in the chest of one of the gargoyles.

The gargoyles still advanced, at least the uninjured ones. There was a bleeting from above as more goats began to the descent down the sides of the mountain. Elbee started running after the horse, anything that got in his way was cut down. The slope began to slowly rise and he continued to hear goats and gargoyles behind him. He ran for maybe half a mile before he had to stop out of breath.  The bleeting of the goats was still as loud in not louder and his horse was no where to be seen ahead. The boulders and other debris on the road didn’t seem to help at all.

“{invoke collection} blank page, loose stone and rock two hundred yards {invoke}” He said sheathing the purple sword and touching the book.  All the boulders and stone vansished and he gasped for breath. A dozen goats and four gargoyles were coming up the slope after him.

Elbee retreated up the slope and more gargoyles and goats began comeing down the mountain sides. “What the hell! ” he said as he got to more debris and stone, again he collected more loose stones and boulders and rock. He looked back the goats were a little weary though there seemed to be about thirty of them, and the gargoyles had only doubled in number.

He continued up the pass, gathering the stone as he went. Pulling the book out he turned until he found the first page with stone and rock and flipped through six pages of stone and boulders. 

An hour later, he had a larger gathering of goats, the gargoyles had fallen back when there were dozens of dead goats, for them to feast on. 

Some he had gathered into the book, but to keep ahead of the goats and gargoyles he had pressed onward into the pass, he had used the stones from the pages to burry the goats in stone, and then gathered it up again. It was almost noon and he hadn’t found his horse or gotten to the top of the pass. The artificial avalanche had buried the gargoyles and goats in tons of loose debris, that he had gathered as he had ascended the pass. The clatter of stone on stone was the only sound and the dying of goats that had been pulverized by the falling stone.  He stood in the middle of the pass looking down where he had come, some of the stones were still rolling.  He stood their sword in one hand book in the other gasping for breath. “They were not kidding about the goats, and the gargoyles.”

Elbee used the book again to gather up loose stone and then the corpses. He continued up the pass looking for his horse and keeping an eye out for more goats or gargoyles. He reached the top of the pass and then started down an even steeper slope. There were a few goats that came down but were quickly killed and collected. It took him the rest of the afternoon into the evening to get down the pass. There was no sign of his horse. As he got out of the pass there were caves and other markers on the trail that he ignored and headed down.

It wasn’t until he was well out of the pass, he found his horse grazing. It looked up at him as he approached and then went back to grazing.

“You’re a crazy horse, I heal you and you leave to the lunatic goats!” He said to the horse. As he got closer the horse moved away keeping a distance between him and it.

“Hey! Get over here!” Elbee said yelling at the horse. The horse shied away. “Oh im covered in blood.”After cleaning some of the blood off, by rolling in the grass, he managed to get his horse and followed the hills east.

As the sun began to set he could see the walled city of Liscor in the distance, at the pace he was at the sun would be down long before he made it to the northern drake city of Liscor.

There were no real roads that he could see from the hilltop. At least nothing other than a dirt track. The sun continued to set as he got closer.  After a few more minutes the sun set behind the mountains to the west, the whole area was blunged into purple and blue shadows. There were some glows that could be seen along the walls in the distance. He approached the city from the west and saw that the gates were closed.

“Hello!” he shouted.

“Gates closed!” someone from the top of the wall shouted.

“I see, there any safe place to sleep around here?” he called back.

“Go to the south gate inn there up the hill!” a voice called back from atop the wall.

He rode the horse following the wall to the south gate and could see the inn as he rounded the wall. It was set up on a hill a ways away from the gate. He noticed that there didn’t seem to be a stable or place to tie his horse. True night set in and the last of the sunlight disappeared.  The inn was loud even from where he was, it appeared there was a party going on. There was a line to the back of the inn to some outhouses.

Elbee tied his horse to one of the posts and gave the horse enough room to wander. A large shape left the inn and stood in line for one of the larger outhouses. Everyone seemed to give the large figure a bit of room. Elbee opened the door following a smaller man into the inn.

It was louder inside and a play appeared to be going on and some kind of special magic was in use as it appeared the inside was bigger than the outside. There was a crowd towards the back and one side of the inn. It appeared there was some conversation going on with a back room through an open doorway.

There was very pretty red-head that seemed to be behind a small bar. He walked over and asked her, “Scuse me are there any rooms available?”

She stared at him for a moment and he noticed her blue eyes even in the dim light. “We have rooms they are four gold a night.” He voice was like electricity through him, a no-nonsense tone. Something about her reminded him of a Disney movie. He was trying to remember the name of the movie when one of staff called out to her.

“Can I get two more ales Lyonette” A gnoll said close enough that the red-haired girl could hear.

“Ill take it and a meal if possible.” He said placing ten coins of gold on the countertop.

“You want to eat it here or in your room? She asked clearly more intent on watching the goings on across the inn that dealing with him. “Can you get them?” She asked the gnoll. The gnoll nodded and came behind the bar and filled the mugs.

“My room if its not too much trouble, and mug of that ale.” Elbee replied.

“You stink, ill bring it up to your room, that’s room nine second floor end of the hall” she said getting a wiff of him. She grabbed a small key and held it out to him.

“Thank you, princess.” He said trying to be nice.

She flinched, “Scuse me?”

“I said thank you, I wasn’t trying to be rude, where I come from you look like a Disney princess, just can’t place the movie name.”

Even in the dim light he could see her flush, “Huh?” She said somewhat perplexed.

“You would happen to have a bucket and sponge I could borrow to clean off this grime.”

She nodded clearly not sure if she should say anything more to him.

He headed up the steps and found the room at the end of the hall. It was a small room a simple bed and small table and a single chair.  There was an unlit latnturn on the small table, that he didn’t bother to light, he pulled out one of the light bead bags and set a couple out on the cloth.

Elbee removed his weapons and started to undo the armor he was wearing when there was a knock on the door. The gnoll was there with a wooden tray. “Miss Lyoneete asked me to bring this up, I will have a bucket of water shortly.”

“Thank you” he handed her a gold coin as she placed the tray next to the unlit lantern, she noticed the glowing beads.

The gnoll retreated taking the coin with him.

Elbee looked at the food that was on the tray, it was a bowl of noodles and a red sauce with meatballs, with a mug.  It smelled wonderful, and he didn’t wait for the gnoll to return and used the fork and spoon and finished off the bowl of noodles and the three balls of meat. A single bread roll he used to clean the bowl of the remains of the sauce “Not Italian, but very good.” He downed the drink and heard another knock and the gnoll was there with the bucket and a towel. He handed them to Elbee.

“Would it be possible to get more food, that looked like spaghetti and meatballs with a red sauce.” He said placing the bucket on the chair and handing the tray with the bowl mug and silver ware back to the gnoll.  He removed his backpack and bags and set them on the bed.

“Sure” The gnoll said.

There was a comontion from downstairs and the gnoll hurried away.

Elbee listened and heard some yelling about someone named Numbtounge. The yelling persisted and then seemed to quite down. Elbee shrugged and closed the door. “I guess they don’t cut people off here,” he said hearing someone heavy coming up the steps.

Using the bucket and towel he wiped the grime off himself and his weapons and armor. The towel and water both smelled horrible when he finished. He changed, into a set of his clothes, they were all several sizes to big. He set the bucket outside the door, covered with the towel. Moving the backpack and bags of holding into a pile on the chair he lay in bed and was awake staring at the ceiling for hours going over the day. There was a small window that overlooked the back of the inn, and the sun was seen through the cracks. His armor had dried and he put it back on, picked up his backpack and bags. The bucket was still in the hall and the gnoll hadn’t returned with another meal, that struck him as odd. He buckled on his belt with the two swords and left the room.

Grabbing the bucket and towel, that had dried somewhat he took it outside and tossed the contents into the privy. He relieved himself and then taking the buck on the small path he found a stream, filling it he cleaned it and the towel, and brought a full bucket of water back for the horse. Without really thinking he pulled a small haybale from the book and left if for the horse next to the bucket of water.

Seeing the gates open he headed into the city.

A drake guardsman looked him over nodded, “Don’t cause any trouble”

“Sure thing, would you happen to know where the adventuring guild might be, and perhaps the antinium representative?”

The guardsman gave him directions to the guild hall, as for the antinium, his response was, “You can goto the guards barracks and ask for guardsman Klbkch. He should be able to help you.”

“Thank you,” and he headed to the guild hall. There were a few drakes and gnolls on the street. They gave him a cursory glance as he walked through the city. He waved if they did and kept walking. Several blocks later he was throuougly lost. Two drake guardsmen directed him back the way he had come and he relised he had missed the correct street. There was a training yard that was being used by soldiers, that we in the middle of excersizes, when he entered the guild hall.

It was still early morning when he entered there was asingle green scaled drake receptionist behind the counter.

“Morning, may I help you?” she asked him.

“Good morning, I wanted to check in and see if there were any bounties on the goats and rocks things from the high pass.”

“Oh, eater goats, theres a six-gold bounty on them, and the gargoyls are I belive eight a piece.  How many do you have?”

“I wasn’t sure what the bounty called for, so I have all the corpses, whats the bounty collected on?”

“Goats is usually the horns, and the gargoyles is the head.”

He looked around, “Kind of messy to put them here, wheres a good place to turn them in?”

“How many do you have,” The drake asked somewhat sleepily.

“Um not sure, let me check.” He pulled out the book and flipped the pages until he found the one with goat bodies. “{invoke count}bodies on this page, display count{invoke}” He went through each page and had the book count them out.

“Ok, it’s a hundred and thiry-seven goats and and fourty five gargoyles.” He said closing the book.

“Scuse me?”, the drake said blinking.

“A hundred thirty-seven and fourty five” he replied.

“Your joking,” She said staring at him, “Who are you again.”

“Oh, sorry I am El Bee, I registered up north in Invransil. They gave me this,” he said putting the white metal plate on the countertop.

Salys stared at the mithrl plate on the counter, “This must be some kind of joke, did my grandmother put you up to this?”

Elbee shrugged, “Why does everyone think I am joking.”

“Wait here” the drake got up and headed up to the second floor, “Grandmother!” she called.

An older drake came down the stairs, a slight glare at the younger drake. She looked over Elbee and froze. “Dead gods.”

“Is there a problem?”

She stared at Elbee, “I see your under an illusion spell, and some of your classes I don’t recognize. Salys, is there a problem?”

Salys nodded, “He wants to turn in a hundred thirty-seven eater goats and fourty five gargoyle corpses.”

“Well if he is able to let him, if its an issue of the corpse that’s what the yard is for.” The older drake looked him over. “Would you drop the illusion?”

“Sure, but im under a curse” he said removing the ring.

“Erk,” Salys said staring at him.

The older drake stiffened, “Where are you from?”

“Rhir, but before that another world.”

“I see, thank you.” The guild master said.

“No problem, I just don’t want to have to explain that I am under a curse.” He said replacing the ring.

“You all right with thei Salys?” The older drake asked.

Salys nodded, trying not to stare. “Lets go out to the yard and you can put the corpses down.” She walked through the door into the yard where there were soldiers still practicing. She pointed over to a clear section that was not in the way. “There should be fine.”

“Oh it just occurred to me, do you need the meat?”


“From the goats?”

“Um, yea if its still good.” She said, “Hey,” she called over to the soldiers.

A bright red drake walked over, “What?”

“Would it be to much of a bother to get a butcher over from market street, Mr. Elbee is making a delivery to the guild and we may need a butcher.”

The red drake looked over the human standing next to her. “I guess, “She turned and yelled to one of the drakes, practicing, “Keel, run over to market street and get a butcher here.” She looked over at the two of them standing there,”What is he delivering?”

“Eater goats” Salys said.

The red drake turned as the drake who was a yellow and blue ran over to the red drake, “Wing commander?”

“Tell them there are eater goats that someone is delivering to the guild.“

“On it!” and the drake took off down the street.

“I was going to say I can put some ice down to keep the meat fresh,” Elbee said looking at the empty space.

“Sure” Salays said.

“Water is the one element I am not really on good terms with,” he said and gestured at the clear area, “[Freeze]”

A cold vapor began to form in a perfect rectangle, and slowly ice began to rise-up from the street. The soldiers all stopped to stare.

There was at least six inches of clear ice in one massive block. “Is that good enough or do you think I should add more?”

“Who are you again?” The red drake asked.

“Elbee, and you are.” He said holding out his hand.

“I am Wing Commander Embria Grasstongue.” She said looking at his hand and tentatively giving it a shake.

“Whats a wing commander? Do you deal with flying drakes?”

“I am in charge of Liscors 4th company.”

“Oh, military term, I see. I used to play a game called Wing commander, not that you have any idea what I am talking about.” Elbee said pulling out the leather book.

He opened the book to the first page of the eater goat corpses and held the book out and it was clearly visible to Embria and Salays.

“Are those Eater goats?” Salays said looking at the book.

“Yeah, ill get them off the page in just a moment.” Elbee said looking a few pages ahead

“Wait, is that some kind of magic device?” Selys’s asked.

“Yup, ok six pages of eater goats and two gargolys. I will start of with one page, no need to make a mess if I don’t have too.{invoke remove contents} current page, stacked neatly on the ice.{invoke}” There was a flash on the page and at the same time the twenty five goat corpses were stacked nealy on the ice. The blood from them began to flow onto the ice.

“Dead gods!” The two drakes said at once.

Salys began counting the goats and a butcher and the other soldier showed up. It took a few minutes, but they worked out a system where the gnoll butcher would clean the dead goats turn over the horns to the guild and the fresh meat was placed on a second block that Elbee made at the request of the butcher. A large crowd began to gather, as the began cleaning the second and third batches of the goats. Goat meat was on the ice, and a third block set was requested. There was a pile of bones and other discarded goat pieces. Most of the meat was saved off on one ice pile. Intestines, hand been left to one side, and the soldiers were moving the corpses once the butcher was done.

“I can move the meat or the refuse if you need me too, he said to the butcher.”

“I have some paper coming to wrap the meat into, how many more do you have?” The butcher asked.

“Three more pages.” He said to the gnoll butcher.

“The hooves and other parts, we have runners out and there should be more people shorlty. To take care of the rest” Salys said to him.

There were stacks of goat skins, some had to be matched up with the cuts and parts. A second butcher and two leather workers came and exchanged coin with Selys’s and they took the skins and the hooves.

The entire process took close to two hours, and once they got to the gargoyles, there were some gasps as they began to examine the gargoyles and salays counded out the corpses. The gargoyles began to be stripped apart, the rock-hard skin was flayed off and the innards and meat were exposed. They made quick work of the corpses throwing the rest into a pile.

The rock-hard skin was cut into strips and two carpenters bought the lot. The meat from both monsters was sold by the butchers who were more than happy to collect the coin on the fresh meat, and they had paid Selys when the last of the meat was sold.

The butchers slapped Elbee on the back, the gnoll and the drake were in good spirits. “That’s the most fun I have had in a long time, if felt good to carve up them goats and gargoyles.”

Elbee stood well back from the crowd, and people kept asking what gold rank team had killed the goats and gargoyls. After he had delivered the corpses he went back inside and asked the Drake receptionist if she could hold the proceeds. He asked where he could find the Antinium guardsman Klbkch. She gave him directions down the street.

Elbee slipped through the crowd and went down to the main guardsman building. When he entered it was quieter that the street, and a single Drake was behind a desk, he looked up when Elbee entered, “What can I help you with human?”

“I was wanting to talk with guardsman Klbkch, if that’s possible.”

“Whats this about? Klbkch is very busy.”

“Its antinium business, I was asked to make contact with the antnium here.”

“Ill see if hes in, he may be making his rounds.” The guardsman flagged down a guardsmen walking outside, “Klbkch in?” He asked the guardsman who was heading out. The guardsman nodded, “Yeah hes in”

“Third door on the left.” He said to Elbee and gestured down the corridor.

Elbee walked down the hall and through the door there, an antinium was working on some paperwork and said as he entered, “Is there something I can help you with?”

“Of course, I would like to talk with your queen, I bring a message from Rhir.”

The antinium stopped writing turned its head,”I am sorry my queen, has no business, or dealing with any humans on Rhir.”

What about humans who can speak with antinium?

“I wasn’t implying that your queen did or has, I have something I was asked to deliver.” He said taking off his backpack.

Klbkch stood up and put one hand on the hilt of his blade.

Elbee opened the backpack and held it open for him to see.

Klbkch was silent for an uncomforatable amount of time, “Please follow me”

Elbee fell in behind the Antinium shouldering the backpack and they quickly left through a side door and onto the street.

“Im really curious, you seem different than the others I have met” Elbee said.

“How so?” The antinium asked.

“Not sure, just more personable.”

“I will take that as a compliment.” He said as the quickly turned a corner and he halted for moment at an entry way into the ground.

“How many other antinium have you met?” He quiried. They entered into the underground two soldiers were standing guard and acknowledged the order to stand down.

“A couple of Rhir queens, something they called centenium and shapers?” Elbee replied.

Klbkch guided him into the labyrinth underground. “Wow this place is pretty big” Elbee noted in the narrow tunnel.

“This tunnel is a standard size” he replied as other antinium moved out of the way as they walked through the labyrinth.

“I ment, this complex, would it be too much to ask for a tour.”  Elbee asked.

Klbkch without missing a beat, said it as if he has said it hundreds of times in the past “We do not give tours of the hive.”

The arrived in a central area that he sensed was larger than the room they entered. The queen greeted them as they entered. “This is the strange human from Rhir?” She asked.

“My apologies your Majesty, I bring a message from the queens still on Rhir, and something else.” He set the backpack down and gently lifted out one of the eggs.

“This is a new antinium called an archive, I don’t think they are awake yet. There were four, I was given two to send to you, but since I had them when I arrived by accident on Izril I figured I would bring them myself.”

The Queen took the egg into one hand, the egg was tiny in her massive hand. “Why?”

“I spoke with the other queens and I understand you have no written language, and in that reguards you would if not careful lose more knowledge. These both have a genetic knowledge of everything the Hives on Rhir still retain.” He said holding out the second egg for her.

“No human, why do you a human bring these to me and not my bretheren?”

“I see, the simple answer is that life, all life is important. I don’t want to see the antimiums ideals and way of life fade. If I can contribute to that where is the harm.” He looked at Klbkch ,”I pose no threat here, I would defend your queen as you would. Because it’s the right thing to do.”

There was a silence as the two antinium weighed the situation, what it ment to them. The Queen held out her other hand for the second egg that Elbee presented to her. “You said you had a message,” the queen said to him ans she placed the two eggs into a workers hands.

“I do but I know not what it is, nor will I remember it even though I will be delivering it.” Elbee said as he retrieved his phone. “This device has a recording, from Rhir. It is a piece of technology, only very sophisticated, and I don’t know the context of the message.” He played a file, and then paused it. “I will leave this in your hands as a sign of trust, while you play the message.” He turned to Klbkch, Is there a place you can take me while you listen to this?”

He handed the phone to the queen, “just lightly touch the glass and the message will play, it is paused, and you can play it again if you want. I know there is some explination of how the phone works at the beginning, after that I have not viewed or watched this recording.”

Klbkch escorted him out and to a room that appeared to be lit, and there were antinium soldiers doing various activities, from picture books to painting. The soldiers stopped to stare at him as he entered.

“Greetings antinium soldiers, I will be able to hear you as an antnium would.”

Klbkch left him in the middle of a room of soldiers.

There was silence as they stared at the human, and the the mental questions began. Elbe answered as best as he was able.

He chatted with the soldiers for a while and then Klbkch returned and handed him the device. “You will show me how to remove that message.”

“Sure,” he showed him how to delete the message.

“You will be welcome in the hive, as long as you have an escort.”

“Who is pawn?” Elbee asked.

Klbkch replied, “A worker, who is not an aberration, and is helping the soldiers.”

“Ahhh, thank you makes more sense now. I hope I haven’t inconvieneced you to much?”

“You are an ally of the hive and brought a message from Rhir. My queen would like to speak with you.”

Elbee nodded and followed the antinium back to the queens chambers.

“You are a very strange human, most of your kind find fault with us at every turn, you seem to embrace the us as equals.“ The queen said as he entered back into the room.

“Its something you learn as you get older, hatred and animosity is a mind posion.”

“Mind posion?” Klbkch asked.

The antinium do not hate per say, you have an enemy and allies. You see things differently, that’s not to say you don’t forget past grievences, you accept them and find a way or reason they happened, a quite logicial thinking. Humans and the other races I have encountered, hold grudges, and bias. The antinium have made peace here, its fragile, but peace you have made.” He pasued as if trying to explain.

“We would ask your thoughts as both an outsider to Liscor and a friend to the antinium, how can we improve that peace.” The Queen asked.

“Show the other races, your talents or skills. That you can be a better ally than a terrifying enemy.  Im not sure how though, anything I suggest could backfire. I really don’t know this city very well.”

There was silence as they thought about it. “We have an election coming up soon, how would you suggest the antinium hande that?” Klbkch asked.

“An election, like people running for office?”

“Yes, there is movement in the populace that they want representation.”

“Stupid question where do the antinium fit in all of that?”

“We have offered to help finance some of the expenses the city has.” Klbkch replied.

“And what do the antinium get in kind?”

There was silence, “We get the good will of the population, “ Klbkch offered.

Elbee stared at them, “seriously?”

“What would you suggest?” The queen asked.

“Ok heres, an example. I have a magic book here thats got pages of stone. “ He took out the book and showed them the stone on the pages. On the pages it looked like there was stone and boulders perfectly drawn.

“I do not see how this picture book is relivaent?” the queen said.

“These are real stones and boulders. I cleaned a section of the High pass, and these are from there. I have no idea where to put them. But would the antinium be able to use them?”

“Perhaps in traps Belgrade uses in the defense of the hive, “ Klbkch suggested.

“There is value in the stone?” He asked.

“Yes, perhaps,” Klbkch said looking at the pages.

“Charge me for the stone, I am asking you for a favor, it’s a minor inconviences to your hive. Let us go ask this Belgrade. Your majesty, thank you for the meeting.”

“You have brought me something new. It is I who should be thanking you. You’re a very stange human, not as strange and Mrs Solstice.”

Klbkch escorted him to the underground area where there were workers moving earth and making fortifications. A worker came over to Klbkch and Elbee, “Is there a problem Progenetor? Who is this human.”

“A friend, but that’s for you to decide.” Elbee said, “I have a few pages of stone, would they be of any use to you?”

Belgrade looked at the open book pages. “I do not see how?”

 “Let me demonstrate. See this boulder, “ he pointed to it on the page.

“Of course, it is very well drawn”

“Watch. {invoke} the boulder on the page ” He looked for a clear spot, “place it ten feet in front of me{invoke}” There was a flash and the boald vanished off the page and appeared as a solid large stone, ten feet away.

“Remarkable!” Belgrade said, “The traps you could make with something like this.”

“It’s a simple spell to teach, very under valued. Would you want the rest of the stone?” He asked.

“I can find uses for the stone, the clear area there is acceptable. I unfortunately do not have the mage class.” He seems a little defeated.

Elbee put the stone down where there was space. He paused and asked once he was finished. “How much would it cost normally to move that amount of stone?”

Belgrade looked over at the pile, “I would estimate about thiry to forty gold.”

Elbee reached into his bag of holding and extracted fourty coins. “Thank you Belgrade, having full pages limits new things to move. Maybe you can do something for the workers here.”  He held out the coins.

Klbkch turned and said as he left, “Would you escort our guest wherever he wants to go”

“Who are you.” Belgrade asked.

“Oh I am Lord Bloodstone, or if you want call me EL Bee. I came from Rhir.” He looked at the defenses, “Whats all this for?”

“To keep monsters from coming into the hive from the dungeon.”

“Dungeon?” Elbee asked.

“There is a dungeon.” He said as a matter of factly

“Oh!, now I get it, I though the hive was much bigger, now I see where the defenses are and the dungeon starts”

“What are you referring to?” Belgrade asked somewhat confused.

“I have some geomancer skills and can see stone, and openings in stone. There are some areas you may want to check and reinforce.”

“Would you be willing to show me and the workers where.” He asked.

“Sure, tell me about Liscor.”

It was an hour later when Belgrade escorted Elbee out of the hive, “Its been informative Belgrade, I am sorry I took up so much of your time, I hope I was helpful. Its hard to imagine Liscor not taking better measures to protect the citizenry here.”

“I have not been asked, I just made my observations known. I must now return to my work.”

Elbee found his way back to the guild hall, a different receptionist was at the window. “Hi, I’m back” he said to the gnoll behind the counter.

“Who are you again?” she asked.

“I am Elbee, I dropped off the eater goats and gargoyles earlier.”

“I was told to send you up to talk to the guildmaster.” The gnoll pointed to the steps.

Elbee headed up and found the open office, the older drake woman was sitting at her desk, and looked up when he entered.

“Please close the door and have a seat.” She said gesturing to the chair in front of the desk.

“Why do I feel like I am in trouble.” He said closing the door.

“I want to know what your after, someone said you went into the antinium hive. I hope your not thinking of causing trouble with the hive.”

“Not at all, I have the greatest admiration for the antinium, I just had a message from Rhir to deliver.”

“Would you care to share that message?”

“Sorry, I am unable to do so, its already been delivered, I did not know the contents of the message.”

“I have a few other questions, for you before I let you operate as an adventurer in Liscor.”

“Are you here for the dungeon?” She asked.

“Nope didn’t even know about it until the antinium mentioned it.”

“How long are you going to be here? And more importantly why are you here?”

“Well I had to deliver a message to the Antinium other than that I am waiting for a ride back home.”

“You have some classes, that I don’t have in my guild books. I would like to know what a [dragonsoldier] is as well as the [artificer] and [Empty] class.”

“Why is everyone so freaked out by my classes?” he asked.

“I want to document what they are, I made some inquiries, and have no information on you. You’re a total mystry”

“Well a [dragonsoldier] is a combat casting class, it augments and existing class, and levels. You also can’t level into it, it must be granted. The [empty] class is a spellcasting hybrid, it’s a way to have several casting types in one class. Its like a wizard, psion and mage with engineer abilities. The last one, [artificer] is an item creation class.”

The drake woman was writing everything onto a sheet of paper. “If I may ask, how do you feel about drakes?”

“I like drakes, I know a few back on Rhir, theres Hijala, I made her into an assassin, then Enevia Rustscale, Maldis Snowdrop and theres a  really shy caster Illapressa Lavandarius.”

“Who is your Leige?” She asked.

“The Blighted King.”

“Let me be honest with you. You scare the scales off me, I was a gold rank adventurer and even a dozen eater goats would be terrifying for me in my prime, with the rest of my team. You are on a whole other level than anyone I have even heard about. I spoke with the assistant guildmaster in Invrisil, ans she told me you have over sixty levels. I have never heard of anyone in recent history having more than fifty.” She steepled her claws, “Take into the King naming you the Paragon Host tell my why I shouldn’t report you to the watch commander and have you escorted around while your here?”

Elbee laughed, “why?”

“To make sure you don’t cause any trouble.”

“Seriously what kind of trouble could I get into?” He asked.

“That’s what I am afraid of. Where are you staying” she asked.

“Uh that inn outside the gates.”

“Erin Solstice’s inn, please don’t cause any issues, while your there, she causes enough trouble on her own, I have no idea the two of you could do. I have your gold here if you want it,” she said lifing a small bag of coins out of the desk.

“Actually, could you put it here” He held out his book.

She dropped it onto the book and it fell into the page, “Astounding, what kind of artifact is that?”

“Book of storage” He replied. “That it?”

 “For now,” she waved at him dismissively.

Elbee left the guild hall and wandered around the city for another hour. He found small park and sat down on a bench.

A gnoll child said loudly, “Momma that human stinks really bad.”

Elbee sniffed himself, oblivios to the stench he was extruding. A gnoll [guardsman] and a drake approached him, “Scuse me sir,” The gnoll asked.


“That park bench is for familys, is there something we can help you find?” The gnoll asked giving him a look. 

“I seem to have gotten turned around, I am looking for the gate to the inn, and before that maybe a clothing shop?”

“What inn?” the drake asked.

“Uhhh, the one outside the gates, I don’t recall the name, it was dark when I got in last night?”

“Oh the crazy humans inn,” the drake nodded. “Well you can use the door, and that’s four blocks over on the outer wall. As for a clothing shop that’s on the other side of the city.”

They gave him directions and he headed off to find what he was looking for.

Several stops later and getting stopped by two more groups of guardsmen, he had purchased a changed of clothes, and found the bath house. He then was directed to the door.

He opened the door to a blank wall, “What is this some kind of joke?” he said loudly.

A brown scaled drake woman who was passing said to him, “You humans have no patience, its not always working.”

“Oh” he said staring at the blank wall, he closed the door. The brown scaled drake woman shook her head and continued walking.

Elbee stood there ten minutes and checked the door, gave up and started following he outer wall. He found the western gate and followed the outer wall till he found the inn. His horse had been moved to one side, so it was more out of the way.

He saw antinium working on one side of the building and waved. One of the workers waved back.

He opened the door, it was quiet. The gnoll waiter paused when he saw Elbee, “I apologize sir there was an incident last night and I completely forgot about bringing you another plate.”

“No worries, I was tired. Is it slow?” he asked looking around.

“For the moment, can I get you anything?”

“Sure, how about you surprise me.“ He found a table towards the back of the room and sat down.

The [waiter] arrived with a plate with two slices of pizza and a mug of ale. Elbee tore into the pizza and drank the ale, “Must be hungrier than I thought.” He waived over the waiter who was cleaning another table.

“Can I help you?” The gnoll waiter asked.

“Sure can you bring me something else,” he set four gold coins in a stack on the table.

The waiter returned with a hamburger and fries with maynoayes and ketsup. Elbee tasted the burger and fries added some mayo to his burger.

A Hobgoblin and a yellow antinium came in, and they sat down at a table in the middle of the room.

Elbee picked up his plate and ale and walked over to their table.

“Hi, would it be all right if I sat here?”

Both the antinium and Hobgoblin stared at him.

“Ill buy, if you haven’t ordered yet.”

The two of them continued to stare at him.

“Did I get mayo on my face.” He said wiping his mouth.

“I was under the impression humans did not like antinium or goblins.”

“How can I not like you two I never met you before. I was talking wil Belgrade earlier, and I haven’t really talked to a hobgoblin in a while. Im.. El bee, or Bloodstone, whats your names?”

“I am Yellow Splatters” The antinum said.

“Numbtounge” The hobgoblin said still staring.

“Oh, that explains the rucas last night.”

The two of them continued to stare at him.

The gnoll waiter came over to defuse the situation. “Is there something I can get you two?”

“Whatever they want,” Elbee said dropping ten gold coins onto the gnolls tray.

The gnoll blinked but didnt say anything. The two of them ordered the same as Elbee, a hamburger with fries.

Elbee slid the fries ove to the others at the table, “While you wait for your meal.”

He had just taken a drink when two hands slamed down on the table. A fair skinned human with light brown hair in a pony tail was glaring at him across the table. “How dare you insult my staff?” She said levling an angry gaze at Elbee. There was a palatable change in the aura of the inn as if everything wanted him out.

“I sorry what?” Elbee asked confused.

“I don’t take kindly to people insulting my friends names.” She said glaring.“Don’t think you can weasel out of this.”

Elbee looked shocked, “Please tell me what your talking about.”

“You called my barmaid a ditzy princess.”

Elbee slapped his hand on his face, “I called her a Disney princess. I thought she looked like one from a movie, sorry I am guessing you have no idea what I am talking about”

For a moment the woman stared at him, she looked over at Numbtoung and Yellow splatters and then back at him, “Oh, What movie?”

“I can’t recall the title. My wife would know shes a big fan of the movies.”

“I see, and why are you here?” She asked the anger vanishing as fast as it had appeared.

“I was going to ask these two some advice, but I see their lunch has arrived. Perhaps you can tell me how you got here.”

“This is my inn” She said waving her hands to show off the inn.

The gnoll waiter dropped off the two burgers and fried for them.

“I didn’t see you come in I was watching the door.” Elbee said

“I came from Liscor,” She pointed to the door at the back of the inn.

A drake and a gnoll at another table called out to her, “Erin!” The drake called, Elbee noticed it was the


from the adventurues guild.

“Well you behave, these are my friends as well.” she said to Elbee.

 “Yes Ma’am.” Elbee said somewhat apologetic, He felt like he was being admonished and he wasn’t even sure what he had done.

As she walked away, he asked Numbtounge, “She always so intense?”

Numbtouge shrugged.

There was a a shout from the table, “He’s a what!?” Erin shouted at the receptionist, every eye turned and looked not at the goblin but the unassuming human sitting with a goblin and antinium.

There was a chirp from his earpiece, and he touched it. “Good afternoon, hold on a moment” He looked at the antinium and the goblin, “I have to take this, I don’t want to be rude so I will go outside.” He got up and eyes followed him as he left and walked out the front door.

“Who was he talking to?” YellowSplatters asked.

“Dono” Numbtounge said, “Whats a mithril adventurer?”

YellowSplatters took a fry and ate it, “Why?”

“They are talking about him, being one?”

The antinium stared at Numbtounge, “They are higher than gold rank, though I have never heard of one.”

The two of them stared as he left, they both looked at each other the food in front of them. They ate quickly and hurried after the strange human.

They saw him walking back and forth talking to himself and waving his hands.

“Is there something wrong with that human?” YellowSplatters asked.

“Dono, you think he will spar with us?”

Elbee looked over at the two of them standing at the door of the inn he waved and smiled and continued talking.

“Im in Liscor, there an inn outside the city, the company is nice, its strange being in a city with non-humans.” He listened for a bit. “Lets see, Drakes, Gnolls, and I think there are goblins, not sure I never got to ask. Oh and I made contact with the Antinium, the queen was nice, I think she was shocked that I delivered the message and the package.” He stopped to listen,”Well have a safe trip, call me if you want.” He touched the ear piece and walked over to the two of them standing there.

“Sorry, I had to talk to my wife, they just left Rhir and are sailing to come get me.”

“Is it true,” Numbtounge asked..

“Is what true?” Elbee said looking at them.

“It has been suggested you are a Mithral rank adventurure” Yellow Splatters finished.

“Uh, yeah I guess.”

“Would you be available to teach us something?” Yellow Splatters asked.

Elbee looked them over, “I’m not sure what I could teach you.”

“How about fight us?” Numbtoung suggested.

“For real or a mock fight?”

“If its for real, I would have to decline. A mock fight I think I could do, but I don’t think that it would be fair.”

“The two of us have relised we need to become stronger after the incident last night.” Yellow Splatters stated.

“Tell me what happened.”

The three of them talked and ended up going back inside to get more food and talk more. The innkeeper Erin came around and asked pointed and direct questions, of Elbee. He answered not because her questions where trivial, but she kept bringing foot to the table.  There were others that wanted to come over, it seemed they didn’t want to interrupt the conversation at the table between the Goblin, Antinium and Elbee.

“Your saying levels are irrelevant?” YellowSplatters asked.

“Partially, it’s the skills that are more important. Now don’t get me wrong, the levels help. You need to challenge yourself, I suppose I could spar with you two, I don’t think the inn keeper would approve. I would have trouble as well, so as not to hurt you. I mean take my weakest blade, it’s a collistion razor sword.”

“Whats that mean?” Numbtoung asked.

“Oh, the blade is sharp and reinforced, its enchanted to be sharp or simulate sharpness. I hear theres a class that can make a blade sharp, I never ran into one, so I had to make do with what I know about cutting. It breaks chemical bonds on contact, even swinging it sounds odd, as it collides with air and breaks chemical bonds.”

“What are chemical bonds?” Yellow Spaltters asked.

Elbee opened his mouth to explain, and stopped, “Maybe a practical demonstration?”

Elbee took off his sword and sheath and set it on the table. He drew the blade out by about an inch, “If you look closely you can see a slight distortion right at the edge of the blade. That’s the debonding enchantment. It will cut anything below a certain element on the periodic table. For example, gold “, he dropped the coin onto the blade, and it jumped off the blade and rolled across the table. He took a French fry and dropped it across the blade. The fry was sliced perfectly in half. “Organic material, that’s lower on the periodic table is sliced. “I have it set low, but someone with this knowledge could in theory wear gold armor and be safe from the edge”. Elbee smiled, “magical metals would most likely work as well, its not going to cut, but the collition enhancement would still take effect.”

“That’s interesting, could you explain that?” A young man with brown hair that looked like it hadn’t been combed in month asked from across the single chair that was unoccupied. His robe and pouches made him out to be a mage.

Elbee eyed him, “I suppose”

The young man pulled out the chair and sat down. The red-haired girl from earlier dropped a plate of fries on the table. A white furred hand stnuck up from under the table to try and grabe some fries.  “No Mrsha, your food is almost done.” She said admonishing the small white gnoll who was under the table.

Elbee stared at the gnoll, “Hello”

The gnoll waved, and then pointed to the fries and rubbed her belly. “Yes, they are good, did you help make them?”

The gnoll shook her head no and opened her mouth and pointed. “Oh, you just eat them”

The small white gnoll nodded.

A half-elf woman came over to talk with the young man, “You can’t just barge into a conversation.” She was heard saying to him.

The young man with the unkempt brown hair, “Look at his gear,”

The elven woman took a harder look and said, “Dead gods” she looked at him, “How are all your items so quiet?”

“Most because I made them that way, or dampened down the noise”

Elbee put his sword away, “Like I was saying, I can’t use my equipment its to dangerous. One of you has something that’s really buzzing, its slight but that would give me a headache if I had to carry it” He looked at the Half elf and then the Human, the to the small gnoll, “Its you, what do you have that’s making that horrible noise?”

The small white gnoll shrugged.

“You have any magic items?” Elbee asked.

Mrsha showed her teeth, and pulled out a small bone wand, she glanced once at the brown-haired mage and held it out.  Elbee looked at the wand, “what have you been doing to this, may I see it and fix it if possible” he held out his hand.

Mrsha hesitated and then slapped it into his hand. Elbee held it close to his eye, “Tooth marks, have you been chewing on it?”

Mrsha nodded slowly.

“I will fix it, but if you keep chewing on it, it will possibly explode.”

“I highly doubt it will explode.” The brownhaired man said skeptically.

Elbee stared at the brown-haired man then back to Mrsha, “Theres mixed energies on this wand.” He held out the wand twith it cradled on the flesh between his hand finger and thumb. The wand began to glow a brilliant white. “Normally instabilities with eventually crack a wand.”

He let go and the wand hung in the air, still glowing. Elbee began to move his hands around it as if wrapping it with something. Some of the smaller dents in the bone wand smoothed over. A small white fured hand reached up to grab the wand.

“Almost done,” The glow subsided, and he plucked it out of the air and held it out for the gnoll.

“I added some reinforment, to the wand. I still wouldn’t chew on it.” The gnoll tentatively took the wand and flourished it gently.

“It’s quite”, the half elf said.

“I hope so, theres enough magical enchantment to keep it from breaking,” He looked at the gnoll, “As long as someone doesn’t chew on her wand.”

The Gnoll smiled and ran off to the other table.

“Are you an enchanter?” The broen-haired man asked.

“[Artificer], my wife is an enchanter”

“Would you have any spells you would want to trade?” The brown-haired man asked.

“You have any tier six or seven spells?” Elbee asked.

“Six, or seven” The helf elf asked.

“Yeah, for some reason those books are missing from my bag, I think my wife took thoes specific books, and I don’t want to ask because I am sure I told her it was ok.”

“Whats the highest tier you have?” The half elf asked.

“Tenth, but I haven’t ever casted them as they are really specific.”

The brown-haired man was shaking slightly,” What about fifth?”

“These two want to get stronger. Its kind of late to be planning anything, I have an idea, I can delay my trip back tnorth for a couple of days. How about I take you all into the high pass?”

There was silence, as everyone at the table just stared at him in shock.

“What?” Elbee asked wiping his face. “Ok maybe not, what if we had a wargame?”

“Wargame?” YellowSplatteres asked.

“Yeah, you want leadership skills, and the way to do that is to have a wargame with definite win situations and lose situations. How about this, I give your team a spoon, and your goal its to keep it safe. I will give your team flags if a player loses a flag they are out, If I get all the flags, your team loses. How about I go into Liscor and get the cloth for the flags.”

“How many can be on a team?” The brown-haired man asked.

“As many as you want, I will make a bunch of flags. Also I want to see how well I can do tracking down something and defending myself, without hurting anyone. Now as for the rewards,” Elbee said, “Whats something that would be good no mater what, gold? Gems? Magic items? Food? Vouchers? Thinking about it now, maybe we can put this off for a week or two. I have to take care of some things up north, I can come back down here and have all the rules and items ready before hand.”

There sighs of disappointment.

“What about two weeks from now. Mrs Erin,” Elbee called.

The innkeeper came back over, “What?”

“Would you be interested in sponsoring a game, in two weeks. “ He asked.

“I have no idea if I can commit to that, Im busy helping my friends with an election and then running my inn.”

“Well if we can find you change your mind or find someone to sponsor, I can put in some good prizes.” He looked at Erin, “Im going to head back in the morning to Invrisil. I would be more than happy to bring you anything you might need.”

There were murmurs of disappointment.

“I know, but I sometimes get ahead of myself. I will be back, in a couple of weeks.”

“What about the spells,” the brown-haired mans asked.

“Well right now I can’t really copy them properly for you, my daughter can when she gets here. They are sailing from Rhir.”

With that he got up and went upstairs to rest.

There was some disappointment but there was also talk of what kind of game they could play when he returned.

The next morning, he left early before dawn, and headed north through the normal pass from Liscor. No one had shown him the magic door, that could have cut time off his journey, or informed him that if he had waited the team carring a door would have made it to Invrisil.

Authors note: This ends this arc and the story for Elbee/Bloodstone, I don’t know if Pirate Aba has found it informative, interesting or helpful. I know there are some issues in the beginning with continuity. As for being cannon, as a writer working in another authors world, the only one who can make characters cannon is the original author. For continuity sake, everything that happened in this story is an alternate time line. This was an excersize in writing to get the rust off and see if was possible to pace my self to write. Mission accomplished. Having written about 637 pages this is the largest body of work I have done to date. I have other projects that have been sitting for a year plus and now that I feel comforatable writing I will pick them up dust them off.

Personal note to Pirate Aba: I sometimes wanted to bug you about certain things and refrained, for several reasons. The first is that I know that there are times that you are in crunch mode trying to get your work out for a Tuesday or Saturday deadline, answering even a simple message can derail a great train of thought. The second is that I am a guest in this world and I really want to tread lightly. The wandering inn is six books worth of content and still going, some of what I have written will never be considered even relivant. I started this in January of 2018 and am wrapping it up today August 15, 2019 Lastly thank you Pirate Aba for such an interesting and dynamic ongoing story.


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